
1999年,4人組團,並以Judie Foster主演電影“Nell”為團體命名 。
作為韓國最具代表性的現代搖滾樂隊,Nell擅長用音樂來表達自己的喜怒哀樂。他們的音樂獨樹一幟,能夠刺激人類最最細膩的情感。《Separation Anxiety》是Nell的08年新專輯。聆聽這一張專輯,您將在不知不覺中體會到蘊含在他們音樂中的感性魅力。此張專輯將人們執著於某一對象之時的感情變化與在失去這一對象之時所產生的喪失感、悲傷感、孤獨感、不安的情緒表現得淋漓盡致。另一方面,為了創作出華麗又不失單純的音樂,Nell在搖滾歌曲中加入了電子舞曲的元素,這使得整張專輯新穎無比。
Nell - Tokyo
The love we make
The tears we cry
Sometimes they're just not real
The heart we break
The wounds we make
Sometimes they just don't heal

I think i'm losing weight again
I think i'm losing taste again
I think i broke my heart again
Will you stay with me
I think i lost my love again
Maybe i sold my heart again
I think i'm left with none but pain
Will you stay with me
The things we say
The things we hear
Sometimes they're not real
The thing we touch
The thing we feel
Sometimes they're just not real