- subtropical

subtropical adj. 亞熱帶的
subtropical adj. 亞熱帶的
Introduction subtropical marine... and a population of 20 million subtropical marine... subtropical characteristics...
Introduction Leizhou Ancient CityOverview Cangnan County built in 1981, is located in the souther...
Overview Physical Geographysubtropical cyclones located, but in most... subtropical cyclones located, but in most... km . Kunming belongs to subtropical...
City Outline Historical EvolutionOrganization System Evolution Legend has it that in ancient when...
Natural Resources Economic Overview, subtropical, humid Nanling Area;Annual...
Natural Resources Ethnic Population TrafficContent Summary tropical fish is a favorite of one of the family...
Content Summary Feeder Apparatus基本信息性別: 女民族: 漢籍貫: 湖南長沙職稱: 副教授工作單位:湖南大學土木工程學院主要研究方向:建築節能材料建築砂漿外加劑...
基本信息 學習經歷 工作經歷亞熱帶常綠硬葉林植被subtropical evergreen sclerophyuous forest vegetation 西嘉硬葉灌木 夏乾炎熱,冬溫多雨的亞熱帶氣候(地中海氣候)下的常綠喬木和灌木植被類型...