stronger[Clean Bandit 聯手Olly Alexander新單Stronger]

stronger[Clean Bandit 聯手Olly Alexander新單Stronger]

英國的電子音樂組合清潔盜賊 Clean Bandit 組合聯手Years & Years主唱Olly Alexander新單《Stronger》,滿滿的正能量,值得一賞。


Stronger-Clean Bandit
People tell me to be cautious  人們告誡我萬事小心
People tell me not to lose my self control教我切莫喪失理智不得自控
People tell me to be flawless  人們告訴我追求完美
People tell me not to let myself evolve叮囑我決不能自我放縱
And I think I don't really get it而我並不曾真正理解
I think it's all just a peculiar game  只覺得人生不過是一場特殊遊戲
And soon I'll wake up and I'll forget it  不久一覺醒來便拋之腦後
And everyone will know me by a different name  而我勢必改名換姓舉世聞名
I wanted to be stronger  我渴望變得更強
I wanted to be everything for you  我渴望成為你的所有
If I could be stronger would you believe  若我能變得更加堅強你能否相信
That I could love you like you want me to?  我會如你所願一心愛你
Love me like you want me to  如你所願一心愛你
(Like you want me to)  對你百依百順
Love me like you want me to 如你所願一心愛你
(Like you want me to ) 對你百依百順
I held my breath every time  我唯唯諾諾每時每刻
I tried to keep myself dry  小心謹慎唯恐惹是生非
But did I ask too much?  而我是否要求太多
If I could do it again  倘若一切可以重來
Would you believe what I said  你是否選擇相信
That I still won that rush  我仍會贏得最終衝刺
And I think I don't really get it  而我並不曾真正理解
I think it's all just a peculiar game  只覺得人生不過是一場特殊遊戲
And soon I'll wake up and I'll forget it  不久一覺醒來便拋之腦後
And everyone will know me by a different name  而我勢必改名換姓舉世聞名
I wanted to be stronger  我渴望變得更強
I wanted to be everything for you  我渴望成為你的所有
If I could be stronger would you believe  若我能變得更加堅強你能否相信
That I could love you like you want me to?  我會如你所願一心愛你
I want to be strong for you  我願為你披堅執銳
(Love me like you want me to, like you want me to)  如你所願一心愛你,對你百依百順
I want be strong for you  我願為你百折不撓
(Love me like you want me to)  如你所願一心愛你
I want be strong for you  我願為你九死不悔
And I can, yes I can  一定可以,決不放棄
If only you could promise that you will try too  只要你保證與我攜手共進
I'll be there, I'll be there  我會做到,我定能做到
I want to be strong for you  我願為你百折不撓
If only you could promise that you will try too  只要你保證與我攜手共進
I'll be there, I'll be there  我會做到,我定能做到
I wanted to be stronger  我渴望變得更強
I wanted to be everything for you  我渴望成為你的所有
If I could be stronger would you believe  若我更加堅強你能否相信
That I could love you like you want me to?  我會如你所願一心愛你
I wanted to be stronger  我渴望變得更強
I wanted to be everything for you  我渴望成為你的所有
If I could be stronger would you believe  若我更加堅強你能否相信
That I could love you like you want me to?  我會如你所願一心愛你
Love me like you want me to  如你所願一心愛你
Like you want me to  對你百依百順
Love me like you want me to 如你所願一心愛你
Like you want me to  對你百依百順 


2015.3.22,英國的電子音樂組合清潔盜賊 Clean Bandit 組合聯手Years & Years主唱Olly Alexander新單《Stronger》超清mv首播!從安靜舒緩的大小提琴開場到瞬間轉入電音,一輛巴士閃過我們就從古典調變為了電子音。

MV特邀美國歌手Mike Mago來扮演主角,MV中,由他所扮演的公交大巴司機帶領Clean Bandit創造了整個狂歡之夜。

