score a basket:投籃得分。
例句:When you're trying to score the basketball, you have to go to second and third moves to even have an opportunity to score。
to to to
score a basket:投籃得分。
例句:When you're trying to score the basketball, you have to go to second and third moves to even have an opportunity to score。
to to to
area near the basket:禁區內籃框下的小圓圈區域... basket interference:防守方干擾投籃得分 delay... 板球時) offensive basket interference:進攻...
簡介 特點 背景 操作方法 遊戲術語解釋hacking:打手犯規holding:拉手犯規make the basket...:反手走籃shoot behind the arc:投三分球score a basket:投籃得分 swish:空心球(入籃)tap in:托球入...
area near the basket:禁區內籃框下的小圓圈區域...(停止比賽進行時段) defensive basket... 板球時) offensive basket...
簡介 特點 背景 操作方法 遊戲術語解釋