marc newson



Marc Newson is one of the most accomplished and influential designers of his generation. At 43, he has already worked across a wide range of disciplines to create everything from chairs, household objects, a bicycle and a concept car to restaurants, a recording studio and interiors of private and commercial jets, for clients based in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia.

設計師作品圖片 設計師作品圖片

Born in Sydney, Australia, Newson spent his childhood travelling in Europe and Asia, before studying jewellery and sculpture at Sydney College of the Arts. He started experimenting with furniture design as a student and, after graduatin g in 1984, was awarded a grant from the Australian Crafts Council, and staged an exhibition - featuring the Lockheed Lounge - at the Roslyn Oxley Gallery in Sydney.

In 1987 Newson moved to Tokyo where he lived and worked until 1991 designing such pieces as the Orgone Lounge, Black Hole Table and Felt Chair, which were widely exhibited in Asia and Europe.

Newson set up a studio in Paris in 1991, and won commissions from prestigious European manufacturers including Flos for lighting, Cappellini and Moroso for furniture. He formed a joint venture, the Ikepod Watch Company, to manufacture the watches he designed, and produced limited editions of aluminium furniture including the Event Horizon Table and Orgone Chair, exhibited at the Galerie Kreo in Paris, whose proprietor, Didier Krzentowski, is the leading expert on Newson's works and composes his Catalogue Raisonné. During the mid-late 1990s, Newson also designed a series of restaurants - Coast in London, Manchester's Mash & Air, Osman in Cologne and Canteen in Manhattan - the interior of Syn, a Tokyo recording studio and a retail system for Belgian designer, Walter Von Beirendonck's W.&L.T. street wear label.

In 1997, Newson moved to London, where he set up Marc Newson Ltd as a larger studio capable of tackling more ambitious industrial projects. He has since designed mass manufactured glassware for Iittala, kitchen and bathroom accessories for Alessi, furniture, lighting and household objects for Magis, B&B Italia, Idée and Dupont Corian. Newson has also designed vehicles such as a bicycles, the MN01, for Denmark's Biomega, a concept car, the 021C for Ford, and the interiors of a Falcon 900B private jet. In 2002-3 he designed the Lever House Restaurant in the famous Lever House Building in Manhattan, New York, a Business Class seat, Skybed for Qantas, a cookware range for Tefal and a bathroom range, The Newson Suite, for Ideal Standard. He opened a second studio in Paris.

In 2004-5 Newson received the commission from Qantas Airways to design entire aircraft interiors for the new A380 fleet and new airport lounges for Sydney and Melbourne. He designed Talby, a mobile telephone for Japan's KDDI, the uniforms worn by the Australian Olympic team (in collaboration with Richard Allan), and worn at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, a shoe, Zvezdochka, for Nike, collections of clothing for G-Star, and 'Scope' a range of luggage for Samsonite. He designed the bar and the sixth floor of the Hotel Puerta America in Madrid. In April 2005, Marc Newson was named as one of Time magazine's Top 100 most influential people in the world.

In 2006, Marc was appointed Creative Director of Qantas Airways, and continued working on the A380 interiors and airport lounges. He designed the Marie-Hélène de Taillac (MHT) jewellery store in Tokyo and the Azzedine Alaia shoe boutique in Paris. He created a limited edition champagne magnum container for Dom Pérignon. He was awarded the Designer of the Year prize at Design/Miami.

2007 sees the opening of Marc Newson designed Qantas First Class lounges at Sydney and Melbourne airports and in June the unveiling of his spaceplane, designed for EADS Astrium, the fulfilment of a lifelong personal ambition.

As well as winning numerous awards, including six Good Design Awards from the Chicago Atheneum, Newson has exhibited extensively. He created Bucky, a sculptural installation for the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain in Paris in 1995, and a major retrospective of his work was held at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney (August 2001 - February 2002).

In 2003, Newson was commissioned by the Fondation Cartier to design a piece of his choosing, coinciding with his 40th birthday. The result was Kelvin40, a concept jet, exhibited at the Fondation Cartier in Paris (January - May 2004) and included in Marc's first major European retrospective originally staged at the Groninger Museum, Holland (May - September 2004) and consequently at London's Design Museum (October 2004 - January 2005). An exhibition of Marc Newson's new unique and limited edition pieces was shown at the Gagosian gallery, New York from January - March 2007.

Newson's designs are present in most major permanent museum collections including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, London's Design Museum, Musée national d'Art moderne - Centre Georges Pompidou and the Vitra Design Museum. A book on Marc Newson's work was published by Booth-Clibborn Editions in 1999, and one by Thames & Hudson in 2001. A DVD was released in January 2005.

Marc Newson is Adjunct Professor in Design at Sydney College of the Arts, and in the UK has been appointed 'Royal Designer for Industry'.


Marc Newson(馬克·紐森),當代最具影響力的產品設計師之一。被美國《時代周刊》稱為“為世界製造曲線的人”。你可以從諸多大品牌的產品里發現他的名字:Nike概念鞋、福特概念車、美標潔具……他所倡導的“柔和極簡主義”,將溫暖與自然的元素引入他的設計中,減淡高科技工業所帶來的冰冷感、堅硬感。他所創作的 “Felt”和“Embryo”椅子,被設計界譽為世界十大值得收藏的椅子:Felt椅面的曲線恰好讓一個人悠閒地靠坐在裡面,突顯了柔軟線條,該椅採用了以玻璃纖維強化的聚酯纖維材料來製作;模仿子宮內的胎兒創作的Embryo椅,該作品最大的特點是將雕刻般的造型和柔軟的材質有機地結合了起來。這兩把椅子可謂是確立了他“柔和極簡主義”的設計風格。

1982年,馬克考上了悉尼藝術學院學習珠寶設計以及雕塑,家人對此一點都不感到意外,因為他從小一有機會就到外祖父的車房工廠里擺弄各種工具,做些稀奇古怪的東西。在學生時期他瘋狂迷戀上了椅子,自此一頭栽進工業設計的世界。在1984年畢業前,他在澳洲Crafts Council舉辦的“featuring the Lockheed Lounge”的展覽中展出他的作品:紐森把18世紀的馬車座椅加以改造,以“創造一個流動的金屬形式”為概念,推出了令人驚奇的Lockheed躺椅,整個躺椅以手工打造的再生銀色金屬漆與弧形線條,呈現出了具有迷幻色彩的流動感。紐森由此一舉成名,並獲得企業家Teruso Kurosaki的賞識,希望將他的設計投入生產。

1987年,紐森前往東京,在Kurosaki的公司工作,從此開始他的設計生涯。東京時期的馬克·紐森崇尚聚酯、棉和木等天然材質,迷戀不間斷的圓弧線條。為日本家飾品牌Idee設計的Embryo 椅子、義大利品牌Cappellini的Fibreglass Felt 椅子和Orgone 躺椅,都以大面積的弧形線條表達視覺的無限延伸,並加入原木和棉織布材質,表達他對“陽光與自然”的熱愛。在此期間,他的作品在亞洲、歐洲廣泛展出。 1991年,紐森前往巴黎定居並建立工作室,並得到了歐洲享有盛名的照明公司Flos和家具公司Cappellini和Moroso 的青睞,成為委任設計師。

“未來想像和科技造型”是90年代後紐森另一個創作重點,強調鮮艷的色彩和富有想像力的造型,他從日常生活中處處可見的物品出發,開罐器造型的TV Chair、積木般的Nimrod Arm Chair、蜂巢靈感的Gello Table、限量版的Event Horizon Table和Orgone Chair,都以鮮艷色彩和流動線條,塑造紐森的個人風格。

1994年,因為找不到喜歡的手錶,所以想要開始設計手錶的紐森與瑞士企業家Ike先生攜手創造Ikepod腕錶之後在巴黎開設工作室,為不少知名品牌做設計,1994年和OliverIke在瑞士共同創立Ikepod鐘錶公司,生產他設計的手錶,並且限量生產包括Event Horzon Table 和Orgone Chair在內的鉛制家具。在巴黎,他的設計風格亦從此轉向,開始大量運用不鏽鋼、聚乙烯與鋼板烤漆等現代科技工藝,運用多材質的不同結合,表達科技在人類生活中的不可或缺。例如以整張鋼板彎制而成的Alufelt Chair、結合橡膠與皮革、不鏽鋼的Gluon Chair、Komed Chair都是典型作品。同時,這段時期紐森也顯示了他在室內設計上的天賦,他設計的一系列餐廳及飯店遍布倫敦、日本、科倫、和曼徹斯特。那時的馬克很窮 “大家都以為我會因為得到許多讚譽而變得腰纏萬貫,其實那時我身無分文”馬克後來回憶道。他那時靠賣設計圖紙過活,最離譜的一個小道訊息是:馬克曾經窮得匿居在女友東京郊外的宿舍衣櫃裡,即使是搬到巴黎後,他還住過“紅燈區”不見天日的小隔間1992年,在給資生堂完成Basala Flacon的香水瓶設計後,馬克獲得了一筆20000美元的設計費,他用這筆錢實現了自己當時的夢想:阿斯頓馬丁DB4跑車。

1997年,紐森搬到了倫敦,在那兒他和Benjamin De Ha 成立了Mare Newson公司,進行範圍廣泛的設計接受來自歐洲、北美和亞洲等地顧客的定製,從鐘錶、椅子、腳踏車、玻璃器皿設計到餐館、錄音工作室、私人噴氣式飛機的內部裝修等等都有涉及。Alessi、Flos、Cappellini、Magis、Biomega、Ikepod、福特汽車等各大品牌跟風般不惜重金邀請他為自己的產品設計。和KarlLagerfeld合作的香水瓶,和Alessie、Magis.、B&B、 AmericanStandard等國際家具公司設計商品等。


1998年,為Littala設計的 玻璃器皿

1998年,紐森為一架私人噴氣機進行了內部設計(Dassault Falcon 900B) 螢光清綠機艙主牆,銀灰回紋地毯,亮黑漆料摺疊桌面,銀框黑皮超大沙發外機身用迷幻圓點圖案裝飾。



2003年,快達航空公司新訂購的12架A380代表最新遠程飛行技術的客機快達公司力求把它塑造成“超星級飛機”的代表為此,該公司也請來了紐森協調機艙內部的的設計工作。除了政府、航空公司外,世界最大的衛浴品牌———美標也重金請出紐森設計出個人風格十足的套間產品——— Moments系列。該套間以極簡的設計營造出奢華的風格,大氣的黑白灰色調配合極富現代感的幾何造型梳洗櫃與台盆相得益彰,從圓形的寬大把手中衍生出獨特趣味和想像力座廁秉承了後工業時期的設計風格,仿佛是對雕塑作品的懷舊。大尺寸的浴缸寬敞舒適、線條簡潔、造型規整,卻讓人聯想到華麗的享樂主義,富有創意的旋鈕式設計的龍頭則在細節中流露出優雅。這一系列,成為了紐森對“柔和極簡主義”的再一次成功演繹。

如今的馬克·紐森,是世界上最多產、跨度最大、最有影響力的設計師,馬克·紐森的名字已經成為新的時尚符號,各大設計類獎項紛紛為他的作品頒獎:芝加哥 Athaeneum的優秀設計獎、“ELLE家具”的“設計大獎”、“Homes&GardenswithV&AMuseum”的“經典設計大獎”、“設計與裝飾大獎”的“最佳潔具設計”等等……這個“什麼都敢設計”的鬼才設計師,成了“用線條造物的新神”。

馬克·紐森說他喜歡海,海水的流動總是帶著無窮無盡的能量,但又把無窮無盡的重量傾泄的一乾二淨。這就是紐森對科技材質和線條創新的領悟,隨著獲得了無數次獎項和舉辦眾多展覽,馬克·紐森用堅持不懈的努力確立了他的大師地位。他的設計成為了紐約現代藝術博物館,倫敦設計博物館,巴黎的Musee des Arts Decoratifs 以及Vitra設計博物館的永久館藏品。對於如此多樣化的產出,馬克還是希望他所有作品間能有一條線,連貫相同的精神和概念,這就是他所推崇的“柔和極簡主義”。所以,當你下一次看到這些如液體般圓滑,有點天真又科技感十足的,一言難盡的讚嘆時,不要懷疑,它就是“馬克·紐森”。

“未來要多方嘗試將不同的材質,運用在多種的領域或產品上,尋找出更多的可能,而這也是我一直以來不斷努力的方向” 紐森說。

Marc Newson歷年所獲獎項

2006 紅點獎最傑出設計師獎(獲獎設計 新秀麗11-3583-2006 拉桿箱)

2005 美國芝加哥科技協會最佳設計獎(獲獎設計 Talby 手機)

美國芝加哥科技協會最佳設計獎(獲獎設計Zvezdochka 運動鞋)

柏林 SIFA大獎(獲獎設計G-Star服飾)

2004 日本JIDPO最佳設計獎(獲獎設計 Talby 手機)

義大利榮譽勳章獎(獲獎設計 Strelka 餐具)

英國最佳浴室設計和裝修大獎(獲獎設計 Ideal Standard 浴室設計)

英國廚衛雜誌產品革新獎(獲獎設計 Ideal Standard 龍頭)

英國V&A博物館家居花園類經典設計獎(獲獎設計 Ideal Standard Newson 面盆系列)

紐約逾時尚大獎讀者評選的最佳餐廳設計獎(獲獎設計The Lever House)

巴黎L'Observateur 設計大獎(獲獎設計 特氟隆炊具系列)

2003 澳大利亞設計大獎(獲獎設計 快達Skybed)

美國芝加哥科技協會最佳設計獎(獲獎設計 快達Skybed)

美國芝加哥科技協會最佳設計獎(獲獎設計 Ideal Standard Marc Newson 浴室系列)

英國ELLE裝修設計大獎(獲獎設計 Ideal Standard Marc Newson 浴室系列)

2001 美國芝加哥科技協會最佳設計獎(獲獎設計 DH1門環)

英國 Selfridges百貨短目錄設計獎

2000 德國紅點大獎(獲獎設計Hemipod 腕錶)

1999 東京車站概念車設計獎(獲獎設計 福特 021C)

悉尼設計協會獎(獲獎設計 悉尼系列郵票)


1993 巴黎家居博覽會年度設計師獎

1989 美國喬治尼爾森設計大獎

1984 澳大利亞手工業協會獎



