- lodging

寄宿處, 寄宿, (通常用複數)出租的房間、住房
- 習慣用語
- dry lodging 不供一伙食的寄宿
- take up one's lodgings 投宿
lodgin lodgin lodgin
寄宿處, 寄宿, (通常用複數)出租的房間、住房
lodgin lodgin lodgin
詞義辨析lodging, accommodation, apartment, flat, quarters, suite,lodging: 常用lodgings,指臨時租借的房間或宿舍。accommodation...
詞義辨析 詞義 例句 英文Historical Evolution County Name According to historical records...
Historical Evolution Ethnic PopulationHistory Zhou Yun city belongs to the south to State Zhou Yun cit...
History Natural Resources Historical OriginAND TRANSPORTATION LODGING...
圖書信息 內容簡介 目錄Lodging》/(中文名又譯《公路休息站》,導演阿利森·安德斯)中...
早年經歷 演藝經歷 他的T-BAG 評價詞語借宿拼音jiè sù注音ㄐㄧㄝ ˋ ㄙㄨˋ基本解釋[lodging;ask for lodging;put up for the night;stay overnight at sb. else's place...
詞語 拼音 注音 基本解釋 引證解釋B business portfolio 業務組合(4P) U ultimate customers/end users 最終...
B U V W Xand strong resistance to disease and lodging...
基本信息 簡介 特徵特性 產量表現 栽培要點