- judicial

司法的, 法院的, 公正的, 明斷的
- 習慣用語
- take judicial proceedings against sb. 提出訴訟控告某人
- bring judicial proceedings against sb. 提出訴訟控告某人
gs judicial gs
司法的, 法院的, 公正的, 明斷的
gs judicial gs
School Profile Shandong judicial... of the Judicial School in Shandong province... as Shandong Shandong judicial police...
School Profile Historical EvolutionGeographical Description The world's largest landlocked country,...
A Basic Overview Ethnic Population功能詞 Justice表示審判,是judicial司法。區別:海牙常設仲裁...
功能介紹 機構介紹 法院運作 管轄權 法院成員。[judicial (assistant)]古代官署中負責處理刑事判牘的幕僚。俗稱刑名...。[judicial (assistant)]古代官署中負責處理刑事判牘的幕僚... of penalty]∶刑罰的名稱,如死刑、徒刑等3. [judicial...
基本釋義 基本解釋 引證詳解 韓非刑名Step2: Chen Qi - mei, 1878 - January 17, was born in Wuxing, Zhe...
Step2: "experience, Main AchievementsOverview Dingxi is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow Ri...
Overview Historical EvolutionHistorical Evolution Before the 16th century, the island of Timo...
Historical Evolution Ethnic PopulationOverview Yinchuan is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow ...
Overview Historical Evolution