



iCoup 的歷史The history of the iCoup

設計理念Design Concept

藝術與設計Art and Design

研發Research and Development


會員Members of iCoup



iCoup的創始人Eskildans goeng Ingers(E.G. Ingers)先生, 1939出生於丹麥的哥本哈根, 1963年畢業於丹麥皇家設計學院後,從事產品和工藝設計。E.G. Ingers的設計天賦,得益於父親Rennidife Kngon Ingers(R.K. Ingers)先生。R.K. Ingers先生1911年出生於丹麥的Frederiksborg(菲特烈堡),1929年R.K. Ingers求學於德國魏瑪包浩斯大學(Bauhaus-Universit?t Weimar),包浩斯是世界上第一所完全為發展現代設計教育而建立的學院,包浩斯從1919年創立到1933關閉,雖然僅歷時14年,卻對世界設計產生深遠的影響。R.K. Ingers在包浩斯僅求學三年,但對其一生的設計師生涯產生巨大的影響,以至於日後對其子E.G. Ingers的教育,也產生重要影響。E.G. Ingers從父親身上汲取包浩斯嚴謹的功能主義風格,又結合丹麥本土手工藝傳統中的人文主義,將二者融會在一起,使其日後創立的iCoup品牌具有典型的斯堪的納維亞(Skandinavien)風格。

E.G. Ingers在從事產品和工藝設計期間,涉獵廣泛,包括工業產品設計、服裝設計、手工藝製品的研究等。在E.G. Ingers看來,任何一件設計作品都可以被看成是對品質生活的解讀。

當時的歐洲,形形色色的復古風潮為歐洲社會和工業產品帶來了華而不實、繁瑣庸俗的矯飾之風,而且在手袋、箱包方面,亦同樣呈現這種庸俗的趨勢:布滿整個包身的花紋、巨大的logo、繁瑣沉重的五金配件、看起來華麗富貴的色彩等,這些看起來似乎流行的手袋箱包,卻令生活在歐洲的都市白領、受過良好教育的、有獨立思想的時尚人士深感厭惡,然而又無法找到適合他們的手袋和包袋。E.G. Ingers決心將自己的設計工作重心轉向開發和設計符合這類人群的手袋箱包。E.G. Ingers在39歲那年,也就是1978年,成立手袋箱包設計和製作工作室。

丹麥相較於其它西歐國家和美國,工業化相對較晚,手工製作的傳統保存完好,因此,E.G. Ingers遵循一種現代與傳統結合的原則,結合手工藝,同時運用現代設計法則和新工業技術,以獲得手袋箱包在形式、功能、材料、色彩、質感、耐用性和成本之間的最佳平衡,創造優良、簡約、實用的設計風格。多年設計工作經歷後,E.G. Ingers在手袋、箱包設計方面的才能逐漸顯露。

E.G. Ingers主張藝術與技術結合,與北歐的藝術家和跨領域的設計師建立了廣泛的合作。作為安徒生的故鄉,丹麥素有“童話王國”之稱,安徒生的童話題材和丹麥豐富的人文資源,也是E.G. Ingers創作富有個性、極具藝術氣息的手袋箱包的重要源泉。每兩年在安徒生故鄉歐登塞城(Odense)舉行一次的國際童話電影節使得E.G. Ingers的設計和製作的手袋箱包名聲大噪。

E.G. Ingers一生獲獎無數,其設計的手袋、箱包作品多次在巴黎、斯德哥爾摩、紐約等處展出。

1988年E.G. Ingers與產品設計師Gottliber一同正式成立公司,並創立iCoup品牌。

在品牌創立伊始,深綠色即被確認為品牌標識的標準色,E.G. Ingers先生和他的合作夥伴一致認為深綠色代表著最具環保意識的丹麥特色。金屬銘牌則是E.G. Ingers先生創作的手袋上一直使用的標誌。COUP意為一個妙計、一個出乎意料的成功之舉;I則傳達了獨立、自我和個性。iCoup在1988年創立伊始,即一直遵循這一品牌的核心思想。同時,“Danish Design” (丹麥設計)是ICOUP重要的識別依據。


2004年, iCoup啟用更顯時尚的松石綠顏色品牌標識。雖然這個標識色彩顯得時尚,但是隨著iCoup產品的豐富,尤其向男包、男鞋等男性配飾方面的產品延伸,使得松石綠的色彩不適合男性的審美,因為普遍認為松石綠的色彩帶有明顯女性時尚的傾向,以至於這個色彩只用了不到三年的時間。

2007年,iCoup的高級管理層,意識到老標識無法承載iCoup追求的“時尚簡約、低調內斂”的品牌核心價值,毅然決定在全球尋找品牌形象戰略合作夥伴:美國的“五角星聯盟”設計機構成為iCoup品牌升級的重要助推手。換標後的iCoup,看不到金屬銘牌,字型從ICOUP向iCoup轉換,顯得更加簡練、時尚、性感和迷人。品牌形象專家認為,Danish Design無需詮釋,產品即能夠說明一切,而更需要對品牌的歷史做個合適的註解。在使用丹麥文Danmark還是使用英文Denmark之間的討論有了分歧,iCoup的高級管理層最終採納品牌形象專家的建議使用英文Denmark。在字型細節的處理上,也做了更加合理、科學的調整,更加符合現代人審美要求。去除金屬銘牌的新標誌幾乎獲得iCoup年輕消費者的一致認同,然而年齡略大的iCoup忠實消費者,卻對帶金屬銘牌的老標誌依舊帶有很深的情感。經過論證,iCoup在保留金屬銘牌的同時,對金屬銘牌細節做了最佳化,結合無金屬銘牌標識,使得帶金屬銘牌的新標識也獲得年齡略大的iCoup忠實消費者的高度認可。













第二次世界大戰以後,丹麥的設計受到政府的引導和扶持。丹麥在德軍占領時期,曾出現了一股重新恢復手工製造家具的手工藝復舊風,但這種風氣在戰後由於政府通過對工業設計與家具設計訂立嚴格標準,促進手工藝與現代生產有機結合等措施,而被剎住。丹麥還成立了丹麥手工業與工業設計協會(Society of Artsand Crafts and Industrial Design),以保證丹麥所有產品的高質量,從而在國際上樹立起“優質產品”的形象。


斯堪的納維亞風格與藝術裝飾風格、流線型風格等追求時髦和商業價值的形式主義不同,它不是一種流行的時尚,而是以特定文化背景為基礎的設計態度的一貫體現。這些國家的具體條件不盡相同,因而在設計上也有所差異,形成了 “丹麥現代風格”等流派。但總體來說,斯堪的納維亞國家的設計風格有著強烈的共性,它體現了斯堪的納維亞國家多樣化的文化、政治、語言、傳統的融合,以及對於形式和裝飾的克制,對於傳統的尊重,在形式與功能上的一致,對於自然材料的欣賞等。斯堪的納維亞風格是一種現代風格,它將現代主義設計思想與傳統的設計文化相結合,既注意產品的實用功能,又強調設計中的人文因素,避免過於刻板和嚴酷的幾何形式,從而產生了一種富於“人情味”的現代美學,因而受到人們的普遍歡迎。








實用性與審美性並重是iCoup研發團隊遵循的原則。iCoup的時尚買手遍布全球,他們能夠快速地將設計思路以合理的價格轉化為優質的產品。價格和質量是iCoup關注的重點,當然iCoup也關注市場的動態並給予及時的回響。 iCoup為所有生活在世界各大都市的獨立、 自由、追求時尚和對品質敏感的現代人而設計。他們樂於擁有獨特的個性,iCoup為他們帶來了充滿設計感、有趣的生活方式。他們擁有自我意識和獨立性,他們對時尚有獨特的理解。 iCoup的多數面料來自歐洲、韓國和日本,特別注重運用最新的時尚面料,使箱包手袋既有天然面料的舒適性,又易清洗,保持良好的形態,令iCoup的擁躉者能夠輕鬆應對多種場合。








The history of the iCoup

iCoup, as a fashion brand from Denmark, keeps the concise style of North Europe all the time. It has incisively and vividly presented the conciseness and refinement of North Europe since it was created in Copenhagen of Denmark in 1988.

Mr. Eskildans Goeng Ingers, the founder of the iCoup, born in Copenhagen of Denmark in 1939, engaged in product and process design after graduating from Royal Danish School of Design in 1963. E.G. Ingers design endowment thanked to his father, Mr. Rennidife Kngon Ingers(R.K. Ingers). Mr.R.K. Ingers was born in Frederiksborg, Denmark, in 1911, and studied at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany, in 1929, which was the world’s first established college fully for the development of modern design education. The Bauhaus, founded from 1919 to 1933 closed, only lasting 14 years, had a profound impact on the world design. R.K. Ingers’s staying at the Bauhaus School for just three years, had had a huge influence on his designer career all the lifetime, as well as on the education of E.G. Ingers. E.G. Ingers learnt rigorous functionalist style of the Bauhaus from his father and mixed it with the humanism, the combination of local arts and traditional crafts in Denmark, making future-founded iCoup stand for the typical Scandinavian style.

During E.G. Ingers engagement, he involved diversely, including industrial product design, fashion design, handicrafts study, etc. In E.G. Ingers’ term, any one of works can be seen as the interpretation of the quality life.

All kinds of retro waves brought the wind of flashy, tedious and vulgar affectation to European society and industrial products at that time. Also in terms of handbags and luggage, all presented such a vulgar trend, like pattern entirely covering around bags, a great logo, cumbersome and immense mental accessories and looked gorgeous rich colors. These handbags and luggage seemed popular, making white-collar workers living in urban Europe, the well-educated and having independent thought fashion people disgusted, however, they were unable to find their own suitable handbags and bags. E.G. Ingers determined to make their own designs to shift the focus of development and design in line with that kind of crowd. At the age of 39, that is, in 1978, E.G. Ingers established the design and production studio of handbags and luggage.

Compared to other western European countries and the United States, Denmark had a relatively late industrialization and preserved traditional handmade, so E.G. Ingers followed a combination of modern and traditional principles, combining with crafts, while the use of modern design rules and new industrial technologies, to obtain the best balance of handbags and luggage between form, function, material, color, texture, durability and cost, and to create excellent, simple and practical style. After years of design experiences, E.G. Ingers stood out gradually.

E.G. Ingers proposed that art and technology combine to set up a wide range of cooperation with Nordic artists and interdisciplinary designers. As the hometown of Andersen, Denmark is known as a " the kingdom of fairy tales," also, Andersen's fairy tale themes and Denmark's rich cultural resources are important sources of the creation of handbags and luggage full of personality and artsy. Held every two years in Andersen's hometown, Odense, International Fairy Tales Film Festival made E.G. Ingers design and production of handbags and luggage fame.

E.G. Ingers has been awarded many times in his whole life, and his works, handbags and suitcases, have been exhibited in Paris, Stockholm, New York and other places.

E.G. Ingers formally established his company with a product designer, Gottliber, and founded iCoup brand.

At the very beginning of the creation of the brand, the dark green was recognized as the standard color for brand identity, for Mr. E.G. Ingers and his partner agreed that the dark green represented the most environmentally conscious Denmark characteristics. Metal nameplate has been the sign of the handbags created by Mr. E.G. Ingers all the time. The COUP means a coup, a surprisingly successful move; I, then conveys independence, self and personality. iCoup, founded at the beginning in 1988, has been guided by the core idea of the brand. Meanwhile, "Danish Design" (Denmark Design) is the essential basis of ICOUP identification.

In the meantime, the brand has suffered two changes and upgrades.

In 2004, iCoup enabled more stylish color, turquoise, brand identity. Although this identified the color stylish, but rich as iCoup products, especially products extended to male bags, male shoes, and male accessories, making the turquoise was not suitable for the male aesthetic, because it was generally believed that turquoise color was with obvious tendency of female fashion, so that the color was only spent less than three years.

In 2007, senior management of iCoup was aware of the old logo which can not equal to iCoup brand core values, the pursuit for stylish simplicity, low-key and the restrained, and decided to find brand image in the global strategic partners. American “Pentagram Alliance” design agency became important boost hand of iCoup brand upgrade. After upgrading, the metal nameplate cannot be seen, and the font changed from ICOUP to iCoup conversion, which makes it even more concise, stylish, sexy and charming. Brand experts believed that the product of Danish Design, without interpretation, was able to explain everything, but the history of the brand needed to be a more appropriate annotations. On the discussions of using Danish Danmark or English Denmark, there were differences. Eventually, iCoup senior management adopted the brand experts recommends using English Denmark. In the deal with font details, they made a more reasonable and scientific adjustment, more in line with the modern aesthetic requirements. New logo of removing metal nameplate almost gained the consistent agreement of young consumers; however, the old logo with a metal nameplate was placed with deep emotions from slightly elder loyal consumers of iCoup. Through the demonstration, while retained, metal nameplates was optimized in details, combined with its identification without metal nameplate, and the new logo was highly recognized by iCoup’s slightly elder loyal consumers.

Since the start of 2007, the two identities have been used at the same time and achieved good results, telling from distinctions between two major products, youth and trendy, versus the restrained and the classic.

In 1997, iCoup started designing and producing male packages.

In 2001, iCoup luggage series began to be designed and manufactured.

In 2002, iCoup began designing and producing clothing and accessories, such as shoes, belts, gloves, and scarves series.

iCoup built its understanding of handbags and luggage in different levels, not only in quality level, but also more in aesthetics level. It explains that the owners of iCoup equip with elegance, reserved, unassertive and fashionable personality. Coup means an excellent idea and an unexpected success; i delivers independence, ego and personality. iCoup keeps its core ideology all the time since its creation in 1988.

Design Concept

The design concept of iCoup, which has famous Scandinavian style and firstly bases on functionalism, is originated from simple and practical traditional design ideas, searching for the new balance between function and form with simplicity, elegance and utility to aim at general public and highlight the function leaving out too much decoration. The style differs from formalism, such as artistic adornment, chasing fashion, and commercial value. It is not entirely a popular fashion but to lower down the mad pursuit for form and decoration on the basis of the certain cultural background. It respects functionalism and tradition in accordance with form and function, as well as avoiding inflexible and harsh geometric form, so that it produces modern aesthetics with rich human touch.

In the late 1920s, functionalism praised highly by the Bauhaus influenced Scandinavian nations. Some most productive and thoughtful concepts inspired by the Bauhaus were embodied in the famous exhibition in Stockholm in 1930, on behalf of the breakthrough of functionalism in Scandinavia. In the exhibition, the Bauhaus design concept was dramatically reflected in Scandinavian country, showing a kind of revolutionary philosophy of design. Also, the expo aroused other Scandinavian nations, urging new functionalism quickly spread about into other countries.

Until the middle 1940s, functionalism has gradually covered many changes in the aspect of the style. The most noticeable of all was Scandinavian design and it has made a good achievement in the 1930s, attaining international prestige. Scandinavian designed a new leap in the 1950s after a period of hard times in the 1940s after. Its plain organic shape and natural color and texture gained the international popularity.

During the 1940s and 1950s, Scandinavian countries’ designed development was inseparable from the government for the attention and support of the design. Probably affected by the U.K., after the World War Ⅱ, Scandinavian countries set up a special department to control product quality and standardization of production in order to promoting the average level for the industrial design.

In the he triennial exhibition of international design in Milan in 1954, Scandinavian design demonstrated a new look, and exhibitors, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway, gained a great success. These national design organizations in the implementation of a policy of cooperation after the war regarded "Scandinavian Design" Exhibition as their first major achievement. Under the auspices of the Foundation for American Art, the traveling exhibitions have been displayed in the major museums of 22 cities in North America from 1954 to 1957, so that the image of the "Scandinavian Design" was widely popular internationally. In the movement of Scandinavian modern functional design, the design countries held exhibitions with a great number in the national or local level, and these activities became a key feature of the 1950s. The Scandinavian Design Annual Show alternately held in various countries, bringing the impact of a wide range. It, together with publications and periodicals, made a significant contribution to the exchange of design community. The design organizations not only exhibited, but also were important advocates of this area, encouraging manufacturers to invest in innovative product development and convincing the authorities in the design policy to support outstanding design. They also inspired the public to realize the more beautiful things from good design and daily uses, which played an important role for the design development of the early 1950s and 1960s.

Scandinavian design was functionalism, however, it was not as strict and dogmatic as the design of the 1930. Geometric forms were softened; corner was smoothed into an S-shaped curve or wavy lines, often described as "organic form”, with more humane and active. Sense of nostalgia in the 1940s in order to reflect national characteristics often demonstrated the simplicity of the countryside and promoted this softened trend. The primary color respected by early functionalism has been replaced by the gradually reconciled color in the 1940s, and the rough texture and natural materials have been flattered by designers.

After World War II, Danish design has got the guidance and support of the government. There has been a surge to regain the craft of handmade furniture in Denmark in the period of the German occupation, but the atmosphere was stopped after the war due to official decisions, like strict standards on industrial design and furniture design and measures to promote the combination of handicraft and modern production. Denmark has also established the Society of Arts and Crafts and Industrial Design, in order to guarantee the high quality of all products in Denmark, assuring the international image of “quality products”.

Scandinavian style, different from Art Deco style and streamlined style, the pursuit of fashion and commercial value formalism, is not a popular fashion, but has always been embodied in the design attitude of a specific cultural background. The specific conditions of these countries are not the same, thus, also differ in design, Danish modern style generating. But on the whole, the design style of the Scandinavian countries has a strong commonality. It reflects the Scandinavian nation's diverse cultural, political, linguistic and traditional fusion, and restraint of form and decoration, and respect for tradition, consistent in form and function, and natural materials appreciation. Scandinavian style is a modern style, combining it modernist design ideas with traditional design culture, not only pays attention to the practical function of the product, but also stresses the human factors in the design, to avoid too rigid and harsh geometric forms resulting wealth, the "human touch", to modern aesthetics, which is widely welcomed.

The completion of the Scandinavian design laid the basis of the functionalism ideology, and the idea to play in the future design practice and create to perfection. They did not blindly imitate and sink in this international style, but to actively explore and reform, to have the ultimate success of the world-renowned Scandinavian design style. Scandinavia was both advocates of modernism and modernist reformers. Its unique Scandinavian design style conquered the world, and has been continued and deepened into the perfect ideal and continued to be one of the most important design mainstream direction in the new century marked information society.

The essence of any iCoup design lies in extraordinary simplicity. iCoup merges function into visual enjoy through clever idea and design, and an integrated process has become to enjoy the fun. Fully, that reflects the design philosophy advocating the Nordic contemporary and innovative sense. iCoup designers design inspiration and ideas emerged has gone beyond the scope of handbags and luggage design, ultimately from a design of a Scandinavian furniture with simple and neat lines. Then you will be surprised at how designers do with so many complicated functions integrated on one handbag or leather that does not look large, and it is the real manifestation, the "simple", of Scandinavian design, that exists.

Art and Design

iCoup products, with beautiful appearance and powerful feature, called seamlessness, makes itself fascinating and get great love. Those flashy things are absolutely not in Scandinavian design range.

Blue lakes, fast flowing rivers, a cold winter night and the beautiful and quiet night, gives birth to a platform stretches without a break for iCoup advocacy of Scandinavian design inspiration, making iCoup a modern minimalism design style head. iCoup is exactly the perfect heritage and fresh interpretation of Scandinavian minimalist pure style. iCoup perfect Scandinavian design advantages, elegance and simplicity of character, subtle and restrained quality, and dedication and calm personality, are vividly reflected in the product on the iCoup.

iCoup designers often say that materials, shapes, as well as items we encounter in everyday life may be part of your life, but you might not like them. For us, they are very well, which often inspires our design inspiration sparks, that is Scandinavian design’s so fascinating stuff. Great design ideas can come from many different areas. The best design from nature, our opening ideas, many of the natural elements will continue to inspire our creative inspiration. Operators and designers of iCoup always believe that a successful handbag, satchel or suitcase, even if it is a small belt and wallet, should be to reconcile poetry and practicality to give people pleasure and satisfaction to the physical and mental. It is the thought that makes people heart suddenly well up love for iCoup products, even only some of the details.

Research and Development

iCoup has its own fashion buyers around the world, those buyers can rapidly convert design ideas to superior products by reasonable pricing. Price and quality are the primary focus of iCoup. Certainly, it also pays attention to the trends of market and reacts immediately. iCoup was designed for all the moderns around the world who pursue independency, freedom, fashion and quality. Those people are grad to own unique personality, and iCoup brings them an interesting life style full of graphic sense. Moreover, they have self-awareness, independency, and unique understanding of fashion. Most materials used by iCoup are from Europe, Korea and Japan. iCoup especially focuses on the most fashionable materials, so that all the handbags and luggage are equipped with comfortableness from natural materials, easy rinse and enduringly good shape. This will enable the owners of iCoup to easily deal with a variety of occasions.


The pursuit of independence and self has always been the brand’s core value of iCoup. iCoup customizing also makes it come true to paint your or your friends’ photos, even pictures you like to some available materials, including shoulder straps, your name and birthday, lucky number on leather.

Members of iCoup

Customers who pay long-term concern and buy iCoup products will be a member of the iCoup. More information about detailed rules, please see the website as well as in-store announcements of national or regional agents, or by calling the agents of the countries or regions.



