
很多人都被那個快速、有效率、而且有趣的畫筆給吸引住,他總是能在短短的 30 分鐘內,一張圖從無到有,看似隨性但卻又紮實的真本事,即使是他隨便撇一撇也一樣,感覺從來就沒有多餘的下筆,每個筆劃都有著存在的重要性。一段 30 分鐘的節目看下來,好像在看一場油畫秀似的,華麗而目不暇給,對於畫油畫居然可以這樣快樂而有趣,讓人忍不住為他一次次的作品拍手叫好,也讓人對於油畫產生了莫大的興趣。
Bob Ross 在1995因淋巴瘤已經去世了,我覺得有點感傷。順帶一提,他其實事業做很大,有出自己品牌的畫具。
Bob Ross(October 29, 1942 - July 4, 1995) was a grandmaster American oil painter who primarily practiced the finer, more respectable arts of relaxation and kindness. His quiet, nurturing disposition was a form of therapy to the weary, and the reassuring intonations of his gentle voice hypnotized entire generations of would-be illustrators into creating a million-dollar art supply store enterprise.
His PBS series The Joy of Painting duped viewers around the globe into believing they too could create impeccable rectangles of content suitable for framing in just under twenty-six minutes. For this reason, it's no wonder The Joy of Painting is the most recognized and studied art show in the history of television. Ross's light, experimental excursions through nature and beyond have thrived since 1983 on over 300 public television stations -- a phenomenal achievement for programs of this genre. Every thirty minutes, on a public TV station somewhere in the United States, Bob Ross is just starting (or just finishing up) another masterpiece.