
專輯風格:Club/Dance , Contemporary R&b 當代R&B, Pop 流行樂, Adult Contemporary , Urban 都市音樂, R&B
《Confessions》,亞瑟小子的第四張錄音室專輯,發行於2004年3月23日,單曲“Yeah!”連續十二周在Billboard Hot 100 single上第一,連續五周在Hot R&B/Hip-hop Single上第一。專輯發售的第一周就創造了1,100,000的記錄,打破了13年來R&B男歌手的銷售記錄。專輯的第二和第三首單曲“Burn”和“Confessions Part II”同樣也在Billboard Hot 100 singles上位居第一,前者更是停留了8周。亞瑟小子作為一名獨唱歌手,成為了繼The Beatles在1964年、Bee Gees在1978年後第三個有這樣的成績的藝人。
毫無疑問,這張專輯是25歲的Usher出道十年以來商業上最成功的一張專輯,同時也是最成功的黑人R&B男歌手的個人專輯之一。這張專輯不僅將Usher此前的各種個人紀錄統統打破,同時也改寫了整個黑人R&B音樂專輯單周銷售的歷史最高紀錄,這張專輯首周109萬6千張的傲人成績是自從2001年以來最高的單周銷售數字,同時也打破了金牌製作人兼歌星R. Kelly的專輯《TP-2 .com》在2000年創下的54萬3千張的R&B男歌手首周最高銷售紀錄,同時這還是Usher十年來第一張成為Billboard 200排行榜冠軍的專輯,此前的他的專輯整體銷量雖然表現出色,但是卻從未達到過這一高度。
簡單的說,這是一張經過了非常大力度包裝製作出來的專輯。專輯的主要製作人依然是Jermaine Dupri,但是在其他單曲的製作上卻集中了包括Rich Harrison,Lil Jon,Just Blaze等響噹噹的名字。而專輯發行前在美國各大主流音樂媒體頻頻的宣傳活動,單曲不斷的播放,以及不停的舉行專訪報導,甚至還包括Usher直接的批評某些當紅的其他明星,這些種種行為都極大的集中了人們的眼球,讓這張專輯在為發行之前就已經成為了唱片市場的霸主,當然,最重要的一點是,這是Usher在連續兩年獲得格萊美最佳R&B男歌手獎之後發行的首張專輯,同時如今的Usher已經從以前的偶像派歌手轉變成了地地道道的R&B明星了。
說實話這張專輯實在是很難讓人用“經典”,“完美”,“不可錯過”等等這些名詞來形容,不過不可否認,Usher的確是最近三年來首周專輯銷量最好的商業音樂明星。能夠取得如此突出商業成績的重要原因就是他有一首非常出色的打榜單曲《Yeah!》,這首由Lil Jon擔任製作並且由Lil Jon和Ludacris與Usher一起演唱的單曲具有出色的節拍和流暢的旋律,並且在歌詞方面也是非常能夠迎合R&B音樂主流聽眾的需要,想必大家已經猜到了,那就是關於男女的曖昧。再加上Usher的吸引力和包裝,除非被白袍巫師下咒,要不這首歌真是想不紅都難!
雖然這是一張非常商業化的專輯,但是卻也並非沒有絲毫藝術性。首先這張唱片除了《Yeah!》這首幾乎擁有所有吸引歌迷的元素的單曲之外,還有一些單曲同樣是相當不錯的、時下正流行的R&B音樂風格的作品,比如《Burn》,《Truth Hurts》等。在這張專輯中,Usher的唱功的確是得到了很棒的表現,他的演唱感染力確實在增強,有時可以清晰的體會到他內心深處的傷感,有時可以感受到他真誠的歉疚,有時可以直接的了解他花花公子的一面。相對於那些臉蛋歌星來說,Usher的確還是相當有資格去批評一番的,起碼他已經兩次獲得葛萊美獎了,並且從這張專輯來說演唱水平更成熟了。另外Usher所寫的歌詞還是非常貼近他的主流歌迷群體的,應該能夠引起相當的共鳴。

A Town's Down!
Lil' Jon
Yeah' Ok! Lil' Jon!
Yeah' Yeah Yeah' Yeah yeah' Yeaah
Yeah' Yeah yeah' Yeah yeah' Yeaah
I'm in the club with my homies'
tryna get a lil V-I'
keep it down on the low key'
cause you know how it feels.
I said shorty she was checkin up on me'
from the game she was spittin
my ear you'd think that she knew me.
So we decided to chill
Conversation got heavy'
she had me feelin like she's ready to blow!
(Watch Out!' Watch Out!)
She saying come get me'
come get me'
So I got up and followed her to the floor'
she said baby lets go'
When I told her I said
Yeah (yeah)
Shorty got down to come and get me
Yeah (yeah)
I got so caught up I forgot she told me
Yeah (yeah)
Cause if my girl new it'd be best to hold me
Yeah (yeah)
Next thing I knew she was all up on me screaming:
Yeah' Yeah yeah' Yeah yeah' Yeaah
Yeah' Yeah yeah' Yeah yeah' Yeaah
Shes all up in my head now'
got me thinking that
it might good idea to take her with me'
Cause she's ready to leave.
Now I gotta keep it real now'
cause on a one-to-ten she's a certified twenty'
and that just aint me.
Cause I don't know if I take that chance
just where is it gonna lead'
But what I do know is the way
she dance makes shorty alright with me.
The way she getting low!
I'm like yeah' just work that out for me.
She asked for one more dance and I'm
Like yeah' how the hell am I supposed to leave?
And I said
Watch out!
My outfit's ridiculous'
In the club lookin' so conspicuous.
And Rowl! These women al on the prowl'
if you hold the head steady I'm a milk the cow.
Forget about the game I'm a spit the truth'
I won't stop till I get em in they birthday suits.
So gimmie the rhythm and it'll be off with they clothes'
then bend over to the front and touch your toes.
I left the jag and I took the roles'
if they aint cutting
then I put em on foot patrol.
How you like me now' when my pinky's valued
over three hundred thousand'
Lets drank you the one to please'
Ludacris fill cups like double d's.
Me and Ush once more and we leave em dead'
we want a lady in the street but a freak in the bed to say
Take that and rewind it back'
Lil' Jon got the rhythm make ya booty go (clap)
Take that and rewind it back'
Usher got the voice make ya booty go (clap)
Take that and rewind it back'
Ludacris got the flow make ya booty go (clap)
Take that and rewind it back'
Lil'Jon got the beat make ya booty go (clap)