
Variant(s): or smoothie /'smü-[th]E/
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural smoothies
Smoothies are a sensation in healthy dining. They are basically a healthy meal in a cup that can also double as a quick snack or dessert. Coupled together with vitamin supplements, "power smoothies" can even offer diet enhancement and dramatic weight control. Smoothies are the new beverage and drinkable meal for the future.
The Juice and Smoothie Association has a ranking system to assist consumers in defining the quality of different kinds of smoothie products. Predicated on medals often presented in competition, the system uses: platinum, gold, silver and bronze.
The 2000's rendition of a professional smoothie recipe is: fruit juice, fruit, crushed ice, or nonfat frozen yogurt or soy milk. The product is generally made to order within a specialty juice and smoothie bar and is blended in a high-speed blender. The custom-made smoothie product can also include vitamin supplements. Smoothies served in this setting are generally deemed platinum or gold level smoothies. Here are the detail definitions:
Platinum Smoothie
- Is the smoothie made to order, using fresh ingredients?
- Is fresh-squeezed juice used?
- Is the fruit freshly cut?
- Are both of these items organic?
- High marks apply for any smoothie made to order and prepared with all-natural ingredients. Freshly squeezed juice and real fresh fruit also make for a top ranked smoothie.
- 是個性化的定製嗎?是否使用新鮮成分?
- 是否使用鮮扎果汁?
- 水果是否新鮮採摘?
- 以上的成分是否是有機培養的?
- 高級別的思慕雪是因為成分是全天然的成分,鮮扎的果汁和使用真正的新鮮水果。
Gold Smoothie
- Is the smoothie made with any combination of fresh or 100% juice concentrates, and/or IQF (stands for 100% real frozen fruit) produce and made to order?
- High marks for a smoothie made to order using seasonal fruit or 100% frozen fruit and 100% fruit juice from concentrates.
- 是否使用100%純度的或新鮮的果汁和IQF水果製作
- 高級別的還要使用本季的新鮮IQF水果及100%純度的果汁
Silver Smoothie
- Is the smoothie made from a starter mix or other proprietary smoothie base, which uses 100% natural ingredients?
- This ranking is based on the ingredients that make up the smoothie mix or starter base. Basically, if the contents are high quality, in the way of 100% fruit purees and fruit juice, they qualify as a Silver Smoothie.
This product is generally served via a dispenser machine, similar to soft-serve ice cream, or blended in a high speed blender.
- 是否是使用100%純天然的首發混合及獨特配方的思慕雪底料製成的思慕雪
- 這個級別如果使用高質量的100%水果濃縮劑作為底料也可以視為銀級
Bronze Smoothie*
- Is the smoothie made from a prepackaged smoothie mix or a product that is not 100% natural?
- Is the smoothie prepackaged and consumed out of a container?
- Any smoothie that does not contain natural ingredients falls into this category, as do ready-to-drink smoothies found in grocery stores.
- 是否是事先包裝好的混合型的思慕雪產品或成分中不是100%天然的
- 是否是用一個容器預裝好的?
- 進入到這個範疇的思慕雪都不包含天然成分,在雜貨店或超市現成出售。
*Products in cans and prepackaged containers are generally available through grocery stores and local markets. These are not really smoothies at all. They are simply nectors, purees and/or kefir yogurt/cultured milk combinations.
是透過雜貨店或本地超市銷售的預裝產品,不是完全意義上的思慕雪產品。他們是simply nectors,水果濃縮汁或酸乳酒優酸乳或酸乳聯合製成。