《Sleep》是王源的第六首個人單曲,也是他的第一首全英文歌曲。17歲的王源慢慢開始拓展新的成長版圖,此次他與美國知名音樂人NON-FICTION合作,飛赴洛杉磯Westlake Studios進行《Sleep》的製作。他在洛杉磯頂著黑白顛倒的時差和疲憊,王源喝了整整3大杯咖啡來提神,完美地完成錄製 。
Sleep's cold in these sheets
After All these days
Know it feels the same
Chase away dreams
Of a love so close
When it meant the most
Wrapped in all these memories and moonlight
Don't let me forget them when I close my eyes
Love no I can't forget this love
Know it kills me to relive what's gone
But I can't get enough of long lost
Love know I miss the days of us
Know we tried and paid the highest cost
Sleeplessly I'll dream of what I lost
Sleeplessly I'll dream of what I lost
Sleep's cold in these sheets
After All these days
Know it feels the same
Chase away dreams
Of a love so close
When it meant the most
Wrapped in all these memories and moonlight
Don't let me forget them when I close my eyes
Love no I can't forget this love
Know it kills me to relive what's gone
But I can't get enough of long lost
Love know I miss the days of us
Know we tried and paid the highest cost
Sleeplessly I'll dream of what I lost
Sleeplessly I'll dream of what I lost
王源在《Sleep》中嘗試了綿長而充滿磁性的唱腔,清朗的聲線和憂鬱曲調相融合、探索與斟酌,代表了王源對音樂的態度與執著。此次製作,對每個細節追求極致,並通過音樂,探索多元、前衛與靈感的無限可能。他堅韌而細膩,懷揣夢想前行,以鮮活真實的自我,定義王源的音樂未來 。

MV初始,王源從睡夢中醒來,陽光透過窗子,灑向17歲少年的世界。走在洛杉磯街頭,在花園裡灑水,亦或是奔跑在被夕陽擁裹的沙灘上,王源的一動一靜,都牽動著鏡頭的喜憂。動是追求靜是堅定,一舉一動都是值得定格的瞬間。身著不同風格造型的王源展現了十足的時尚駕馭能力,前衛而不羈 。