Modern Physics近代物理學

Modern Physics近代物理學

《Modern Physics近代物理學》是2005年6月1日高等教育出版社出版的圖書,作者是Jeremy Bernstein。


Jeremy Bernstein,Jeremy Bernstein has had a dual career in physics and writing. He was on the staff of the New Yorker from 1963 to 1993 and was a Professor of Physics at the Stevens Institute of Technology from 1968 until his retirement in 1993, when he became Professor emeritus. He has won several awards for his writing about science and mountain travel. He has also published widely in both technical and non-techni-cal journals. Some of his recent books are: An Introduction to Cosmology, Albert Einstein and the Frontiers of Physics, A Theory for Everything, In the Himalayas, and Dawning of the Raj. He has held visiting appointments at The Rockefeller University,The University of Islamabad, The Ecole Polytechnique, CERN laboratory Princeton University, and Oxford. This photograph of Jeremy was taken on a bicycle trip in northern California. The thumb, which is on the grounds of the Clos Pegase art gallery and winery in Calistoga, was the work of the French artist Cesar Baldachini.Bernstein has bicycled in many countries including Bali and Crete. He makes his home in New York City and Aspen, Colorado.


《Modern Physics近代物理學(改編版)》是JeremyBernstein等編著的ModernPhysics(Pearson出版集團,2001年出版)的改編版。《Modern Physics近代物理學(改編版)》的原版本內容豐富,資料詳實,涉及了物理學領域的最新成果和研究課題,在國外被許多外院校指定或推薦作為學生作為近代物理學的主要參考書,具有比較大的影響。《Modern Physics近代物理學(改編版)》根據國內教學實際,刪去了原版第一篇“狹義相對論”部分,保留了“量子力學”、“物理套用”和“物理前沿”的大部分內容。

《Modern Physics近代物理學(改編版)》詳細闡述了量子力學發展的歷程和取得的成就,涉及複雜原子與分子、統計物理、原子輻射與雷射、導體、半導體與超導體、原子核等內容,以及基本粒子物理等一些前沿科研領域。《Modern Physics近代物理學(改編版)》可供普通高等學校理科物理類專業作為雙語教學教材使用,也可供其他專業和社會讀者參考。


About the Authors

Preface i

1 A Review

1-1 Newton's Laws

1-2 Work, Energy, and the Conservation of Energy

1-3 Rotations and the Center of Mass

1-4 Elastic Media and Waves

1-5 Thermal Phenomena

1-6 The Atomic Structure of Matter

1-7 Electricity and Magnetism

1-8 Electromagnetic Waves and Light Conclusion

PART 1 Quantum Mechanics

2 Waves As Particles and Particles As Waves

2-1 The Nature of Photons

2-2 The Photoelectric Effect

2-3 The Compton Effect

2-4 Blackbody Radiation

2-5 Conceptual Consequences of Light As Particles

2-6 Matter Waves and Their Detection

2-7 Conceptual Consequences of Particles As Waves




3 Atoms and the Bohr Model

3-1 The Behavior and Structure of Atoms

3-2 The Bohr Atom

3-3 Application of Bohr's Ideas to Other Systems

3-4 The Correspondence Principle




4 The Schr6dinger Equation

4-1 Wave Functions and Probabilities


PART 2 Applications

Appendix A Tables

Appendix B A Mathematical Tool Chest



