
這是Michael Ibrahim從2003年開始研製,直到2006才正式發行的,一塊模擬經典MARSHALL Plexi 失真音色類型的效果器。你很難想像這么一個小小的紅色盒子裡,居然可以發出如此逼真的Plexi Tone。因此在國外一上市就受到吉他手的搶購,第一批500塊被一搶而空,更有許多發燒友稱讚它是迄今為止,所有號稱模擬Plexi Tone效果器中最象的一塊。
這是一個簡單的小傢伙,只有音色、音量和失真度3個旋鈕調節。在內部設計上有很多類似Tone Zone的地方,同樣是採用了多級削波放大線路(3級放大)。在低失真度下,聲音顯得punchy(強勁),非常適合演奏老式的搖滾節奏。當失真度開大時,就可以獲得非常漂亮的獨奏音色。對於你演奏的力度和撥弦的觸感都相當敏感,完全可以和真實的Marshall音箱相比。
當然,這是一個True Bypass的產品,這點所有的MI AUDIO產品都是一樣的
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The wait's over! The Crunch Box is finally here. This pedal rounds out my overdrive/distortion/fuzz pedal collection. I had one goal in mind with this pedal, namely to create a pedal which captures the huge crunch of a Marshall on steroids. I am VERY happy with the results,...
Simple and straight forward, just gain, tone and volume. The Crunch Box has some similarities to the Tube Zone, in the sense that the design is based on a multiple clipping architecture (the signal is clipped 3 times). However, there are significant differences which make these two pedals sound quite different from each other. The Tube Zone is designed to have a very 'broad' sonic footprint. The Crunch Box on the other hand has a strong mid-presence to it, similar to the great British amps. Also, the Crunch Box has a relationship with the Blues Pro, since the tone shaping is similar to the Blues Pro.
The results is really quite spectacular. In the lower gain range, the tone is very punchy and throaty. There are some great classic rock rhythm sounds to be found in there. As the gain is wound up, the Crunch Box develops a beautiful singing lead tone. The tone is shaped in a way which makes the pedal very touch sensitive, and variations in picking technique produce a very big difference on tone. Pinch harmonics are a breeze. I have put in there more gain than anyone should need, but due to the way I handled the pre-overdrive tone shaping, the pedal always stays tight and each pickup retains its character, including single coils.
High Gain British Distortion at its best!
3 external and one internal control
Gain - from the lightest breakup to insane high gain scream
Tone - custom taper control which adjusts the high end cut of the pedal.
Volume - updated taper for a more gradual and controlled volume sweep.
new - internal presence control for adjusting the 'shape' of the Crunch Box's sonic footprint.
Professionally powder-coated and silk-screened enclosure, measuring only 4.3" * 2.2"