在英國長大的張曼玉,自幼便浸淫於Mod文化和朋克運動的濃烈氛圍中,九十年代以降,又在Trip Hop音樂和獨立搖滾的多元風格中提煉出自己獨特的音樂品位。對於Maggie,音樂是幼時埋下的種子,是陪伴一生的嗜好,也是無法割捨的情結和夙願,如今更將賦予她另一重身份,展開摺疊於命盤中的,另一半人生風景。
她獨自作詞,參與作曲編曲,甚至自編自導自演並剪輯MV;她有著國際化的製作團隊,卻以手工藝人的耐心和沉著反覆打磨,更像一個涉獵廣博、品味挑剔的樂迷,嚴苛地打量自我 。
歌曲《Look In My Eyes》充滿了豐滿的層次和細節。短促掠過的噪音帶來硬朗而另類的氣質,電氣節拍中偶然浮現的吉他獨奏令人恍惚,驟停之處則將意識突然懸置,而後半段驚艷的阿拉伯旋律猶如神來之筆。以Trip Hop為驅動力,張曼玉鋪展出一派幽深的幻境。
而貫穿這一切的,是張曼玉冷靜克制、拿捏得當的聲線,從容中更顯明澈心境。配樂與人聲一放一收,有效避開了濫情與矯揉,卻氣場凜然。成為一個職業音樂人是她的多年夙願,一切只是出於熱愛,無論是作為影人還是音樂人,張曼玉只勇敢地做自己 。
look in my eyes
once in a while i could disappear
once in a while i make myself clear
once in a while i fix you with my stare
once in a while how i'll hide behind my hair
look in my eyes
look in my eyes
look in my eyes
look in my eyes
look in my eyes
let’s get things straight
slow down the lies
it's too late
since you've been gone
i love how i want
without you there I'm no longer wrong
standing alone has made my head strong
finding myself i finally belong
once in awhile i would reappear
once in awhile i drown in my fear
once in awhile i can be everywhere
once in awhile i'll seem like i don't care
look in my eyes
let's get things straight
slow down the lies
it's too late
since you've been gone
i love how i want
without you there I'm no longer wrong
standing alone has made my head strong
finding myself i finally belong
look in my eyes
let's get things straight
slow down the lies
it's too late
it's too late
it's too late
it's too late
it's too late