Is Anybody Out There[Billy Gilman演唱歌曲]

Is Anybody Out There[Billy Gilman演唱歌曲]
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歌手:Billy Gilman(比利·吉爾曼)

專輯:everything and more

歌手簡介:Billy Gilman(比利·吉爾曼),有史以來流行樂壇最年輕的少年歌手,嗓音清澈透明、情感豐
沛,以首張專輯《One Voice》創造全美百萬以上的銷售紀錄。
2000年因為單曲《One Voice》闖入Billboard鄉村樂版Top20,而成為有史以來最年輕的美國Billboard鄉村樂榜單Top 40歌手。嗓音清澈透明、情感豐沛,以首張專輯《One Voice》創造全美百萬以上的銷售紀錄。代表作品:《One Voice》,《Classic Christmas》,《Everything and More》等


Billy Gilman -《Is Anybody Out There》
When the thunder came
With our flag in flames
Everybody change the color
When the night became so dark with pain
Everyone became a brother
I came across the universe
And I don't know why
I came across the universe
To hear a soldier cry
Is anybody out there?
Is anybody listening to my prayer?
Is anybody out there?
If you can hear me please take me out of here
Is anybody out there?
Is anybody out there?
Is anybody out there?
And the morning light makes you wonder why
You were ever born to see it
When your body's cold it's not the story told
To the brave young souls who believe it
They came across the battlefield
And they don't know why
They came across the universe
To hear a solider cry
Is anybody out there?
Is anybody listening to my prayer?
Is anybody out there?
If you can hear me please take me out of here
Is anybody listening?
Is anybody out there?
We're not his friends
Though he fears the end
And he'll die for them if he had to
Rise again fall again
In the end I will come to the rescue
Oh is anybody out there?
Is anybody out there?
Is anybody listening to my prayers?
Is anybody out there?
If you can hear me please take me out of here
Is anybody listening?
Is anybody out there?
Is anybody listening?
Is anybody listening?
Is anybody out there?
When the night became so dark with pain
Everyone became a brother 


