[HP]increasingly darkness of love[愛在無盡深淵]Always, there is seldom color in my world. But the bit of happiness killed for truth.There aren’t dark or white in the world and I won’t see each other.我的世界一直是少有色彩,然而現實卻讓這僅有的波動完全熄滅。這個世界從來就不分黑白,而我也不願再看見任何色彩。
《Increasingly Darkness》是increasigly創作的網路小說,發表於晉江文學網。
[HP]increasingly darkness of love[愛在無盡深淵]Always, there is seldom color in my world. But the bit of happiness killed for truth.There aren’t dark or white in the world and I won’t see each other.我的世界一直是少有色彩,然而現實卻讓這僅有的波動完全熄滅。這個世界從來就不分黑白,而我也不願再看見任何色彩。