Friedrich Hayek

Friedrich Hayek

Friedrich August von Hayek, CH (also translated as Salma Hayek, Friedrich August von Hayek, 1899 - May 8, on 23 March 1992) is an Austrian - born British economist and political philosopher.- to uphold free - market capitalism and socialism, and collectivism.


Friedrich A. Hayek (1899 - 1992), the famous 20th - century classical liberal intellectuals, was born in Vienna, Austria, in Vienna University to study law and economics, in 1921 and 1923 and earned two doctorates, in Austria's trade cycle in institute work from 1931 to 1950 at the London School of Economics and worked as a professor of economic science and statistics, and later also worked as a social and moral science at the University of Chicago professor and professor of economics at the University of Freiburg from 1931 to 1950 at the London School of Economics and worked as a professor of economic science and statistics, and later also worked as a social and moral science at the University of Chicago professor and professor of economics at the University of Freiburg .
1974 won the Nobel Economic Prize 1974 won the Nobel Economic Prize . Hayek of the main theoretical contribution was his monetary theory,socialist economic planning and government intervention studies, but he's kind of in the fields of social science has exerted great influence on the Hayek of the main theoretical contribution was his monetary theory,socialist economic planning and government intervention studies, but he's kind of in the fields of social science has exerted great influence on the .
major works include "monetary and trade cycle theory", "Pure Theory of Capital", "leading to servitude This Road", "individualism", "scientific" rebel "," The Sensory Order "," Charter of Rights and Freedoms" and the like major works include "monetary and trade cycle theory", "Pure Theory of Capital", "leading to servitude This Road", "individualism", "scientific" rebel "," The Sensory Order "," Charter of Rights and Freedoms" and the like .
Friedrich Hayek


Hayek was born in Vienna, Austria, a prominent intellectual family Hayek was born in Vienna, Austria, a prominent intellectual family . his father in the government's social welfare system as a physician, but also published papers in botany his father in the government's social welfare system as a physician, but also published papers in botany .
In addition he is the president of the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, his cousin In addition he is the president of the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, his cousin . respectively in 1921 and 1923 in Vienna University and a doctorate in political science and law, while also learning psychology and economics is keenly interested in respectively in 1921 and 1923 in Vienna University and a doctorate in political science and law, while also learning psychology and economics is keenly interested in .
initially Hayek felt sympathy for socialism, but he attended the Ludwig von Mises in order to improve the quality of education, the economy began to gradually transition the values of the initially Hayek felt sympathy for socialism, but he attended the Ludwig von Mises in order to improve the quality of education, the economy began to gradually transition the values of the . Hayek in 1923 to 1924, 2000, p.served as NYU professor Jeremiah. Jeremiah Jenks (its essence) research assistant,
He then returned to Austria, as well as to assist the Government in the process of leaving after the First World War, the international treaties on legal and economic problems He then returned to Austria, as well as to assist the Government in the process of leaving after the First World War, the international treaties on legal and economic problems . Next Hayek created the Austrian business cycle research center and served as Director, and in 1931, invited by the London School of Economics where he taught from Next Hayek created the Austrian business cycle research center and served as Director, and in 1931, invited by the London School of Economics where he taught from .
in Austria from Nazi Germany after embezzling, Hayek did not want to return home in Austria from Nazi Germany after embezzling, Hayek did not want to return home . in 1938 he became a British citizen, and for the life of this citizenship in 1938 he became a British citizen, and for the life of this citizenship .
in the 1930s,Hayek is widely considered the most important of the Austrian School economists, but his economic theory and the rise of the new Keynesian economics' between two incompatible in the 1930s,Hayek is widely considered the most important of the Austrian School economists, but his economic theory and the rise of the new Keynesian economics' between two incompatible . of the debate, which was to last until today of the debate, which was to last until today .
Hayek in the late 1970s, the US and the UK started to gain attention, Hayek politicians in these countries are on the table (e.g., U.S. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher of Britain ) in 1950, Hayek left the London School of Economics,Go to the U.S. at the University of Chicago and worked as a social idea from the Committee on Social Thought "(professor) due to his Austrian economics perspective, he was a member of the faculty of economics of someone thwarted by
) that cannot join him in Chicago also met other prominent economists such as Milton Friedman ) that cannot join him in Chicago also met other prominent economists such as Milton Friedman . however, from that time on, Hayek's interest gradually turned to political philosophy and psychology and, though he continued to write about economics, but even by that time,His main economics theory is yet to be fully published however, from that time on, Hayek's interest gradually turned to political philosophy and psychology and, though he continued to write about economics, but even by that time,His main economics theory is yet to be fully published .
Hayek in 1962 to the German University of Freiburg, the University of Freiburg professor, until his 1968 retirement until Hayek in 1962 to the German University of Freiburg, the University of Freiburg professor, until his 1968 retirement until . in 1974 he received the Nobel Prize in Economics, which became the Austrian business cycle theory has begun to gain attention for longer than one in 1974 he received the Nobel Prize in Economics, which became the Austrian business cycle theory has begun to gain attention for longer than one .
in 1984, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's recommendation,He won the Queen Elizabeth II granted honorary (Order of the Legion of Honour), in recognition of his contributions to the study of economics for in 1984, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's recommendation,He won the Queen Elizabeth II granted honorary (Order of the Legion of Honour), in recognition of his contributions to the study of economics for . after Hayek, and University of Salzburg (Salzburg) at the University as a visiting professor at after Hayek, and University of Salzburg (Salzburg) at the University as a visiting professor at .
Hayek in 1992 in Freiburg, Germany, Is Dead at 93 Hayek in 1992 in Freiburg, Germany, Is Dead at 93 .


Economic Calculation Problem

Hayek is a 20th - century academia as one of the main critics of collectivism Hayek is a 20th - century academia as one of the main critics of collectivism . Hayek believed that all forms of collectivism (even those theoretically based on voluntary cooperation) and the final form of collectivism are only likely to centralised institutions maintained Hayek believed that all forms of collectivism (even those theoretically based on voluntary cooperation) and the final form of collectivism are only likely to centralised institutions maintained .
in his famous book "The Road to Serfdom" (1944) and other works he advocated socialism must have one central economic plan, planned economy eventually would lead to totalitarianism,being endowed with a powerful economic control of government powers will control your personal social lives in his famous book "The Road to Serfdom" (1944) and other works he advocated socialism must have one central economic plan, planned economy eventually would lead to totalitarianism,being endowed with a powerful economic control of government powers will control your personal social lives . is rooted in the early writings of von Mises and others, Hayek argues: In a centrally planned economy, a particular individual or group must decide the allocation of resources, but these plans were never acquired enough information to allow the correct allocation of resources,This problem is also known as the economic calculation problem of the economic calculation problem " is rooted in the early writings of von Mises and others, Hayek argues: In a centrally planned economy, a particular individual or group must decide the allocation of resources, but these plans were never acquired enough information to allow the correct allocation of resources,This problem is also known as the economic calculation problem of the economic calculation problem ".
Hayek for insisting that the effective use of resources and the exchange is only possible via a free - market prices on the mechanisms that maintain Hayek for insisting that the effective use of resources and the exchange is only possible via a free - market prices on the mechanisms that maintain . while in 1945 of the" in "The Use of Knowledge in Society in Hayek advocated price mechanisms for coordination and exchange of personal knowledge, and make the society's members to achieve diversification,by spontaneous self - organization principles to solve complex puzzles he created while in 1945 of the" in "The Use of Knowledge in Society in Hayek advocated price mechanisms for coordination and exchange of personal knowledge, and make the society's members to achieve diversification,by spontaneous self - organization principles to solve complex puzzles he created .
transaction economics coined the term "self - organizing system of voluntary cooperation" transaction economics coined the term "self - organizing system of voluntary cooperation" . in Hayek's point of view, the country's main character is supposed to maintain the rule of law, and should, wherever possible, to avoid becoming involved in other areas of the in Hayek's point of view, the country's main character is supposed to maintain the rule of law, and should, wherever possible, to avoid becoming involved in other areas of the .
in "The Road to Serfdom", in which he advocated a totalitarian dictator, the rise of the government and the market was too much regulation and intervention, and political and civil liberties as a result of the loss of in "The Road to Serfdom", in which he advocated a totalitarian dictator, the rise of the government and the market was too much regulation and intervention, and political and civil liberties as a result of the loss of . Hayek also Britain and the United States because of the influence of Keynesian economic establishment control system for giving a warning,think it will be the same of totalitarian governments, and this is what the Keynesians that eschews.
Hayek considered totalitarian regimes such as fascism, Nazism, and communism were equally extreme genre; because these regimes were trying to erase the Hayek considered totalitarian regimes such as fascism, Nazism, and communism were equally extreme genre; because these regimes were trying to erase the . economic freedom as soon as he was concerned that the erasure of economic freedom will represent them in the political freedom that he believed the Nazi and communist - is only a difference in the name of a different one to economic freedom as soon as he was concerned that the erasure of economic freedom will represent them in the political freedom that he believed the Nazi and communist - is only a difference in the name of a different one to .
Hayek advocated economic freedom and political freedom, as an indispensable element of Hayek advocated economic freedom and political freedom, as an indispensable element of . According to Hayek,As long as the government tried to control the individual policies of free (as Keynes and Roosevelt's New Deal), the same consequences of totalitarianism may also occur in the UK (or anywhere else) According to Hayek,As long as the government tried to control the individual policies of free (as Keynes and Roosevelt's New Deal), the same consequences of totalitarianism may also occur in the UK (or anywhere else) .
Friedrich Hayek

Voluntary Order

Hayek said that free price mechanism and deliberate intervention is not generated (i.e. in advance by people deliberately designed), but by "The Spontaneous Order" or "caused by human activity but human design" produced by another new leader also therefore, Hayek the price mechanism to raise the importance of language and the equally important also therefore, Hayek the price mechanism to raise the importance of language and the equally important .
such thinking led him to speculate that the human brain how to accommodate these such thinking led him to speculate that the human brain how to accommodate these . behavior in 1952 of the "feeling of order" and "The Sensory Order),He is an advocate of connectionist neural network hypothesis has led to a lot of modern neuro - physiological basis of behavior in 1952 of the "feeling of order" and "The Sensory Order),He is an advocate of connectionist neural network hypothesis has led to a lot of modern neuro - physiological basis of .
Hayek in 1988 the "fatal conceit" (a) The Fatal argues in her book of the birth of human civilization was originated in the private property of the institution, Hayek in 1988 the "fatal conceit" (a) The Fatal argues in her book of the birth of human civilization was originated in the private property of the institution, . he said, the price is the only economic policy makers through tacit knowledge and dispersed knowledge of telecom communication way, which can solve the economic calculation problem he said, the price is the only economic policy makers through tacit knowledge and dispersed knowledge of telecom communication way, which can solve the economic calculation problem .

Business Cycle

Hayek for capital, currency, and the business cycle works is widely seen as his most important contribution to economics, Hayek for capital, currency, and the business cycle works is widely seen as his most important contribution to economics, . Ludwig von Mises in earlier when the "Currency and Credit Theory of Money and Credit, 1912), who has explained the currency and banking theories, the marginal benefit of the monetary value of the principles apply to the new industrial theory on Ludwig von Mises in earlier when the "Currency and Credit Theory of Money and Credit, 1912), who has explained the currency and banking theories, the marginal benefit of the monetary value of the principles apply to the new industrial theory on .
Hayek to book further explained on the basis of the business cycle, this theory has since been referred to as" Austrian business cycle theory" Hayek to book further explained on the basis of the business cycle, this theory has since been referred to as" Austrian business cycle theory". In his" Prices and Production "(and Production, 1931) and" The Pure Theory of Capital "(" The Pure Theory of Capital, 1941), he explained the business cycle has its origins in the government or the central bank - credit expansion in the process of artificially low interest rates caused capital misallocation caused by In his" Prices and Production "(and Production, 1931) and" The Pure Theory of Capital "(" The Pure Theory of Capital, 1941), he explained the business cycle has its origins in the government or the central bank - credit expansion in the process of artificially low interest rates caused capital misallocation caused by .
"Austrian business cycle theory" by many supporters of the theory of rational expectations and neoclassical economists criticise "Austrian business cycle theory" by many supporters of the theory of rational expectations and neoclassical economists criticise . Hayek in 1939 's" profits,Interest and Investment "(stands, Interest and Investment) in his theory and other theorist as the Austrian school of Mises and Rothbard et al. make a distinction, firstly to avoid his monetary theory of business cycle as a whole, which interprets a profit instead of a special interest on way
Hayek clearly explain most of the business cycle in such a way that a correct interpretation, which concentrate on real, rather than data on fluctuations in the Hayek clearly explain most of the business cycle in such a way that a correct interpretation, which concentrate on real, rather than data on fluctuations in the . He also noted that this special approach cannot explain the business cycle and other Austrian School theory fully follow He also noted that this special approach cannot explain the business cycle and other Austrian School theory fully follow .

Social Philosophy And Political Philosophy

Although hajek is most known for his contributions to economics, but in the later stage of his career Hayek also on social philosophy and political philosophy made many contributions, mostly from his view of the limited human knowledge is theoretically derived, and in his theory of spontaneous order in the social role of Although hajek is most known for his contributions to economics, but in the later stage of his career Hayek also on social philosophy and political philosophy made many contributions, mostly from his view of the limited human knowledge is theoretically derived, and in his theory of spontaneous order in the social role of . he advocated a market order, centered on the organization of society (among the country's role is limited in the protection of market operations and the necessary personal safety), which from his limited knowledge of human philosophy theory derived from he advocated a market order, centered on the organization of society (among the country's role is limited in the protection of market operations and the necessary personal safety), which from his limited knowledge of human philosophy theory derived from .
in his philosophy of science,Hayek strongly criticized the so - called doctrine of omnipotence and objective is a scientific research on social science research in the field, leading to practically produce the opposite result in his philosophy of science,Hayek strongly criticized the so - called doctrine of omnipotence and objective is a scientific research on social science research in the field, leading to practically produce the opposite result . usually this involves a philosophical force clearly verified, mistakenly thought that science can explain all of Jane's single with two - dimensional linear graph usually this involves a philosophical force clearly verified, mistakenly thought that science can explain all of Jane's single with two - dimensional linear graph .
Hayek pointed out that the majority of which are involved in the science of complex multi - linear and multi - variables, while the economics and the non - design order of complexity as in Darwin's theory of biology in general, imposed a general scientific manner will result in incorrect results ("counter - revolutionary scientific studies on the abuse of reason",The Counter - Revolution of Science: Studies in the Abuse of Reason, 1952 in) Hayek pointed out that the majority of which are involved in the science of complex multi - linear and multi - variables, while the economics and the non - design order of complexity as in Darwin's theory of biology in general, imposed a general scientific manner will result in incorrect results ("counter - revolutionary scientific studies on the abuse of reason",The Counter - Revolution of Science: Studies in the Abuse of Reason, 1952 in) . ("feeling of order", and "The Sensory Order: An of the into the Foundations of Theoretical Psychology, 1952) is a book in which he then developed the" Herbie "(Hebbian learning) for learning and memory, Hayek in 1920 and which had conceived the concept, even as early as he studied economics before the ("feeling of order", and "The Sensory Order: An of the into the Foundations of Theoretical Psychology, 1952) is a book in which he then developed the" Herbie "(Hebbian learning) for learning and memory, Hayek in 1920 and which had conceived the concept, even as early as he studied economics before the .
extend Hayek's" Herbison synapse "Hebbian (SYNAPSE) to the global study of the human brain has a considerable contribution, and continue to do well in neuroscience, cognitive science, computer science, behavioral science, and psychology fields to bring their influence to this day extend Hayek's" Herbison synapse "Hebbian (SYNAPSE) to the global study of the human brain has a considerable contribution, and continue to do well in neuroscience, cognitive science, computer science, behavioral science, and psychology fields to bring their influence to this day .

Hayek And Conservatism

In the 1980s and 1990s in the United States (Ronald Reagan) and British (Mrs Thatcher) rise of the conservative government after, Hayek's theory gained more attention In the 1980s and 1990s in the United States (Ronald Reagan) and British (Mrs Thatcher) rise of the conservative government after, Hayek's theory gained more attention . from 1979 to 1990 and is now the Conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher is the theory of the famous supporters from 1979 to 1990 and is now the Conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher is the theory of the famous supporters .
in Mrs. Thatcher learned he became Conservative leader soon after, her "from her briefcase out a book that is Frederick Hayek's" Liberty" (The Constitution of Liberty Frederick Hayek's" Liberty" (The Constitution of Liberty .
she interrupted the speaker on the stage,Holding this book and let everybody see she interrupted the speaker on the stage,Holding this book and let everybody see . book ', she snapped, is that we believe' book ', she snapped, is that we believe' .
and and . the desk will book Tap "won in the 1979 election, Margaret Thatcher appointed Keith Joseph Hayek sent of Keith Joseph, served as Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, to correct long - standing policy of the faltering British economy the desk will book Tap "won in the 1979 election, Margaret Thatcher appointed Keith Joseph Hayek sent of Keith Joseph, served as Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, to correct long - standing policy of the faltering British economy .
the same, many of Ronald Reagan's economic advisers are all friends of Hayek the same, many of Ronald Reagan's economic advisers are all friends of Hayek . however,Hayek wrote an essay entitled "Why I Am Not a Conservative" (Why I Am Not a Conservative) of paper, in which he criticized conservative incompetence in the face of constantly changing human realities, but without being able to offer the enthusiasm of his policy plans however,Hayek wrote an essay entitled "Why I Am Not a Conservative" (Why I Am Not a Conservative) of paper, in which he criticized conservative incompetence in the face of constantly changing human realities, but without being able to offer the enthusiasm of his policy plans .
criticism targeted at the European style of conservatism, which is based on long - term social stability and traditional values on the grounds of the ideology of capitalist criticism targeted at the European style of conservatism, which is based on long - term social stability and traditional values on the grounds of the ideology of capitalist . Hayek "is considered a classical liberal, but he also noticed that he was in the United States almost impossible to" liberal "liliao", etc.Because this word in America is due to the New Deal by the general public and social liberalism with
confused, on the other hand, Hayek is often described as a "libertarian", although he himself is prone to calling themselves" Old Whigs" () confused, on the other hand, Hayek is often described as a "libertarian", although he himself is prone to calling themselves" Old Whigs" () .


In 1947, Hayek and others founded the Mont pelerin society Society (Mont), by a group in various academic fields are opposed to socialism and academics whose In 1947, Hayek and others founded the Mont pelerin society Society (Mont), by a group in various academic fields are opposed to socialism and academics whose . in 1974 he received the nobel prize speech, Hayek pointed out that human knowledge in the economic and social systems on the error of high rated him for economics is often misleading as is and the physics, chemistry, medical and scientific precision of general concern,Since the imposition of precise scientific research in economics, is going to lead to an uncontrollable catastrophic result in 1974 he received the nobel prize speech, Hayek pointed out that human knowledge in the economic and social systems on the error of high rated him for economics is often misleading as is and the physics, chemistry, medical and scientific precision of general concern,Since the imposition of precise scientific research in economics, is going to lead to an uncontrollable catastrophic result .
although this relationship still exists many disputes, in his lifetime, Hayek and philosopher of science Karl Popper has developed long - standing relations of friendship, the two also came from Vienna although this relationship still exists many disputes, in his lifetime, Hayek and philosopher of science Karl Popper has developed long - standing relations of friendship, the two also came from Vienna . in a letter to Hayek, Popper wrote: "I think what I have learned from you may exceed all other living thinker in a letter to Hayek, Popper wrote: "I think what I have learned from you may exceed all other living thinker .
" (,Popper 2000) his" conjectures and refutations" (and) to Hayek, friedrich von hayek in his essays" Philosophy, Politics and Economics" (Studies in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics in China dedicated to Popper, and in 1982, said: " since he's in der since 1934, I became his methodology and theory of supporters "(Weimer and Palermo, 1982) Popper also participated in the Mont pelerin society of the opening of the rally "(Weimer and Palermo, 1982) Popper also participated in the Mont pelerin society of the opening of the rally .
despite their friendship and mutual admiration, but did not change in a two - man theory has great differences (, 2001) despite their friendship and mutual admiration, but did not change in a two - man theory has great differences (, 2001) . thatcher in addition to the influence of economic policy, and Ronald Reagan's economic adviser, Hayek in the 1990s to become Eastern Europe's most respected economists thatcher in addition to the influence of economic policy, and Ronald Reagan's economic adviser, Hayek in the 1990s to become Eastern Europe's most respected economists .
Hayek for socialist and non - socialist part of predicting the collapse of the Soviet Union in the process of fully documented,He continues to grow in front of the communist regime of the Eastern European States Number of ballot papers: 190 Number of invalid ballots: 0 Number of valid ballots: 190 Abstentions: 3 Required majority: 97 Number of votes obtained: greatly famous Hayek for socialist and non - socialist part of predicting the collapse of the Soviet Union in the process of fully documented,He continues to grow in front of the communist regime of the Eastern European States Number of ballot papers: 190 Number of invalid ballots: 0 Number of valid ballots: 190 Abstentions: 3 Required majority: 97 Number of votes obtained: greatly famous . Hayek influence is quite extensive, with economics, political science, philosophy, sociology, psychology, anthropology and Hayek influence is quite extensive, with economics, political science, philosophy, sociology, psychology, anthropology and .
For example, Hayek in "The Road to Serfdom", a book on totalitarianism regimes of truth and falsehood of discussion also influenced the later modernism's critics (Wolin, 2004) For example, Hayek in "The Road to Serfdom", a book on totalitarianism regimes of truth and falsehood of discussion also influenced the later modernism's critics (Wolin, 2004) . even after his death, Hayek's theory remains the continuing influence, especially in those he had joined the faculty of the college: the London School of Economics, University of Chicago, even after his death, Hayek's theory remains the continuing influence, especially in those he had joined the faculty of the college: the London School of Economics, University of Chicago,.
University of Freiburg and in his many years in this newspaper also further influence University of Freiburg and in his many years in this newspaper also further influence . at the London School of Economics, a student - organized groups of the Hayek Society in Oxford that bears his name to at the London School of Economics, a student - organized groups of the Hayek Society in Oxford that bears his name to .
Hayek also have social organization Hayek also have social organization . while in Washington D.C., United States of America, one of the most influential think - tank the Cato Institute, which may be selected, in a lecture hall under the name
Friedrich Hayek

Famous Book

(1) Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle, 1929. (2) and (iii) Production, 1931. (3) stands, Interest and Investment: And other essays on the theory of industrial, 1939. (4) The Roa(d) to ("The Road to Serfdom"), 1944. (5) The Constitution of Liberty, 1960. (6) The Fatal, 1989.


(1) Where there is no property rights, where there is no justice (1) Where there is no property rights, where there is no justice . (2) Hume wish for peace, freedom and justice, not from people of good character, but from the sound system () which makes even the bad guys, in their chase for the various areas in order to satisfy your own desire, also for the public good were things to do (2) Hume wish for peace, freedom and justice, not from people of good character, but from the sound system () which makes even the bad guys, in their chase for the various areas in order to satisfy your own desire, also for the public good were things to do .


