

面對人生如同杯子裡的水~ 太浮躁了 就會溢出。太低調了 就永遠也不會出人頭地。 只用在不斷進去 不對學習 不斷蓄水 積攢能量 才能得到認可。 往往盲目的去積攢也是徒勞無功,別人看到的只是你的愚蠢。這就是生活。讓別人看到你優異的地方。用他來遮掩你的缺陷 。最後能活下來的 就會是你。有時候生活不是倆個人的事情,是大家的,有時候人生沒有挑戰,就會覺是好灰暗啊。

cup cupcupcupcupcupn.

cup杯子, 酒杯, 獎盃


cup使成杯狀, 為...拔火罐

1. a United States liquid unit equal to 8 fluid ounces
2. the quantity a cup will hold
3. a small open container usually used for drinking; usually has a handle
4. a large metal vessel with two handles that is awarded as a trophy to the winner of a competition
同義詞:loving cup
5. any cup-shaped concavity
6. the hole (or metal container in the hole) on a golf green
7. a punch served in a pitcher instead of a punch bowl
8. cup-shaped plant organ
1. form into the shape of a cup
2. put into a cup
3. treat by applying evacuated cups to the patient's skin
A full cup must be carried steadily. [諺]器滿則溢。(指人在得意時, 不要忘乎所以)
be a cup too low 無精打彩
be fond of the cup 好酒貪杯
between cup and lip (事情)將成未成之際; 即將到手
Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip. [諺]吃到嘴裡才算是你的。
bitter cup 苦杯, 苦難, 痛苦的命運
challenge cup 優勝杯, 獎盃
trophy cup 優勝杯, 獎盃
claret cup 一種冷飲品
crush a cup 乾一杯; 共飲, 共舉壺觴
drain the cup (of bitterness, sorrow, etc)to the dregs 歷盡苦難, 備嘗辛酸
drink the cup (of bitterness, sorrow, etc)to the dregs 歷盡苦難, 備嘗辛酸
fill up the cup 使某人的苦難[幸福等]達到最大的限度 做盡壞事, 惡貫滿盈
grace cup (餐後祈禱完畢時傳飲的)祝酒杯; 祝酒
have had a cup too much [俚]喝醉了
have got a cup too much [俚]喝醉了
in one's cup 微醉; 在酒醉的時候
kiss the cup 呷, 飲, 飲酒
let thiscuppass from me 但願能免掉這份苦難
one's cup was full 幸福極了
one's cup was running over 幸福極了
the cup of Circe 使人變成異物的藥酒
win the cup 優勝
withhold the cup 不喝聖餐葡萄酒盡吃麵包
cup and can 形影不離, 親密的朋友
cups that cheer, but not inebriate 不醉人的酒, 茶



