Next, you need to find how strongly each association is linked to the brand. Thus, consumers would report the degree to which the various Budweiser association “ connote Budweiserness or somehow captures the essence of Budweiser”. Says Randazzo, “What we ultimately end up with is a rank-ordered list of images, attributes, feelings, and things that are most strongly associated with our brand----a BIP”.
The final step involves probing for deeper understanding of what these associations represent in the consumer’s psyche. Beyond knowing that Clydesdale are strongly associated with Budweiser, it is desirable to understand what Clydesdales symbolize to the consumer. For some, they may represent power, strength, and tradition: “They’re working horses…that’s the way they used to deliver beer.” Others might view them as symbolizing the working –class male: “ Strong, hard working, and proud”. The end result of this type of probing is an enriched appreciation of the brand’s meaning to the consumer.
/e/)設計引物。設計一對外引物F3和B3,一對內引物FIP和BIP。內引物FIP由F1c、F2(F2c的互補序列)及中間間隔區組成,BIP由...結構,引物之間的距離。 Tm值:利用毗鄰法計算Tm值。對於GC含量豐富...
LAMP過程及原理 LAMP的優勢 LAMP的改進與深化 -
。環介導等溫擴增法是一種全新的核酸擴增方法,具有簡單、快速、特異性強的特點...。LAMP法的特徵是針對靶基因上的六個區域設計四條引物,利用鏈置換型...環的結構(5),可作為BIP 引物的模板, BIP 啟動鏈的合成,隨後...
3.2 純整數規劃的求解3.2.1 求解純整數規劃的分支定界法3.2.2 求解IP的割平面法3.3 O-1規劃的求解3.3.1 隱枚舉法求解BIP問題3.3.2 分支-隱枚舉法求解BIP問題3.4 WinQSB...
內容簡介 編輯推薦 目錄 -
3.2 純整數規劃的求解3.2.1 求解純整數規劃的分支定界法3.2.2 求解IP的割平面法3.3 O-1規劃的求解3.3.1 隱枚舉法求解BIP問題3.3.2 分支-隱枚舉法求解BIP問題3.4 WinQSB...
內容簡介 編輯推薦 目錄 -
求解純整數規劃的分支定界法3.2.2 求解IP的割平面法3.3 O-1規劃的求解3.3.1 隱枚舉法求解BIP問題3.3.2 分支-隱枚舉法求解BIP問題3.4 WinQSB軟體套用習題第4章 目標規劃4.1 目標規劃...
內容簡介 作者簡介 圖書目錄 編輯推薦 序言 -
3.2 純整數規劃的求解3.2.1 求解純整數規劃的分支定界法3.2.2 求解IP的割平面法3.3 O-1規劃的求解3.3.1 隱枚舉法求解BIP問題3.3.2 分支-隱枚舉法求解BIP問題3.4 WinQSB...
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大規模 ISP問題上;另一種方法是基於線性規劃的分支界限法,這種方法通過...(BIP)問題。BIP 的引出,使最佳化過程只需進行少量的如果假設調用,利用...
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