Avant Browser瀏覽器


Avant Browser中國公司(科澤軟體科技(北京)有限公司)成立於2005年7月,自成立以來公司一直致力於Avant網路瀏覽器(www.avantbrowser.org)的開發和 Web2.0技術的套用研究。2006年10月公司遷址到北京中關村清華科技園區。 作為世界知名瀏覽器之一,Avant瀏覽器在全球擁有數百萬忠實用戶,在全球Avant瀏覽器的累計下載量已經超過 6000萬。科澤軟體在承擔Avant瀏覽器的產品更新維護的同時,還在積極開拓亞太區市場,與我們的合作夥伴一起,通過Avant瀏覽器為數百萬用戶提供全新的網際網路體驗以及優質的信息服務。
Keze Software Technology Co., Ltd was founded in July 2005, which was focus on developing Avant Browser (www.avantbrowser.us)& researching of Web2.0. We had moved to zgc area and into Tsinghua High-technology Park. As the one of the famous browsers of the world, Avant's users were more than 5,000,000. The Avant Browser has been downloaded over 60,000,000 world wide. While we improved and updated Avant, we did business development in Asia-pacific area. We were trying to provide advanced information services based on Avant Browser for our users together with our partners.



