thank you 的音譯形式,在中國內地使用,非正式場合使用此書寫形式,正式及其他書面材料不適合書寫成該形式。
![3q[英文thank you音譯]](/img/4/234/wZwpmLxcDM0ETM0UzNzEDN0UTMyITNykTO0EDMwAjMwUzL1czLxIzLt92YucmbvRWdo5Cd0FmLxE2LvoDc0RHa.jpg)
原型為:thank you 表示謝謝的意思
See also: thanks used to show that you are grateful to somebody for something they have done (表示感激) 謝謝你 ~ (for sth/for doing sth)
Thank you for your letter. 謝謝你的來信。
Thank you very much for sending the photos. 非常 感謝你寄給我這些照片。
a polite way of accepting something that somebody has offered you (接受好意)好, 謝謝你
‘Would you like some help with that?’ ‘Oh, thank you.’ “這事你需要幫忙嗎?”“需要, 謝謝你。”
a polite way of refusing something that somebody has offered you (婉言謝絕)不用了, 謝謝你
‘Would you like some more cake?’ ‘No thank you.’ “你再來點兒蛋糕嗎?”“不要了, 謝謝你。”
Alternate: no thank you used at the end of a sentence to tell somebody firmly that you do not need their help or advice (用於句末,堅決表示不需要幫助或勸告) 謝謝
‘Shall I do that?’ ‘I can do it myself, thank you.’ “我來乾好嗎?”“我自己能幹, 謝謝。”
an act, a gift, a comment, etc. intended to thank somebody for something they have done 感謝;謝意;酬謝;謝辭 usually singular ~ (to sb) (for sth)