Also known as the resistance factor. And anti-chemical agents (mainly antibiotics) of a class of plasmids. It carries one or several resistance genes. There are different R factors in bacteria resistant to chloramphenicol, streptomycin , tetracycline and sulfa drugs and other resistance. by a commitment to drug resistance transfer factor resistance transfer of functions and products containing resistant genes, will provide the host bacteria resistant to drug-resistant properties of the composition of the decision factors. These two factors may independent existence, but also together. only without the transfer factor resistance determinants of R factors can not be otherwise transfer bonding. R factor to make bacteria resistant to a variety of reasons, mainly: (1) R factor encoded passivation enzyme so that the chemical structure of chemicals to change to make it ineffective. (2) control of the bacterial cell membrane permeability, so that drugs can not enter the cells. (3) to prevent drugs and the role of intracellular binding site. R factor often means bonding or transduction in the same or different species of a genus of bacteria in the wide range of transmission of drug-resistant strains growing, and often caused great difficulties for clinical treatment.
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,CN 42-1321/R]是中國科技部科技論文統計源期刊,中國科技核心...因子0.505,位居基礎醫學第32名和細分同類期刊第1名(源自科學技術...(0.86)、 基金論文比(0.22)、擴散因子(48.16)等指標均...
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第一節 物業環境質量管理概述一、物業環境質量管理的概念物業環境質量管理,就是指為了保證人類的生存和發展,而對物業區域內的...
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論壇 創刊時間:1987 複合影響因子:0.129 綜合影響因子...],學位論文[D],報告[R],標準[S],專利〔P〕,彙編[G],檔案...
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