
個性: 活潑 開朗
興趣: 唱歌 跳舞 國畫
喜歡的書: 《紅樓夢》 《飄》

喜歡的音樂: 古典樂
喜歡的歌手: 彭麗媛 宋祖英
喜歡的電影: 《紅玫瑰與白玫瑰》《甜蜜蜜》
喜歡的導演: 關錦鵬 高希希
喜歡的演員: 張國榮 梅艷芳 張曼玉
喜歡的人: 爸爸 媽媽
喜歡的城市: 徐州
喜愛的顏色: 白色 紅色
喜愛的運動: 散步
喜歡做的事: 讀書 聽音樂
喜愛的動物: 貓
喜歡的花: 百合花 玫瑰
喜歡的水果: 西瓜 草莓

最難忘的事: 第一次登台
最大的願望: 在音樂上有所成就
最想去的地方: 維也納
專輯專輯名稱 | 發行時間 |
銘樂 2011-09-30 國語 |

2007年 參加中央台《同樂五洲》大型晚會
2007年 在范小天導演執導的電視劇版《風月》中飾演甄家三姨太
2006年 在百集大型木偶連續劇《秦漢英傑》擔任音樂編輯
2005年 亞洲音樂節南京賽區特別獎
天佑 龔銘
God bless Gong Ming

Folk music does not only refer to the music of ethnic minorities. Each ethnic group has its own musical style that passes on from generation to generation, including the Han. Being among the most ancient and most widespread ethnic groups, the Han possess a long history and a bright culture, but because of the very depth of this background, seldom are there any singers who manage to express the Han’s distinguishing characteristics.
With the coming of the talented singer—Gong Ming, a new turning point comes out.
Gong Ming, a creative singer, has multiple talents in singing, acting and music editing. She is amazingly good at deducting new folk music with an elegant style. At the time of 2008, with the Olympic Games being the best thing of the year, she gathers all the benefaction of being the right place at the right time with the right people into one. With all skills she has learnt in Nanjing, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, Gong Ming devote herself into the music to express 1.3 billion Chinese’s minds—Our Golden Ages and Olympic Fortune. With her sincere and profound emotion, her sweet and smooth voice is melting into the melody with energy and passion, vividly and incisively interpreting the new folk music, which provide you with a most striking music feast.
2008 is in effect the Year of China, and the holding the Olympic Games will mark the great rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation. The color of China, the Red has spread to the rest of the world. Red stands for passion flowing in the blood, red is like the melody for the age of excitement, red is the everlasting color of many a flag.
Our Golden Ages is a classic album of new folk music, bringing together four new folk music songs, all composed by Gong Ming during years of devotion. These art works contain the best features of Chinese folk music. Not only the content of the lyrics but also the applications of music bear distinctive characteristics of times. The performing style has been a great breakthrough in expressing Chinese people’s ardent aspirations of new life and ideals.
In both melody and lyrics, Our Golden Ages strongly reflects the great power of the Chinese Nation. The enthusiastic drumbeats at the beginning of the song reflect Chinese people’s current state mind. Following the cling-clang rhythm of the drumbeats, the lyrics ‘a great dragon flying over the East, drawing attention from people all over the world’ describe a spectacular scene, arousing a strong pride in every Chinese mind.