
黃春長(HUANG Chunchang )
曾主持國家“211工程”三期建設重點項目:西北人文社會與資源環境協調發展,資源環境與可持續發展; 國家自然基金項目:“渭河及其主要支流全新世古洪水水文學研究”; 國家自然科學基金項目:“黃河中游古代都市發展遷移與環境變遷互動關係研究”;國家自然科學基金 “渭河流域全新世短尺度氣候水文事件高解析度研究”項目,教育部人文社會科學重點研究基地2001年招標項目“渭河流域商周時代環境演變及其經濟社會影響高解析度研究”等。
教育部地理教學指導委員會委員。中國地理學會理事兼任學術委員會委員,環境變遷專業委員會副主任。中國第四紀科學研究會理事、第四紀教育委員會副主任、環境考古專業委員會委員。陝西省地理學會副理事長。陝西省環境科學學會副理事長。《第四紀研究》、《中國歷史地理論從》等刊物編委。《Quaternary Science Reviews》、《Holocene》、《Quaternary International》、《Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology》、《Jiournal of Historical Geography》、《Land Degradation and Development》和《Catena》等英文SCI期刊審稿人。陝西師範大學地理學博士後流動站站長,地理學一級學科博士點學術帶頭人。《陝西師大學報》理科版主編。
1.Huang, C.C. et al, (2011):Extraordinary floods related to the climatic event at 4200 a BP on the Qishuihe River, middle reaches of the Yellow River, China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2011, 30: 460-468.(SCI-1區)
2.Huang, C C. et al, (2009): Holocene environmental change inferred from the loess-palaeosol sequences ajacent to the floodplain of the yellow River, China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2009, doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.05.024. (SCI一區)
3.Huang, C.C. et al, (2007):Impact of monsoonal climatic change on Holocene overbank flooding along Sushui River, middle reach of the Yellow River, China.Quaternary Science Reviews, 2007, 26: 2247-2264.(SCI-1區)
4.Huang, C.C. et al, (2004):Holocene Pedogenic Change and the Emergence and Decline of Rain-fed Cereal Agriculture on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews ,2004,23(23-24): 2529-2539.(SCI-1區)
5.Huang C.C. et al (2010). Extraordinary Floods of 4100−4000 a BP recorded at the Late Neolithic Ruins in the Jinghe River Gorges, Middle Reach of the Yellow River, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2010, 289(3): 1-9.(SCI-2區)
6.Huang, C.C. et al, (2006):Charcoal Records of Wildfire History in the Holocene Loess-soil Sequences over the Southern Loess Plateau of China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2006, 239: 28-44.(SCI-2區)
7.Huang, C.C. et al, (2004)Holocene Landscape Development and Climatic Change in the Low Arctic, Northwest Territories, Canada. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2004, 205: 221-234.(SCI-2區)
8.Huang C.C. et al, (2006). Holocene colluviation and its implications for tracing human-induced eoil erosion and redeposition on the piedmont loess lands of the Qinling mountains, Northern China. Geoderma. 2006, 136: 838-851.(SCI-2區)
9.Huang, C.C. et al,(2003). Climatic aridity and the dislocations of the Zhou Culture in the Southern Loess Plateau of China. Climatic Change 61(3): 361-378.(SCI-2區)
10.Huang, C.C. (2002). Holocene landscape development, climatic variation and human impact in the Maumeen Gap, Connemara, western Ireland. Journal of Biogeography 29(2), 153-165.(SCI-2區)
11.Huang, C.C., Pang, J.L., Chen, S.E., Zhang, Z.P. (2003) Holocene Dust Accumulation and the Formation of Policyclic Cinnamon Soils in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 28(12): 1259-1270.
12.Huang, C.C., Pang, J.L. Huang, P. Hou, C.H. Han, Y.P. (2002) Multi-disciplinary studies of the oldest cultivated soils in the southern part of the Loess Plateau of China. Catena 47(1), 19-42.
13.Huang, C.C., Pang, J.L. Huang, P. (2002). An early Holocene erosion phase on the loess tableland in the southern Loess Plateau of China. Geomorphology 43(3-4),209-218.
14.Huang, C.C., Pang, J.L., Li, P.H. (2002) Abruptly increased climatic aridity and its social impact at 3100a BP on the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Arid Environments 52(1): 87-99.
15.Huang, C.C. & O’Connell, M. (2000). Recent land-use and soil-erosion within a small catchment in Connemara, western Ireland: evidence from lake sediments and documentary sources. Catena, 41(4), 293-335.
16.Huang, C.C., Zhou, J. and Pang, J.L., Han, Y., Hou, C. (2000). A regional aridity phase and its possible cultural impact during the Holocene Megathermal in the Guanzhong Basin, China. The Holocene 10(1), 135-143.
17.Huang, C.C., Pang, J.L. and Zhao, J. B. (2000). Chinese loess and the evolution of the East Asian monsoon. Progress in Physical Geography 24(1), 75-96.
18.黃春長,龐獎勵,查小春等.黃河流域關中盆地史前大洪水研究—以周原漆水河谷地為例.中國科學:地球科學,2011, 41: 1658–1669.
21.黃春長, 龐獎勵, 陳寶群, 周群英, 毛龍江,李平華,2003. 渭河流域先周-西周時代環境和水土資源退化及其社會影響. 第四紀研究,23(4): 404-414.
22.李曉剛, 黃春長等.黃河壺口段全新世古洪水事件及其水文學研究.地理學報, 2010, 65(11):1371-1380.
23. 李瑜琴, 黃春長等. 涇河中游龍山文化晚期特大洪水水文學研究. 地理學報, 2009, 64(5): 541-552.
24. 姚平, 黃春長等. 北洛河中游黃陵洛川段全新世古洪水研究. 地理學報, 2008, 63 (11): 1198-1206
1998.《環境變遷》,科學出版社, (2000年第二次印刷).