





2007年9月-2012年3月,哈爾濱工業大學,深圳研究生院,結構工程專業,研究生/博士,研究方向:結構風工程,導師:徐幼麟 教授


2012.05-2012.08,香港理工大學土木及結構工程學系,Research associate.
2011.08-2012.04,香港理工大學深圳研究院可持續城市建設研發中心,Research assistant。
2008.07-2008.12,2009.10-2010.01,2010.08-2011.05期間,香港理工大學土木及結構工程系, Research assistant;


1. W.F. Huang, Y. L. Xu, A refined model for typhoon wind field simulation in boundary layer, Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering, 2012, 15(1):91-103(SCI 檢索);
2. W.F. Huang, Y. L. Xu, C.W、Li, H.J. Liu, Prediction of design typhoon wind speeds and profiles using refined typhoon wind field model, Journal of Advanced Steel Construction -An International Journal, 2011, 7(4), 387-402; (SCI 檢索)
3. W.F.Huang, Y.L.Xu, C.W、Li and H.J.Liu, Prediction of extreme wind speeds in Hong Kong using refined typhoon wind field model, 第十四屆全國結構風工程會議,Beijing, 2009;
4. W. F. Huang, Y. L. Xu, C. W. Li and H.J. Liu Typhoon wind field in atmospheric boundary layer. Proceedings of the Seventh Asia Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 2009;
5. Xu Y.L., and Huang W.F., Typhoon wind simulation and design wind speed, Proceedings of the 6th International Advanced School on Wind Engineering, Beijing, 2009, 323-345;
6. Xu Y.L., Huang W.F., Typhoon wind simulation and design wind speed, introduction to seismic and wind resistant design of building structures followed by international advance school in wind engineering, India, 3rd to 8rd, Dec, 2010;
7. Huang W F, Xu Y L. Numerical models for simulating typhoon wind fields in boundary layer, The 8th International Advanced School in Wind Engineering, 14-18 November, Hong Kong, 2011:1-17;
8. Huang W F, Xu Y L, Li C W, Liu H J. Directional typhoon wind speeds and profiles in Hong Kong, The 8th International Advanced School in Wind Engineering, 14-18 November, Hong Kong, 2011:18-33;
9. Xu Y L, Huang W F, Liu H J. Simulation of directional typhoon wind speeds and profiles over complex terrain, The 8th International Advanced School in Wind Engineering, 14-18 November, Hong Kong, 2011:34-51;
10. Hu L, Xu Y L, Huang W F, Liu H J. Typhoon-induced nonstationary buffeting response of long-span bridges, The 14th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference, Hong Kong, China, 2011, December 5-8;



