主持 ( 參與 ) 的課題
1) 國家自然科學基金青年項目(2013-2015)“Basic helix-loop-helix(bHLH)蛋白在光信號以及油菜素甾醇調控擬南芥開花過程中的作用”(31200216),22萬元,在研( 主持);
2) 上海市自然科學基金青年項目 (2013-2015)“光信號與油菜素甾醇共同調控擬南芥開花時間的機制研究”(12ZR1452400),10萬元,在研( 主持);
3) 國家自然科學基金面上項目 (2013-2016)“藍光特異性抑制其信號轉導關鍵蛋白CIB1降解的機制研究”(31270285),80萬元,在研(主要參與);
4) 廣州市科信局 (2015-2018)“枇杷屬種質資源的藥物和砧木利用”,140萬元,在研(主要參與)。
1)Expression of aspartyl protease and C3HC4-type RING zinc finger genes are responsive to ascorbic acid in Arabidopsis thaliana.(2011) Yongshun Gao, Hitoshi Nishikawa, Adebanjo Ayobamidele Badejo, Hitoshi Shibata, Yoshihiro Sawa, Tsuyoshi Nakagawa, TakanoriMaruta, Shigeru Shigeoka, Nicholas Smirnoff and Takahiro Ishikawa. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62:3647-3657(影響因子:5.364,SCI二區, 第一作者)
2)Analysis of two L-Galactono-1,4-lactone-responsive genes with complementaryexpression during the development of Arabidopsis thaliana.(2012) Yongshun Gao, Adebanjo Ayobamidele Badejo,Yoshihiro Sawa, Hitoshi Shibataand Takahiro Ishikawa Plant and Cell Physiology, 53:592-601(影響因子:4.702,SCI二區, 第一作者)
3)Translocation and the alternative D-galacturonate pathway contribute to increasing the ascorbate level in ripening tomato fruits together with the D-mannose/L-galactose pathway. (2012) Adebanjo Ayobamidele Badejo, Keiko Wada, Yongshun Gao, TakanoriMaruta, Yoshihiro Sawa, Shigeru Shigeoka and Takahiro Ishikawa. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63:229-239 (影響因子:5.242,SCI二區,第三作者)
4)Expression Analysis of the VTC2 and VTC5 Genes Encoding GDP-L-GalactosePhosphorylase, an Enzyme Involved in AscorbateBiosynthesis, in Arabidopsis thaliana. (2011) Yongshun Gao, Adebanjo Ayobamidele Badejo, Hitoshi Shibata, Yoshihiro Sawa, TakanoriMaruta, Shigeru Shigeoka, Michael Page, Nicholas Smirnoff and Takahiro Ishikawa. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry , 75:1783-1788 (影響因子:1.276, 第一作者)
5)Euglena gracilis ascorbate peroxidase forms an intramolecular dimeric structure: its unique molecular characterization. (2010) Takahiro Ishikawa, Naoko Tajima, Hitoshi Nishikawa, Yongshun Gao, Madhusudhan Rapolu, Hitoshi Shibata, Yoshihiro Sawa and Shigeru Shigeoka. Biochemical Journal,426: 125-134 (影響因子:5.155,SCI二區)
6)The pathway via D-galacturonate/L-galactonate is significant for ascorbate biosynthesis in Euglena gracilis: identification and functional characterization of aldonolactonase. (2008) Takahiro Ishikawa, Hitoshi Nishikawa, Yongshun Gao, Yoshihiro Sawa, Hitoshi Shibata, Yukinori Yabuta, Takanori Maruta and Shigeru Shigeoka. Journal of Biological Chemistry,283: 31133-31141 (影響因子:5.579,SCI二區)
Using GISH to analyze the relationship of E.prinoides, E.japonica and E.prinoidesRehd. & Wils.var.Daduhensis. (2014) Gui-fen Li, Zhi-ke Zhang, Guixiang Huang,Yongshun Gaoand Shunquan Lin. IV International Symposium on Loquat.May 12-15, 2014, Palermo, Italy(Oral Presentation)
Functional analysis of ascorbate biosynthetic genes VTC2/VTC5 inplant (2011) Takahiro Ishikawa,Yongshun Gao, Takuya Matsuzawa, Yoshihiro Sawa, Hitoshi Shibata, TakanoriMaruta, and Shigeru Shigeoka. Conference of the Vitamin Society of Japan (63), Hirosihma, Japan. June 4-5
Expression analysis ofVTC2andVTC5genes related to ascorbate biosynthesis in Arabidopsis (2011)Yongshun Gao, Takuya Masuzawa, Adebanjo Ayobamidele Badejo, Hitoshi Shibata, Yoshihiro Sawa, Nicholas Smirnoff, Takanori Maruta, Shigeru Shigeoka and Takahiro Ishikawa. The 52Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists.Tohoku University Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture Japan. March 20-22
Ascorbate responsive genes inArabidopsis thaliana.(2010)Yongshun Gao, Yoshihiro Sawa, Hitoshi Shibata, Tsuyoshi Nakagawa, Nicholas Smirnoff, Shigeru Shigeokaand Takahiro Ishikawa.21st International Conference on Arabidopsis ResearchPacifico Yokohama, Tokyo. June 6-10
Screening of ascorbate-responsive genes using Arabidopsis ascorbate-deficient mutant (An Aspartyl Protease and a Ring Zinc Finger Protein Discovered to Have Close Relation with Ascorbic Acid Pool Size Change in Arabidopsis) (2010)Yongshun Gao,Yoshihiro Sawa, Hitoshi Shibata, Tsuyoshi Nakagawa, Nicholas Smirnoff, Shigeru Shigeoka andTakahiro Ishikawa.The 51Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists.Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan, March 18-21
Functional analysis of aldonolactonase on the ascorbate biosynthesis pathway inEuglena.(2007)Yongshun Gao,Hitoshi Nishikawa, Yukinori Yabuta, TakanoriMaruta, Yoshihiro Sawa, Hitoshi Shibata, Shigeru Shigeoka andTakahiro Ishikawa.Conference of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry.Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan,September 14-15(Oral Presentation)
Intermolecular dimmer structure of Euglena ascorbate peroxidase.(2007)Yongshun Gao, Naoko Tajima, Yoshihiro Sawa, Hitoshi Shibata,Shigeru Shigeoka and Takahiro Ishikawa.Conference of the Vitamin Society of Japan (59). HUIS TEN BOSCH, Nagasaki, Japan,May 24(Oral Presentation)
1.Using GISH to analyze the relationship of E.prinoides, E.japonica and E.prinoidesRehd. & Wils.var.Daduhensis. (2014) Gui-fen Li, Zhi-ke Zhang, Guixiang Huang,Yongshun Gaoand Shunquan Lin. IV International Symposium on Loquat.May 12-15, 2014, Palermo, Italy(Oral Presentation)
2.Yongshun Gao
3.Expression analysis ofVTC2andVTC5genes related to ascorbate biosynthesis in Arabidopsis (2011)Yongshun Gao, Takuya Masuzawa, Adebanjo Ayobamidele Badejo, Hitoshi Shibata, Yoshihiro Sawa, Nicholas Smirnoff, Takanori Maruta, Shigeru Shigeoka and Takahiro Ishikawa. The 52Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists.Tohoku University Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture Japan. March 20-22
4.Ascorbate responsive genes inArabidopsis thaliana.(2010)Yongshun Gao, Yoshihiro Sawa, Hitoshi Shibata, Tsuyoshi Nakagawa, Nicholas Smirnoff, Shigeru Shigeokaand Takahiro Ishikawa.21st International Conference on Arabidopsis ResearchPacifico Yokohama, Tokyo. June 6-10
5.Yongshun Gao,
6.Functional analysis of aldonolactonase on the ascorbate biosynthesis pathway inEuglena.(2007)Yongshun Gao,Hitoshi Nishikawa, Yukinori Yabuta, TakanoriMaruta, Yoshihiro Sawa, Hitoshi Shibata, Shigeru Shigeoka andTakahiro Ishikawa.Conference of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry.Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan,September 14-15(Oral Presentation)
7.Yongshun Gao