
Frien teen Bein


出版社: 外語教學與研究出版社; 第1版 (1993年10月1日)
叢書名: 北京市高中選修課試用教材
平裝: 126頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7560005667, 9787560005669
條形碼: 9787560005669
尺寸: 25.4 x 18 x 0.6 cm
重量: 240 g




Module One Narrative Writing
Unit One Jenny Zhang
Unit Two College Application
Unit Three A Pizza Sale
Unit Four An Exciting Hockey Game
Unit Five A School reunion
Unit Six The Tortoise and the Rabbit
Unit Seven A True Story
Unit Eight Students' Workshop (Ⅰ) Handwriting
Module Two Descriptive Writing
Unit Nine My Dorm Room
Unit Ten Setting the Table
Unit Eleven A Tree
Unit Twelve An Egg
Unit thirteen My Friend Emily
Unit Fourteen A Beautiful Campus
Unit Fifteen The United States
Unit Sixteen Students' Workshop (Ⅱ) Capitalization
Module Three Practical Writing
Unit Seventeen A Lener of Exchanging News
Unit Eighteen A Letter of Invitation
Unit Nineteen A Thank-you Letter
Unit Twenty A Letter of Asking a Favor
Unit Twenty-one Postca rds
Unit Twenty-two Greeting Cards
Unit Twenty-three Students' Workshop (Ⅲ) The Comma
Module Four Expository Writing
Unit Twenty-four Steel Production in Liaoning
Unit Twenty-five Night Markets in Beijing
Unit Twenty-six Mother Dearest
Unit Twenty-seven American Cowboys
Unit Twenty-eight Being Conside rate
Unit Twenty-nine Kennedv dnd Lincoln
Unit Thirty Bus Travel of or Air Travel?


