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Aboulthe Author
Uu Shuyonj! was bom in Jamuary 1941 m
Dingxim County, Hebei Province. He
graduated ftom the Departmenl of Foreign
Languages of Nankai Vniversity, Tiaojin, in
1966. He earned an MA in history fivm the
Graduale School of the Chinese Academy of
Social Scieces in 1982. He has served as
assistant research fellow, associate research
fellow md research fellow of the Research
Institute of Modem Chinese Hislory of the
Chinest Academy of Social Sciences since
1982. He has served concurrently as deputy
dinctor of the Second Research Office on
China's Extemal Relations, and a responsible
member ofthe Research Group on Hong Kong
History ofthe Institule.
Enganed in studies qfHong Kong's history
since 1983, Liu has to his credit the following!
major -works: Hong Kong in the 19th Century
(co-author): Hong Kong in the 20th Century
("Chapter on Politics") (chief editor and
co-author); The Origin of the Hong Kong
Queslion in History-Comments on Selected
Materials on the British Occupation of
Kowloon; Everything Is Affectionate (Selected
Works of Alumni of the University of Hong
Kong on China's Mainland) (chief editor) and
Essays on the History of Hong Kong. His
research papers include "Tsarist Russia and
Intemational Bank Consortia," "Westem
Influence on Modem Chinese Society-Viewed
from the Hislory ofHong Kong." "Hong Kong
and tke Revolution 1911," "The Hong Kong
Region Before the Opium Wars," "A Study of
the History of the Kowioon Peninsula, the
Kowloon Sub-district and Kowloon City."
"The Whole Slory Aboul the Question of
Kowloon City," 'The New Program and
Govemment Administration and Hong Kong"
and "Brifish Policies Tward Hong Kong cmd
China'sAttitude. 1948-1952."


Chapter 1
The Hong Kong Area Before the Opium Wars
Chapter 2
The British Occupation of Hong Kong Island
Chapter 3
The British Seizure of Kowloon
Chapter 4
The "New Territories" Leased to Britain Under Coercion
Chapter 5
Hong Kong and the Revolution of 1911
Chapter 6
The Guangzhou-Hong Kong General Strike
Chapter 7
Hong Kong and the War of Resistance Against Japan
Chapter 8
The Political System of Hong Kong
Chapter 9
Hong Kong's Economic Development
Chapter 10
Culture and Education in Hong Kong
Chapter 11
A Review of the Chinese People's Past Efforts to Recover Hong
I. The Sino-British Treaty of Nanking
II. The Sino-British Treaty of Beijing (Annex: A Deed of Lease)
III Kowloon Extension Agreement (Convention Respecting the
Extension of Hong Kong Territory) (Annex: Memorandum
on the Delimitation of the Northern Boundary of the New
IV. The Sino-British Joint Declaration (Annex: Memorandums
Exchanged Between The Chinese and British Governments)
V. The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative
VI. A Chronological Table of the Hong Kong Governors
VII. A Chronicle of Events (1839-1996)
About the Author


