
《顯現中的文學:美國華裔女性文學中跨文化的變遷》是2010 年南開大學出版社 出版的圖書,作者是唐蔚明。










Chapter One The Predicament of Culture: An Introductory Survey of the History of Asian and Chinese American Migration and Cultural Struggles

I. Internal Colonial "Racist Hate" and Neo-colonial "Racist Love":Racial Alienation and Abjection

The Irreducible Other——Internal Colonial Alienation:1850-1943

Asian Abjection——Neo-colonial "Racist Love": Post-1943

II. Structural Contradictions: the American Dilemma

III. Resistance andcomplicity: The Predicament of Asian and Chinese American Cultural Struggle

Chapter Two ThesubversiveOutsider Within: Towards a New

Perspective of Asian and Chinese American Literary-cultural Criticism

I. Unassimilability: History, Racialisation and Cultural Contestation and Transformation

Refraining Space:ambivalenceand Uncanny Cultural Doubling

Hybridising Time: Dual-dimensional Third Time-space and Cultural Reconfiguration

II. Straddling the Border: Rethinking the Politics of Asian and Chinese American Literary-cultural Criticism

III Chinese American Women's Writings: Living and Exploiting The Duality and Paradox

Chapter Three "Echo of a Cry": The Psychic Landscape of the

Cosmopolitan Ermigres in Diana Chang's The Frontiers of Love and Chuang Hua's Crossings

I.SchizophrenicMultiple Identities and Double Consciousness

II. Divided Colonial City and the Subject of theBorderlands: Diana Chang's The Frontiers of Love

III. Desire and Imagining in a "No Man's Land": Chuang Hua's Crossings

VI. Conclusion

Chapter FourMonstrosityof Translation: The Masquerade Dream Narratives of Fifth Chinese Daughter and Typical American

I. The Trope of Assimilation: De-mythologizing the Dream of Upward Mobility

II. The Masquerade Dream Narratives: Mimic (Wo)men in Fifth Chinese Daughter and Typical American

III. Seeing Double: Fragments and Chunks and Metonymic Displacement

IV. Conclusion

Chapter Five Transcultural Metamorphosis: Feminist Intersubjectivity,

Negotiation and Subversion in The Woman Warrior and The Bonesetter' s Daughter

I. Politicising the Mother-daughter Trope: Postulating an Intersubjective Space of Cross-cultural Negotiation

II. Multiple Intersections: the Cross-cultural Self-other Interaction

III. Leap to the Power of Language: Storytelling and Re-inscribing Gender, Ethnicity and Transcultural Identity

IV. Conclusion

Chapter Six Negotiating Cultural Identities and Differences

I. "The (Pre-)Emergent": Finding a Non-place of Neither One Nor Other Yet Both

II. Extra- and Intra-textual Negotiations: Rereading Chinese American Cultural Identity

III. Emergent Literature: Contestation and Interdependence

Selected Bibiliography



