
Nomen certain ation


出版社: 清華大學出版社; 第1版 (2006年7月1日)
叢書名: 國外大學優秀教材工業工程系列
平裝: 668頁
開本: 16開
ISBN: 7302131996
條形碼: 9787302131991
尺寸: 22.9 x 18.4 x 2.8 cm
重量: 862 g


像高棉吳哥窟這樣的古代建築,代表了舊時的君主與皇帝在傾全國之力實施大型項目上的智慧。考古學家認為,在國王蘇利亞瓦曼(Suryavarman 1112-1152 A.D.)二世時,吳哥窟及同期建築既服務於佛教徒,也用於穆斯林的祈禱。與當年一言九鼎的君王不同,今天的項目管理人員在實施大大小小的項目時,受制於有限的資源和時間時限。本書正是面向這些必須在複雜社會和組織中進行成功項目管理的人們。


About the Authors
1 Introduction
1.1 Nature of Project Management
1.2 Relationship Between Projects and Other Production Systems
1.3 Characteristics of Projects
1.3.1 Definitions and Issues
1.3.2 Risk and Uncertainty
1.3.3 Phases of a Project
1.3.4 Organizing for a Project
1.4 Project Manager
1.4.1 Basic Functions
1.4.2 Characteristics of Effective Project Managers
1.5 Components, Concepts, and Terminology
1.6 Movement to Project-Based Work
1.7 Life Cycle of a Project: Strategic and tactical Issues
1.8 Factors that Affect the Success of a Project
1.9 About the Book: Purpose and Structure
Team Project
Discussion Questions
Appendix 1A: Engineering Versus Management
1A.1 Nature of Management
1A.2 Differences between Engineering and Management
1A.3 Transition from Engineer to Manager
2 Process Approach to Project Management
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Life-Cycle Models
2.1.2 Example of a Project Life Cycle
2.1.3 Application of the Waterfall Model for Software Development
2.2 Project Management Processes
2.2.1 Process Design
2.2.2 PMBOK and Processes in the Project Life Cycle
2.3 Project Integration Management
2.3.1 Accompanying Processes
2.3.2 Description
2.4 Project Scope Management
2.4.1 Accompanying Processes
2.4.2 Description
2.5 Project Time Management
2.5.1 Accompanying Processes
2.5.2 Description
2.6 Project Cost Management
2.6.1 Accompanying Processes
2.6.2 Description
2.7 Project Quality Management
2.7.1 Accompanymg Processes
2.7.2 Description
2.8 Project Human Resource Management
2.8.1 Accompanying Processes
2.8.2 Description
2.9 Project Communications Management
2.9.1 Accompanying Processes
2.9.2 Description
2.10 Project Risk Management
2.10.1 Accompanying Processes
2.10.2 Description
2.11 Project Procurement Management
2.11.1 Accompanying Processes
2.11.2 Description
2.12 The Learning Organization and Continuous Improvement
2.12.1 Individual and Organizational Learning
2.12.2 Workflow and Process Design as the Basis of Learning
2.13 Organizational Project Management Maturity Model
Team Project
Discussion Questions
3 Engineering Economic Analysis
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Need for Economic Analysis
3.1.2 Time Value of Money
3.1.3 Discount Rate, Interest Rate, and Minimum acceptable Rate of Return
3.2 Compound Interest Formulas
3.2.1 Present Worth, Future Worth, Uniform Series,and Gradient Series
3.2.2 Nominal and Effective Interest Rates
3.2.3 inflation
3.2.4 Treatment of Risk
3.3 Comparison of Alternatives
3.3.1 Defining Investment Alternatives
3.3.2 Steps in the Analysis
3.4 Equivalent Worth Methods
3.4.1 Present Worth Method
3.4.2 Annual Worth Method
3.4.3 Future Worth Method
3.4.4 Discussion of Present Worth, Annual Worth,and Future Worth Methods
3.4.5 Internal Rate of Return Method
3.4.6 Payback Period Method
3.5 Sensitivity and Breakeven Analysis
3.6 Effect of Tax and Depreciation on Investment Decisions
3.6.1 Capital Expansion Decision
3.6.2 Replacement Decision
3.6.3 Make-or-Buy Decision
3.6.4 Lease-or-Buy Decision
3.7 Utility Theory
3.7.1 Expected Utility Maximization
3.7.2 Bernoulli's Principle
3.7.3 Constructing the Utility Function
3.7.4 Evaluating Alternatives
3.7.5 Characteristics of the Utility Function
Team Project
Discussion Questions
4 Life-Cycle Costing
5 Project Screening and Selection
6 Multiple Crieria Methods for Evaluation
7 Scope and Organizational Structure of a Project
8 Management fo Product,Process,and Support Design
9 Project Scheduling
10 Resource Management
11 Project Budget
12 Project Control
13 Research and Development Projects
14 Computer Support for Project Management
15 Project Termination


