The Script (手稿樂隊)

樂隊成員 吉他手Mark Sheehan
愛爾蘭搖滾近年聲勢比較微弱,U2推出錄音室專輯已是三年多前的事,TheCranberries也早於四年前解散,SineadO'connor則把音樂轉向了靜謐的神學,老一輩的音樂人似乎都在休養生息當中。不過最近幾個月一支來自都柏林的新鮮血液———TheScript重新奪回了大家對愛爾蘭搖滾的關注。The Script是一支三人搖滾樂隊,成員包括主唱Danny O’Donoghue、光頭吉他手Mark Sheehan、鼓手Glen Power。但頗令人迷惑的是,單從曲風上來說,TheScript的音樂聽起來不太像愛爾蘭搖滾,反而美國的味道更濃一些。原來TheScript三位成員的其中兩位,Mark與Danny在青少年時期就在都柏林的詹姆士街區相識,兩人均對美國黑人音樂情有獨鍾。而且DannyO’Donoghue和MarkSheehan在樂隊還未成立之前,就由於他們在錄音室出眾的製作才能而被邀請到美國LA去和R%26amp;B的巨頭如RodneyJerkins、DallasAustin等著名音樂人一起工作。
該曲收錄在《The Script 》
《The Script 》
發行日期:愛爾蘭2008年8月8日,英國2008年8月11日 。
1 We Cry

2 Before The Worst3 Talk You Down
4 The Man Who Can't Be Moved
5 Breakeven
6 Rusty Halo
7 The End Where I Begin
8 Fall For Anything
9 If You See Kay
10 I'm Yours
11 Anybody There
專輯英文名: iTunes Session
歌手: The Script
音樂風格: 搖滾
版本: [EP][iTunes Plus AAC]
發行時間: 2010年05月11日
地區: 美國
語言: 英語
資源格式:256K iTunes Plus AAC
專輯風格:Alternative Rock
發行公司:Sony Music
I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing 我還活著,卻幾乎不能呼吸
Just prayed to a god that I don't believe in 雖然祈禱,但並不信仰上帝
Cos I got time while she got freedom 因為我得到的只是時間,而她的是自由
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't break even因為不曾被傷害並不意味著能夠平衡
Her best days will be some of my worst 她最歡愉的時光對我而言將是一片狼藉
She finally met a man that's gonna put her 1st 她終於找到了會將她視如珍寶的人
While I'm wide awake she's no trouble sleeping 當我難以入眠,她卻能酣然入睡
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven因為不曾被傷害並不意味著能夠平衡
What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you
What am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and your ok
I'm falling to pieces 我心已破碎不堪
I'm falling to pieces 我心已破碎不堪
They say bad things happen for a reason 人們說災難必然事出有因
But no wise words gonna stop the bleeding 但卻沒有至理名言能讓傷口停止流血
Cos she's moved on while I'm still grieving 因為她已向前而去,我卻依然傷心不已
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven因為不曾被傷害並不意味著能夠平衡
What am I suppose to do when the best part of me was always you
What am I suppose to say when I'm all choked up and your ok
I'm falling to pieces 我心已破碎不堪
I'm falling to pieces 我心已破碎不堪
(One still in love while the other ones leaving
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven)
You got his heart and my heart and none of the pain
You took your suitcase, I took the blame.
Now I'm tryna make sense of what little remains
Cos you left me with no love, no love to my name.
I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing
Just prayed to a god that I don't believe in
Cos I got time while she got freedom
Cos when a heart breaks no it don't break even