Safilo Group S.p.A. is the company heading Safilo Group, world leader in the high-end and luxury eyewear sector. Its main products are optical frames, sunglass collections, sports products and spare parts, with 2004 market share over 40%. Its first place ranking is even more significant in the luxury segment (retail prices over ?50).

霞飛諾集團是全球著名的高端眼鏡生產商。主要產品包括鏡架,太陽眼鏡,體育用品及部件等,2004年占據高端眼鏡市 場銷售份額的40%。在國際奢侈品生產領域(零售價格在150歐元以上的)有著突出的領導地位。
The Safilo Group’s leading house brands are Safilo, Oxydo, Blue Bay, Carrera, and Smith; the last two are leaders in the ski goggles and sports eyewear segments, in Europe and the US respectively.
霞飛諾集團的主要品牌有Safilo, Oxydo, Blue Bay,Carrera, 和Smith;後兩個品牌是滑雪鏡和運動眼鏡在歐洲和美國的主要品牌。
Safilo is licensed to produce eyewear for some of the world’s leading labels, including: Alexander McQueen, A/X Armani Exchange, Banana Republic (from the end of 2007), Boss, Hugo Boss, Bottega Veneta, Diesel, 55DSL, Dior, Emporio Armani, Fossil, Giorgio Armani, Gucci (since 1988), Imatra, Jennifer Lopez, Juicy Couture, Kate Spade, Liz Claiborne, Marc Jacobs, Marc by Marc Jacobs, Max Mara, Max&Co. (from autumn 2007), Nine West, Oliver, Pierre Cardin, Saks Fifth Avenue, Valentino and Yves Saint Laurent. Safilo has very long term cooperative relations with these leading brands, take Gucci for example, there is nearly 20 years experience of cooperation. Safilo is licensed to design, produce and sell eyewear for these brands.
霞飛諾是下列國際知名品牌的授權生產商,包括: Alexander McQueen, A/X Armani Exchange, Banana Republic ( 2007年起), Boss Hugo Boss, Bottega Veneta, Diesel, 55DSL, Dior, Emporio Armani, Fossil, Giorgio Armani, Gucci, Imatra, Jennifer Lopez, Juicy Couture, Kate Spade, Liz Claiborne,Marc Jacobs, Marc by Marc Jacobs, Max Mara, Max&Co.
(2007年秋季起), Nine West, Oliver, Pierre Cardin, Saks Fifth Avenue, Valentino and Yves Saint Laurent。霞飛諾和國際著名品牌有很長的合作歷史,例如和GUCCI有長達20年的合作,直接負責這些品牌眼鏡的設計,生產和銷售。
The Group directly oversees the entire production and distribution chain, from research and development to distribution and logistics, ensuring product quality and flexible and efficient production and distribution. Safilo sells its products in approximately 130 countries; reaching a customer base of over 130,000 points-of-purchase.
霞飛諾負責從研發到生產到銷售整個環節,使產品的質量和生產控制的靈活性均得到保障。它的銷售網路遍及130個國家,有130,000個銷售點。 The manufacturing platform is divided into five Safilo Group plants, four in Italy and one in Slovenia, plus Safilo Eyewear Industries Suzhou Ltd. 生產基地主要在義大利和斯洛維尼亞,以及新建成的霞飛諾眼鏡工業(蘇州)有限公司。
Safilo is winner of Leonardo Qualita Italia 2006 Award. This award is given by Italian President to outstanding businessmen and men of culture in the Italian Quality system for results achieved in international market.
霞飛諾是義大利LEONARDO 2006年質量獎的獲得者(由義大利總統親自頒發),代表義大利產品質量的最高規範,同時也是對霞飛諾眼鏡在國際市場上的傑出聲譽的認可。
Safilo Eyewear Industries Suzhou Ltd. Safilo Eyewear Industries Suzhou Ltd. Is wholly owned subsidiary of Safilo S.p.A, established in Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. (Abbreviated as SEI). SEI is to be developed into a mega site, with high concentration of manufacturing capability of Safilo Group, occupying a land of 60,000 sqm, anticipated to accommodate more than 5000 employees. Registered capital at USD5,500,000, main products will be optic frames, sunglass collections as well.

2013年1月9日 – 全球高端眼鏡行業領導者霞飛諾集團 Safilo 正式宣布其與美國零售業巨頭 J.C. PenneyPurchasing Corporation 重新簽訂品牌授權許可協定,該協定授權SAFILO 集團負責 LIZ CLAIBORNE 及 CLAIBORNE 品牌光學眼鏡及太陽眼鏡在美國市場的設計、生產與分銷,協定有效期持續至2017年12月31日。