1. 細胞力學:試圖闡明(乾)細胞對其周圍力學環境的感受和傳遞機制,通過實驗與理論結合的方法確定相關的信號分子的傳導途徑和細胞內生物分子輸運的動力學規律。
2. 骨力學:從組織/細胞/分子等不同尺度解釋力致骨重建的機制,以太空人的骨流失和骨質疏鬆等骨科疾病為套用背景,側重研究細胞的力學-生物學耦合、細胞-細胞和細胞-基質的相互作用規律等基礎科學問題。
1. 本科生《彈性力學》;
2. 碩士生《生物力學與工程》;
3. 博士生《現代力學進展》、《現代生物力學》。
1. 委員(2007-2011, 2011-),中國力學學會第7屆固體力學專業委員會生物材料及仿生專業組
2. 委員(2005-),北京生物醫學工程學會生物力學專業委員會
3. 會員(2008-),國際華人骨研學會(International Chinese Musculoskeletal Society,ICMRS)
4. 會員(2008-),中國力學學會
5. 會員(2012-),中國生物物理學會
1. 霍波,“分子-細胞生物力學”章節撰稿人,2012.“未來10年中國學科發展戰略---生物醫學工程學”---國家自然科學基金委員會生命科學部.科學出版社,北京.
2.龍勉,孫樹津, 霍波, 2010.空間生物技術(第八章).《微重力科學導論》.胡文瑞主編,科學出版社,北京.
3. Huo B, Lu XL, Guo XE,2009.FluidFlow Induced Calcium Response in Bone Cell Network. In Tributes to Yuan-Cheng Fung onHis 90th Birthday---From Molecules to Man. Edited byShu Chien,Peter C-Y Chen,Geert WSchmid-Schönbein,Pin Tong,& Savio L-Y Woo.World ScientificPublishingCo.
4. Long M., Sun SJ, Huo B, Shu NJ, Tao ZL, Gao YX, 2007. Biomechanics on cell responses to microgravity. In Advances in Microgravity Sciences, Hu W.R., Eds., Signpost Press.
1. Li P, Liu CL, Hu M, Long M, Zhang D, Huo B*. Fluid Flow-Induced Calcium Response in Osteoclasts: Signaling Pathways. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 42(6):1250-1260, 2014.
2. Fu RR, Liu QL, Song GB, Baik A, Hu M, Sun SJ, Guo EX, Long M*, Huo B*. Cell Shape Regulates Apoptosis and Differentiation of Osteoblasts. Biomedial Materials, 8:5, 2013.
3. Ji B*, Huo B*. Probing the mechanosensitivity in cell adhesion and migration: experiments and modeling. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 29(4): 469-484, 2013.
4. Li XT, Liu CL, Li P, Li SN, Zhao ZH, Chen YX, Huo B*, Zhang D*. Connexin 43 is a potential regulator in fluid shear stress-induced signal transduction in osteocytes. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 31(12): 1959-1965, 2013.(Selected by a Virtual Issue comprised of Recent Research from China at The Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2014.)
5. Lu XL, Huo B, Park M, Guo XE. Calcium response in osteocytic networks under steady and oscillatory fluid flow. Bone, 51(3):466-473, 2012.
6. 霍波*,付瑞榮,梁晨,刁俊,陶祖萊. 基於個體生理監護信息的呼吸力學模型. 醫用生物力學,27(4):409-415, 2012.
7. Li P, Hu M, Sun SJ, Zhang Y, Gao YX, Long M, Huo B*, Zhang D*. Flow Shear Induced-Calcium Response in Early or Late Differentiated Osteoclasts. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 40(9):1874-1883, 2012. (Cover Figure)
8. Huo B*, Fu RR. Advances in Theoretical Models of Respiratory Mechanics. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 28(1):1-7, 2012.
9. Kang YY, Lv SQ, Ren P, Huo B*, Long M*. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Shear- and Stretch-Induced Dissociation of P-Selectin/PSGL-1 Complex. Biophysical Journal, 102:112-120, 2012.
10. Lu XL, Huo B, Chiang V, Guo EX. Osteocytic Network Is More Responsive in Calcium Signaling than Osteoblastic Network under Fluid Flow. Journal of Bone Mineral Research, 27(3):563-574, 2012.
11. 胡漫,李平,高宇欣,呂東媛,孫樹津,龍勉,郭向東,霍波*. 流體剪下力作用下無間隙連線成骨細胞陣列內的鈣回響. 醫用生物力學, 26(5):402-407,2011.
12. 霍波*,康英永,胡漫,李平. 成骨細胞力致鈣回響和鈣傳遞的研究進展. 醫用生物力學, 26(4):291-297, 2011.
13. Cui YH, Huo B, Sun SJ, Yang F, Gao YX, Pan J, Long M. Fluid Dynamics Analysis of a Novel Micropatterned Cell Bioreactor. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 39(5): 1592-1605, 2011.
14. Huo B, Lu XL, Hung CT, Costa KD, Xu Q, Guo XE. An ATP-Dependent Mechanism Mediates Intercellular Calcium Signaling in Bone Cell Network under Single Cell Nanoindentation. Cell Calcium, 47:234-241, 2010.
15. Huo B, Lu XL, Guo XE. Intracellular Calcium Wave Propagation in Linear and Looped Bone Cell Network under AFM Stimulation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 368: 617-633, 2010.
16. Huo B, Lu XL, Hung CT, Costa KD, Xu Q, Whitesides GM, Guo XE. Fluid flow induced calcium response in bone cell network. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 1: 58-66, 2008. (Cover Figure)
17. Huang T, Ren P, Huo B*. Atomic force microscopy observations of the topography of regenerated silk fibroin aggregations. Journal of Applied Polymer Sciences, 106: 4054-4059, 2007.
18. Huo B. An inhomogeneous and anisotropic constitutive model of human dentin. Journal of Biomechanics, 38:587-594, 2005.
19. Huo B, Zheng QS. Effect of dentin tubules on the mechanical properties of dentin. Part III: Numerical verification. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 18(6): 629-637, 2002.
20. Huo B, Zheng QS, Zhang Q, Wang JD. Effect of dentin tubules on the mechanical properties of dentin. Part II: Experimental study. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 16(1): 75-82, 2000.
21. Huo B, Zheng QS. Effect of dentin tubules on the mechanical properties of dentin. Part I: Stress-strain relations and strength criterion. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 15(4): 355-364, 1999.
22. Huo B, Zheng QS, Huang Y. A note on the effect of surface energy and void size to void growth and cavitation instability. European Journal of Mechanics, 18: 987-994, 1999.