



1962年 Born in Shaoyang Municipality of Hunan Province。

1962年 生於湖南省邵陽市。

1975年 在邵陽市造紙廠、糖廠和市蔬菜公司幫忙畫大型宣傳壁畫,獲得剩餘油畫顏料作為報酬,始有成就感。

1975年 Had initial sense of achievement after helping a few units with their large-size publicity posters including Paper Mill, Sugar Refinery, and Fruit and Vegetable Company of Shaoyang。

1977年 在陳西川門下學習素描。

1977年 Started learning sketch from Chen Xichuan。

1979年 高中畢業,考入廣州美術學院附中。

1979年 Admited to the Affiliated School of Guangzhou School of Fine Art after graduation from High School。

1983年 附中畢業,考入廣州美術學院油畫系本科。

1983年 Admitted to the Department of Oil Painting in Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art after graduation from the Affiliated School there。

1985年 Sent by Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art to study architecture for one year in South China Science and Technology University。

1985年 由廣州美術學院派送華南理工大學學習建築學一年。

1987年 Employed by Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art to teach in the Department of Oil Painting。

1987年 留廣州美術學院油畫系任教。

1990年 任廣州市從化碧泉賓館改造總設計。

1990年 Worked as chief designer of Biquan Hotel Renovation Project in Conghua Country of Guangzhou。

1991年 Worked as chief designer of Wangxinlou Hotel Renovation of Guangzhou。

1991年 任廣州市望星樓賓館改造總設計。

1992年 Worked as chief designer for the Public Space Project of Sanyu Hotel, Guangzhou in 1992。

1992年 任廣州市三寓賓館公共空間總設計。

1993年 Worked as chief designer for White Rose Entertain Center of Wuhan City, Hubei Province in 1993。

1993年 任武漢市白玫瑰娛樂城總設計。

1994年 Worked as chief designer for Hot Spring Star of Conghua County, Guangzhou in 1994。

Invited to the special program 3D Oil Painting by Lei Xiaozhou by Art Gallery of Guangdong Television Station。

Awarded the third prize for Scientific Achievement by Conghua Municipality Government for designing the art project of Hot Spring Star。

1994年 任廣州市從化溫泉之星總設計。



展開 >>1995年 任廣州南方證券建築藝術總設計。

1995年 Chief art designer for Guangzhou South Securities in 1995。

1996年 Art designer for the Guangzhou Branch of Everbright Banking Co. Ltd. China Founder and Deputy Dean of Ling Nan School of Special Fine Art, with other founders including Mr. Zhou Daji etc。

1996年 任中國光大銀行廣州分行建築藝術設計。


1997年 任廣東省人大會議廳壁畫總設計。

1997年 Chief designer for the mural paintings of the People's Congress, Guangdong Province。

1999年 Postgraduate study under supervisors Du Jian and Dai Shihe in No.2 Studio of Oil Painting Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing。

1999年 入中央美術學院油畫系二畫室讀研究生,導師為杜鍵、戴士和。

2000年 Went on one-year Art Tour to the Grand Northwest and Creative Painting from Nature sponsored by Central Academy of Fine Arts and Ministry of Culture of PRC。

Held an exhibition of his works Art Tour to the Grand Northwest at the Art Gallery of Central Academy of Fine Arts。

2000年 參加由中央美術學院同文化部組織的“大西北紀實”之行,進行為期一年的藝術考察同寫生創作活動。


2001年 Held an exhibition of his works Art Tour to the Grand Northwest at China Art Gallery of Central Academy of Fine Arts。

Tour Exhibition of Art Tour to the Grand Northwest at Peking University, Institute of International Relations etc。

2001年 中國美術館“大西北之行”美術作品展。


2002年 中央美術學院畢業,作品《天窗寫生》被中央美術學院美術館收藏。


2002年 Graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts. His work Sketch from the Window was collected by the Art Gallery of Central Academy of Fine Arts。

Went stkeching at Xiao Zhou village, Guangzhou。

2003年 《帕米爾古堡》參加廣東第二屆當代油畫藝術展。


2003年 Pamil Castle exhibited at 2nd Contempory Oil Painting Exhibition of Guangdong Province。

Sketch tour in Guizhou Province and Guangxi Zhuang Automous Region。

2004年 Sketch from the Window exhibitied in Guangdong Province。

Supervised students in painting from nature in Ziyuan of Jiangxi Province。

Art tour and further study at Paris International Art City。

2004年 《天窗》參加廣東省美術作品展。



2005年 “當代視線”中央美術學院優秀作品展,澳門。


“第二屆當代中國山水畫 油畫風景展”,北京。


2005年 Works exhibited at Excellent Painting Exhibition by Central Academy of Fine Arts in Macao。

Supervised students in painting from nature in Yellow Mountain of Jiangxi Province。

Works exhibited at the 2nd Contempory Chinese Landscape painting & Langscape in Oil Painting, Beijing。

Supervised students in painting from nature in Yuannan Province and West of Sichuan Province。

2006年 “雷小洲油畫作品展”,深圳。





2006年 Oil Painting Exhibition by Lei Xiaozhou, Shenzhen。

Sunlight Landscape Oil Painting, Shenzhen and Guangzhou。

Supervised students in painting from nature during their village trip to Yellow Mountain of An Hui Province。

Paper and Fashion exhibited in Shanghai and Guangzhou。

Supervised students in painting from nature during their art trip to Tibet。

2007年 赴土耳其進行藝術考察。





2007年 Tour to Turki。

Supervised students in painting from nature in Danba, Ganzhi of Sichuan Province。

Launched the first stage of art tour and painting creation under project of the Travelling to China Border in a driving tour covering 10,000 kilometers, through Guangzhou, provinces of Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region。

Artworks exhibited at China Biannual Exhibition of Oil Paintings。

Supervised students in painting from nature at Shibanyan Village in Gaojiayan Town of Tai Hang Mountain Prefecture, Henan Province。

2008年 Art tour in India。

Supervised students in painting from nature in Ganzhi of Sichuan Province。

Artworks exhibited at National Fine Arts Works Exhibition in memory of the 30th Anniversay of China's Reform and Open-up since 1979。

Works exhibited at the 3rd Oil Painting Exhibition of Guangdong Province。

Supervised students in painting from nature in Longsheng of Guangxi Province。

2008年 赴印度進行藝術考察。





2009年 舉辦中央美術學院雷小洲油畫作品展。

2009年 Lei Xiaozhou's Oil Painting Exhibition at Central Academy of Fine Arts。


2004年 《天窗》參加廣東省美術作品展。



2005年 “當代視線”中央美術學院優秀作品展,澳門。


“第二屆當代中國山水畫 油畫風景展”,北京。


2006年 “雷小洲油畫作品展”,深圳。





2008年 赴印度進行藝術考察。









