

陳雲飛,男,1988年7月及1991年3月分別獲合肥工業大學學士和碩士學位,1995年3月獲東南大學博士學位,2009年度國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者 ,2014年入選教育部“長江學者獎勵計畫”特聘教授 ,入選江蘇省第三期“333高層次人才培養工程”第三層次和江蘇省第四期“333高層次人才培養工程”第二層次。







2003年-迄今,東南大學機械工程學院,教授 /博導

2002年回國受“教育部優秀青年教師” 資助計畫資助;


2000年09月-2002年03月,美國加州大學伯克利分校機械,Postdoctoral Research


1991年9月-1995年3月 東南大學 機械學專業 博士

1988年9月-1991年3月合肥工業大學機械學專業 碩士

1983年9月-1988年7月 合肥工業大學 機械設計專業 本科






1. 機械設計;2. 微納機電系統;3. 摩擦學;4. 生物晶片;5.微尺度傳熱學



項目名稱 項目類別 項目時間 工作類別 項目金額
微納感測與控制 國家傑出青年科學基金 2009-2013
納通道內生物分子電信號超靈敏檢測方法與原理 國家重大基礎研究計畫(973) 2011-2015
基於多模式信號檢測的超靈敏感測器的基礎理論與關鍵技術 國家自然科學基金重點項目 2015-2019



在《Nature Nanotechnology》《Nano Letters》等學術刊物發表SCI收錄學術論文60多篇,其中SCI他引1000多次。


【1】Kan,Yajing; Tan, Qiyan; Wu, Gensheng; Si, Wei; Chen Yunfei,Study of DNA adsorption on micasurfaces using a surface force apparatus,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,Volume: 5 ,Article Number: 8442 ,2015
【2】GutianZhao, Qiyan Tan, Li Xiang, Di Zhang, Zhonghua Ni*, Hong Yi and Yunfei Chen*,Imaging the condensation and evaporation of molecularly thin ethanol films with surface forces apparatus,Rev. Sci.Instrum. 85, 013702 (2014) 3 Tan, Qiyan; Zhao, Gutian; Qiu,Yinghua; Kan, Yajing; Ni, Zhonghua; Chen, Yunfei, Experimental Observation of the Ion-Ion Correlation Effects on Charge Inversion and Strong Adhesionbetween Mica Surfaces in Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions, LANGMUIR, Volume: 30,Issue: 36, Pages: 10845-10854,DOI: 10.1021/la5024357, Published: SEP 16 2014.
【4】Chen,Min; Yang, Juekuan; Gao, Yandong; Chen, Yunfei; Li, Deyu, Molecular DynamicsStudies of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Thermal Bubble Nucleation , JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,Volume: 136 ,Issue: 4 ,Article Number: 041502 ,DOI: 10.1115/ 1.4026010, Published: APR 2014. 【5】Wei,Zhiyong; Yang, Juekuan; Chen, Weiyu ; Bi, Kedong; Li, Deyu; Chen, Yunfei,Phonon mean free path of graphite along the c-axis, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,Volume: 104 ,Issue: 8,Article Number: 081903, DOI: 10.1063/1.4866416,Published: FEB 24 2014 【6】Wei,Zhiyong,Chen, Yunfei,Dames, Chris*,Negative correlation between in-planebonding strength and cross-plane thermal conductivity in a model layered material, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 102(1),011901, 2013. 【7】YuJing,Kan Yajing,Rapp Michael,Danner Eric,Wei Wei,Das Saurabh,Miller Dusty R, Chen Yunfei,Waite J. Herbert,Israelachvili Jacob N.*,Adaptive hydrophobic and hydrophilicinteractions of mussel foot proteins with organic thin films, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OFSCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,110(39),15680-15685,2013. 【8】JiapengLi, Yan Zhang, Juekuan Yang, Kedong Bi, Zhonghua Ni,Deyu Li, and Yunfei Chen,Molecular dynamics study of DNAtranslocation through graphene nanopores, PHYSICAL REVIEW E87, 062707 (2013)。 【9】ChunweiZhang, Weiwei Zhao, Kedong Bi, Jian Ma, Jianli Wang, Zhenhua Ni, Zhonghua Ni,Yunfei Chen,Heat conduction across metal andnonmetal interface containing imbedded graphene layers, CARBON64,61-66,2013。 【10】Gu, YF , Ni, ZH ,Chen, MH , Chen YF*, The Phonon Thermal Conductivity of Single-LayerGraphene From Complete Phonon Dispersion Relations, JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 134(6), 062401_(1-9), 2012. 【11】Li, D, Wu, GS , Wang, YD , Liu, D, Zhang, DC, Chen, Yunfei, Peterson, GP, Yang, R* , Enhancing Flow Boiling HeatTransfer in Microchannels for Thermal Management with Monolithically-Integrated Silicon Nanowires, Nano Letters, 12(7),3385-3390,2012 【12】Juekuan Yang, Yang Yang, Scott W. Waltermire, XiaoxiaWu, Haitao Zhang, Timothy Gutu, Youfei Jiang, Yunfei Chen, Alfred A. Zinn, Ravi Prasher*, Terry T. Xu* and Deyu Li*, Enhanced and switchable nanoscale thermal conduction due to van der Waals interfaces, Nature Nanotechnology, 7,91-95, 2012. 【13】Zhiyong Wei, Zhonghua Ni, Kedong Bi, Minhua Chen, Yunfei Chen, In-plane lattice thermal conductivities ofmultilayer graphene films, CARBON49 (2011) 2653–2658. 【14】Zhiyong Wei, Zhonghua Ni, Kedong Bi, Minhua Chen, Yunfei Chen, Interfacial thermal resistance in multilayergraphene structures, Physics Letters A375 (2011) 1195–1199. 【15】Juekuan Yang, Yang, Yang , Waltermire, Scott W.,Gutu, Timothy, Zinn, Alfred A., Xu, Terry T., Yunfei Chen, Deyu Li*,Measurement of the Intrinsic Thermal Conductivity of a Multiwalled CarbonNanotube and Its Contact Thermal Resistance with the Substrate, SMALL, Vol7(16) 2334-2340,DOI:10.1002/smll.201100429, 2011. 【16】Juekuan Yang,Scott Waltermire, Yunfei Chen, Alfred A. Zinn, Terry T. Xu, and Deyu Li,Contactthermal resistance between individual multiwall carbon nanotubes, Applied Physics Letters, 96, 023109, 2010.



