1992年7月 獲合肥工業大學 土木工程系 水工結構方向 碩士學位;
1996年11月 獲中國科學技術大學 力學和機械工程系 固體力學方向 博士學位;
1996年 7月 至 2000年 6月 在中國科學技術大學 力學和機械工程系 任講師;
2000年 6月 至 2005年12月 在中國科學技術大學 力學和機械工程系 任副教授;
2005年12月 至 今 在中國科學技術大學 力學和機械工程系 任教授;
其中 1998年2月至7月 在英國Cardiff大學 任訪問學者;
1999年4月至2001年7月 德國Karlsruhe大學 任洪堡研究學者;
(1)05.01-08.12 LAMOST焦面光纖定位裝置, 國家大科學工程研製項目,主持<焦面板結構的分析和設計>子項目 。
(2)05.07-07.12 懸架結構的振動控制研究,重點基金,負責子項目<懸架結構的動力學建模與振動傳遞特性>。
(3)06.11-09.7 SSRF(上海同步輻射裝置)光束線管道對流換熱係數和材料熱力學性能測試, 國家大科學工程服務項目,負責。
(4)08.12-09.12 大客機飛行動載荷特性分析,創新基金,負責。
(5)10.01-12.12 Glidcop受同步輻射高熱負載的疲勞失效機理研究,負責,國家自然科學基金,項目編號:10975130
Chen, H.B., Jin, J.F., Zhang, P.Q., Lu, P.(2005): A Multi-variable Non-singular BEM in 2D Potential Problem, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 10(1), 43-50.
Chen, H.B., Guo, X.F. and Yu, D.H. (2005): Regularized hyper-singular boundary integral equations for error estimation and adaptive mesh refinement, Building Research Journal, 53(1), 1-12.
Lu, P., Chen, H.B.(2005): Singular solutions of anisotropic plate with an elliptical hole or a crack, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 18(2), 130-141.
Sun, H.L., Zhang, P.Q., Chen, H.B. and Zhang, K. (2006): Active control of a structure with continuously closely spaced natural frequencies, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 294(1-2), 15-22.
Huang, M.Y., Chen, H.B., Lu, J.N., Lu, P. and Zhang, P.Q. (2006): A modified molecular structural mechanics method for analysis of carbon nanotubes, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 19(4), 286-290.
Guo, X.F. and Chen, H.B. (2006): Dual error indicators for the local boundary integral equation method in 2D potential problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,30, 702–708.
Lu, P., Chen, H.B., Lee, H.P. and Lu, C. (2007): Further studies on edge waves in anisotropic elastic plates, International Journal of Solid and Structures, 44, 2192-2208.
Sun, H.L., Zhang, P.Q., Gong, X.L. and Chen, H.B. (2007): A novel kind of active resonator absorber and the simulation on its control effort, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 300, 117-125.
Chen, H.B., Fu, D.J. and Zhang P.Q. (2007): An investigation of wave propagation with high wave numbers via the regularized LBIEM, CMES – Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 20(2), 85-98.
FU Dong-jie, CHEN Hai-bo, ZHANG Pei-qiang(2007)Improved non-singular local boundary integral equation method, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2007, 28(8):1093-1099.
Lu, J.N., Chen, H.B., Lu, P. and Zhang, P.Q. (2007): Research of the natural frequency of single-walled carbon nanotube, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 20(5), 525-530.
Lu, P., Chen, H.B. (2007): Further studies on Stroh-type formalisms of flat plates with bending-extension coupling, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 20(4), 324-332.
H.L. Sun, H.B. Chen, K. Zhang, P.Q. Zhang (2007): Research on performance indices of vibration isolation systems. 固體力學進展及套用——慶賀李敏華院士90華誕文集,李和娣主編,科學出版社,北京,2007.10,143-153。
Lu, P., Lee, H.P., Lu, C. and Chen, H.B. (2008): Thermoelastic damping in cylindrical shells with application to tubular oscillator structures, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 50(3), 501-512.
Lu, J.N. and Chen, H.B. (2008): Analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes using a chemical bond element model, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 21(4), 353-360.
張鯤,陳海波,王蓮花,龔興龍,張培強(2008):吸振器在浮筏上減振套用的有限元分析,實驗力學,23(5): 387-395。
Sun, H.L., Chen, H.B., Zhang, K. and Zhang, P.Q.(2008): Research on performance indices of vibration isolation system. Applied Acoustics, 69(9): 789-795.
Sun, H.L., Zhang, P.Q., Chen, H.B., Zhang, K. and Gong, X.L.(2008): Application of dynamic vibration absorbers in structural vibration control under multi-frequency harmonic excitations. Applied Acoustics, 69(12): 1361-1367.
H.B. Chen, J.F. Jin, J.H. Liu, X.H. Si, N.X. Wang (2008): Mechanical and Low-cycle Fatigue Behaviors of Dispersion Strengthened Copper GlidCop. Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (2008), Editors Jinghong Fan and Haibo Chen, DEStech Publications, Inc., pp. 1194-1198. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (ICHMM2008), June 3-8, 2008, Huangshan, China.
劉家驊,焦冬生, 王桂娟, 金建峰, 陳海波 (2009): 半壽命低周疲勞Glidcop材料導熱係數的測量,實驗力學,24(2):108-114。
Sun, H.L., Zhang, K., Zhang, P.Q., Chen, H.B.(2009): Application of dynamic vibration absorbers in floating raft system. Applied Acoustics, 71: 250-257.
1.Chen, H.B., Jin, J.F., Zhang, P.Q., Lu, P.(2005): A Multi-variable Non-singular BEM in 2D Potential Problem, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 10(1), 43-50.
2.Chen, H.B., Guo, X.F. and Yu, D.H. (2005): Regularized hyper-singular boundary integral equations for error estimation and adaptive mesh refinement, Building Research Journal, 53(1), 1-12.
3.Lu, P., Chen, H.B.(2005): Singular solutions of anisotropic plate with an elliptical hole or a crack, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 18(2), 130-141.
5.Sun, H.L., Zhang, P.Q., Chen, H.B. and Zhang, K. (2006): Active control of a structure with continuously closely spaced natural frequencies, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 294(1-2), 15-22.
6.Huang, M.Y., Chen, H.B., Lu, J.N., Lu, P. and Zhang, P.Q. (2006): A modified molecular structural mechanics method for analysis of carbon nanotubes, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 19(4), 286-290.
7.Guo, X.F. and Chen, H.B. (2006): Dual error indicators for the local boundary integral equation method in 2D potential problems, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,30, 702–708.
8.Lu, P., Chen, H.B., Lee, H.P. and Lu, C. (2007): Further studies on edge waves in anisotropic elastic plates, International Journal of Solid and Structures, 44, 2192-2208.
9.Sun, H.L., Zhang, P.Q., Gong, X.L. and Chen, H.B. (2007): A novel kind of active resonator absorber and the simulation on its control effort, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 300, 117-125.
11.Chen, H.B., Fu, D.J. and Zhang P.Q. (2007): An investigation of wave propagation with high wave numbers via the regularized LBIEM, CMES – Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 20(2), 85-98.
12.FU Dong-jie, CHEN Hai-bo, ZHANG Pei-qiang(2007)Improved non-singular local boundary integral equation method, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2007, 28(8):1093-1099.
13.Lu, J.N., Chen, H.B., Lu, P. and Zhang, P.Q. (2007): Research of the natural frequency of single-walled carbon nanotube, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 20(5), 525-530.
14.Lu, P., Chen, H.B. (2007): Further studies on Stroh-type formalisms of flat plates with bending-extension coupling, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 20(4), 324-332.
15.H.L. Sun, H.B. Chen, K. Zhang, P.Q. Zhang (2007): Research on performance indices of vibration isolation systems. 固體力學進展及套用——慶賀李敏華院士90華誕文集,李和娣主編,科學出版社,北京,2007.10,143-153。
16.Lu, P., Lee, H.P., Lu, C. and Chen, H.B. (2008): Thermoelastic damping in cylindrical shells with application to tubular oscillator structures, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 50(3), 501-512.
17.Lu, J.N. and Chen, H.B. (2008): Analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes using a chemical bond element model, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 21(4), 353-360.
18.張鯤,陳海波,王蓮花,龔興龍,張培強(2008):吸振器在浮筏上減振套用的有限元分析,實驗力學,23(5): 387-395。
19.Sun, H.L., Chen, H.B., Zhang, K. and Zhang, P.Q.(2008): Research on performance indices of vibration isolation system. Applied Acoustics, 69(9): 789-795.
20.Sun, H.L., Zhang, P.Q., Chen, H.B., Zhang, K. and Gong, X.L.(2008): Application of dynamic vibration absorbers in structural vibration control under multi-frequency harmonic excitations. Applied Acoustics, 69(12): 1361-1367.
21.H.B. Chen, J.F. Jin, J.H. Liu, X.H. Si, N.X. Wang (2008): Mechanical and Low-cycle Fatigue Behaviors of Dispersion Strengthened Copper GlidCop. Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (2008), Editors Jinghong Fan and Haibo Chen, DEStech Publications, Inc., pp. 1194-1198. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics (ICHMM2008), June 3-8, 2008, Huangshan, China.
22.劉家驊,焦冬生, 王桂娟, 金建峰, 陳海波 (2009): 半壽命低周疲勞Glidcop材料導熱係數的測量,實驗力學,24(2):108-114。
23.Sun, H.L., Zhang, K., Zhang, P.Q., Chen, H.B.(2009): Application of dynamic vibration absorbers in floating raft system. Applied Acoustics, 71: 250-257.
(1) 成果I:針對邊界元法中邊界、近邊界物理量計算精度降低的問題開展了深入研究,提出了若干新的計算格式,明顯地改善了計算精度;進而發展了一套簡便有效的用於格線自適應最佳化的後驗誤差估計方法。
(2) 成果II:結合某項目重點基金項目中的學科性基礎問題,即橡膠材料在聲振耦合中具有特別重要的地位而現今尚沒有好的模擬分析方法的問題,基於新近發展的LBIEM無格線方法,提出正則化LBIEM列式,同時利用修正基,較好地解決了高波數Helmholtz問題數值分析精度降低的問題。
(3) 成果III:針對國家大科學工程LAMOST項目對焦面板的變形精度要求特別高的難題,利用ANSYS進行模擬分析,形成並套用彈性約束的思想,成功地設計了焦面板及其支撐結構,為該項目的順利推進及在科大立項和實施起到了推動作用。