
2010-至今 2011-至今Phi Journ




1998.9-2002.7 四川理工學院 食品科學與工程專業 獲工學學士學位
2002.9-2005.7重慶大學 藥物化學專業 獲理學碩士學位
2008.8-2011.12 美國麻薩諸塞州立大學 食品科學專業 獲博士學位


2005.7-2007.5 西南大學 食品科學學院 助教
2007.5-2012.2 西南大學 食品科學學院 講師
2012.2-至今 西南大學 食品科學學院 副教授


2012年 美國油脂化學家協會(AOCS)第103屆年會分會場主席
2008-至今 美國油脂化學家協會(AOCS)
2010-至今 美國油脂化學家協會脂肪氧化與品質分會(LOQ)執行委員會成員
2010-至今 美國食品技術協(IFT)
2011-至今 美國化學學會會員(ACS)
20011-2013 Inform 雜誌顧問委員會成員
2011-至今Phi Tau Sigma Honorary Society 榮譽會員
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、Food Chemistry、Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology、食品科學等多種食品專業期刊審稿人




Bingcan Chen*, Hongjun Li, Yangping Ding, Huayi Suo. Formation and microstructural characterization of whey Protein isolate/beet pectin coacervations by laccase catalyzed cross-linking. LTW-Food Science and Technology, 2012, 47(1):31-38
Bingcan Chen*, David Julian McClements, Eric Andrew Decker. Physical and oxidative stability of pre-emulsified oil bodies aqueous extracted from soybeans. Food Chemistry, 2012, 132(3): 1514-1520
Shiyuan Dong, Atikorn Panya, Mingyong Zeng, Bingcan Chen, D. Julian McClements, Eric A. Decker. Characteristics and antioxidant activity of hydrolyzed β-lactoglobulin-glucose Maillard reaction products. Food Research International, 2012, 46(1):55-61
Bingcan Chen, David Julian McClements, and Eric Andrew Decker. Minor Components in Food Oils: A Critical Review of their Roles on Lipid Oxidation Chemistry in Bulk Oils and Emulsions. Critical Review in Food Science and Nutrition, 2011,51(10):901-916
Chen, Bingcan, Han Ashley, Laguerre Michael, McClements David Julian, Decker Eric Andrew. Role of reverse micelles on lipid oxidation: Impact of phospholipids on antioxidant activity of alpha-tocopherol and Trolox in stripped soybean oil. Food and Function, 2011,2, 302-309
Bingcan Chen*, Hongjun Li, Yangping Ding, Jiajia Rao. Improvement of physicochemical stabilities of emulsions containing oil droplets coated by non-globular protein-beet pectin complex membranes. Food Research International, 2011, 44,1468-1475
Shiyuan Dong, Binbin Wei, Bingcan Chen, D.Julian McClements, Eric A. Decker. Chemical and Antioxidant Properties of Casein Peptide and its Glucose Maillard Reaction Products in Fish Oil-in-Water Emulsions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry., 2011, 59 (24), 13311–13317
Laguerre Mickael, Chen Bingcan, Lecomte Jerome, Villeneuve Pierre, McClements David, Decker Eric. Antioxidant properties of Chlorogenic acid and its alkyl sters in stripped corn oil in combination to phospholipids and water. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011,59(18):10361-10366
Chen, Bingcan, McClements David Julian, Decker Eric Andrew. Rethinking oxidation in bulk oil: role of physical structures. Inform, 2010, 21(9):577-577
Chen, Bingcan, Han Ashley, McClements David Julian, Decker Eric Andrew. Physical Structures in Soybean Oil and Their Impact on Lipid Oxidation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58(22):11993-11999.
Bingcan Chen, David Julian McClements, David A. Gray and Eric Andrew Decker. Stabilization of soybean oil bodies by enzyme (laccase) cross-linking of adsorbed beet pectin coatings. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58 (16): 9259–9265
Chen, Bingcan, McClements David Julian, Decker Eric Andrew. Role of continuous phase anionic polysaccharides on the oxidative stability of menhaden oil-in-water emulsions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58(6): 3779-3784.
RICARD Bou, Bingcan Chen, Francesc Guardiola, Rafael Codony, Eric A. Decker. Determination of lipid and protein hydroperoxides using the fluorescent probe diphenyl-1-pyrenylphosphine. Food Chemistry, 2010, 123(3): 892-900.
Rao JiaJia, Chen ZhongMin, Chen BingCan. Modulation and stabilization of silk fibroin-coated oil-in-water emulsions. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 2009,47(4):411-420


Eric Decker, Bingcan Chen. “Understanding antioxidant mechanisms in preventing oxidation in foods” in ‘Oxidation in foods and beverages and antioxidant applications’, 2010, 225-243, woodhead Publishing Limited


Bingcan Chen. Micro-Heterogeneous Structures (MHS) in Bulk Oils: Structure Characterization & Chemical Stability. International Student Symposium: Recent Advances in Food Science &Technology. April 14th, 2010. University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Bingcan Chen, David Julian McClements, Eric Andrew Decker. Impact of Phospholipids on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Bulk Oil. 101 AOCS Conference, May 16-19, 2010, Phoenix, AZ
Bingcan Chen, David Julian McClements, Eric Andrew Decker. Role of Reverse Micelles on Lipid Oxidation: Impact of Phospholipids on Antioxidant Activity of α-tocopherol and Trolox in Stripped Soybean Oil. 102 AOCS Conference, May 1-4, 2011, Cincinnati, OH
Bingcan Chen, David Julian McClements, Eric Andrew Decker. Role of Phospholipids Reverse Micelles on Lipid Oxidation: Impact of Minor Components on Physicochemical Properties of Stripped Soybean Oil. 102 AOCS Conference, May 1-4, 2011, Cincinnati, OH
Shiyuan Dong, Bingcan Chen, David Julian McClements, Eric Andrew Decker. Chemical Properties of Casein peptide-glucose Maillard Reaction Products and their Effects on Lipid Oxidation in fish Oil-in-Water Emulsions. IFT Conference, June 11-14, 2011, New Orleans, LA
Eric Decker, Chen, B. and McClements, D.J. Re-examining the Mechanisms of Lipid Oxidation in Bulk Oils, the Role of Physical Structures. 2011 AOCCS biennial conference programme, November 9-11, Adelaide, Australia


Bingcan Chen, D. Julian McClements, Eric A. Decker. Role of continuous phase anionic polysaccharides on the oxidative stability of Menhaden oil-in-water emulsions at neutral pH. IFT Conference, July 17-21, 2010, Chicago, IL
Bingcan Chen, D. Julian McClements, Eric A. Decker. Impact of Phospholipids on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Bulk Oil. IFT Conference, July 17-21, 2010, Chicago, IL
Bingcan Chen, David Julian McClements, Eric Andrew Decker. Role of phospholipids reverse micelles on lipid oxidation: impact of minor components on physicochemical properties of stripped soybean oil. IFT Conference, June 11-14, 2011, New Orleans, LA


美國化學會(ACS) Withycombe-Charalambous獎學金,2012
美國油脂化學家協會(AOCS) Thomas H. Smouse Memorial Fellowship,2011
美國油脂化學家協會(AOCS) 榮譽學生獎,2011
美國食品技術協會東北分會 2011研究生獎學金,2011
Francis Poster Competition 一等獎,2011
美國食品技術協會東北分會 2010研究生獎學金,2010


