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Zhenhai Economic Development Zone is a provincial-level economic development zone founded in 1992 with approval from Zhejiang Provincial Government. The Zone involves an initial development area of 9.22 sq. km and future expansion area of 34 sq. km. By virtue of its advantage in location and resource, Zhenhai Economic Development Zone comprises four industrial blocks of precision machinery industrial park, high-tech industrial park (Nordic Industrial Park), Fine Chemicals industrial park and Storage & Logistics park.
經過10餘年的艱苦創業, 鎮海經濟開發區正按照現代化、生態化一流精品園區的要求,加快特色功能園區的建設,同時,本著“低門檻引進、高效率服務、好環境發展”的總要求,以及“政策優惠、財政補貼、金融支持”三位一體的外商投資保障體系,積極營造良好的投資環境,竭誠歡迎國內外客商前來考察投資。
After 10 years of arduous efforts, Zhenhai Economic Development Zone is now striving to build the best modern industry parks,having distinct functions and meeting the ecological standards. Meantime, it tries to create a favorable investment climate (easy industry access, efficient service and sound environment) and implement a foreign investment incentive system (preferential policies, government subsidies and banking support) to attract domestic and overseas investors.



