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GDM管理中心位於上海市松江工業區內,公司總資產規模9億人民幣,目前在上海、杭州和珠海(新建)擁有三家大型CCL實體工廠,總計 7萬多平方米現代化標準廠房,多條世界先進的覆銅板生產線以及全套產品檢測設備。按計畫2008年四季度新廠達產,公司產能規模達到250萬平方米/月,具有良好的規模經濟效益。三地布局的工廠,使公司CCL生產區域布局更為合理,大大增強公司快速供貨能力。新工廠規模更大,設備全新,使公司再一次實現產業技術升級,更多的新技術將得到套用,並提供更多更好的,符合市場需求的新產品給我們的客戶。
GDM覆銅板系列產品以優良的品質和極高的性價比獲得了中國和世界PCB產業界的廣泛認可,並成為三星、LG、西門子、摩托羅拉、長虹、美的、海爾、聯想、富士通等中外國際知名企業和國內多數軍工企業的穩定供應商,產品行銷中國大陸及港台地區,北美、歐洲、韓國及東南亞。公司是3A級信用單位,堅持 “誠信經營”原則,給誠信客戶以優良的信用銷售政策。公司有良好的客戶服務管理體系,為客戶提供滿意和超值的服務。
International Laminate Material (ILM) is a sino-American joint-venture company, specialised in the manufacturing of high-grade FR-4 copper clad epoxy resin glass laminates for the electronics industry. The Company also manufactures core materials and various semi-soildified prepregs used for multi-layer printed circuit boards.
ILM has a world-class comprehensive manufacturing facility that includes a full range of advanded FR-4 copper-clad laminates producing and testing equipmens. With the adoption of an unique vacuum pressed production technique, the quality and reliability of its products is further enhanced.
ILM's broad-based strategy of a strong research and deveolpment (R & D) orientation has made significant strides in manufacturing. In addition, ILM believes in putting in place quality systems that will continually improve its systems, engineering expertise, technology, innovation and management. Through this philosophy, ILM has achieved high standards and received international acclaim for its products.
Being a member of the America IPC Association, ILM's products are manufactured and tested in compliance with American MIL and IPC standards, and have been accreditated with America UL and Germany VDE Certificates. In the 1995, ILM obtained the Germany TUV Certificate and ISO9002 QCS Certificate issued by the Shanghai SAC. In 1994, ILM was honoured as one of the most advanced national foreign-invested enterprise.
The speed at which ILM obtained quality certification is testimony to the company's quality phality philosophy, Leveraging on ILM's highly skilled workforce and management team, its production capacity has exceeded by 30%.


