

鄭鵬遠, 鄭州大學生物工程系特聘教授,博士。新加坡國立大學博士,加拿大多倫多大學博士後,美國胃腸病學會、微生物學會及加拿大胃腸病學會會員,河南抗癌協會委員,省消化學會委員,省微生物學會病毒學分會委員兼秘書。Journal of Canadian Gastroenterology 雜誌審稿人。




鄭鵬遠. LAK 細胞治療B型肝炎. 張建營 鄭鵬遠 張毅(主編): 病毒性肝炎 研究與實踐. 中國科學技術出版社. 1996


加拿大胃腸病學---加拿大醫學科學院 (Canadian Institute of Health Research, CIHR) 研究獎,2002



1. Zheng PY, Jones N.L. Helicobacter pylori strains expressing vacuolating cytotoxin interrupt phagosome maturation in macrophages by recruiting and retaining TACO (coronin 1) protein Cellular Microbiology 2003; 5(1):25-41.
2. Zheng PY, Hua J. Lim KG, Ho B. Non interference of Lewis B expression in H. pylori with the bacterial adhesion property. World J. Gastroenterology 2003; 9(1):122-124
3. Zheng PY, J.Hua, K.G. Yeoh and B. Ho. Association of peptic ulcer with increased expression of Lewis antigens but not cagA, iceA and vacA in Helicobacter pylori isolates in an Asian population. Gut 2000;47(1):18-22.
4. Zheng PY, NL Jones. Recent advances in Helicobacter pylori infection in children: from the petri dish to the playground. Canadian J. Gastroenterology 2003 17(7):448-454.
5. Zheng PY, J. Hua, H.C. Ng and B. Ho. Unchanged characteristics of Helicobacter pylori during its morphological conversion. Microbios 1999;98:51-64.
6. Monteiro MA, Zheng PY, Bow Ho2, Shin-ichi Yokota3, Ken-ichi Amano3, Zhi-jun Pan4, Douglas E. Berg4, and Kenneth H. Chan1, Leann L. MacLean1 and Malcolm B. Perry1. Expression of histo-blood group antigens by lipopolysaccharides of Helicobacter pylori strains from Asian hosts: the propensity to express type 1 blood-group antigens. Glycobiology 2000;10:701-713.
7. Hua J, Zheng PY, K.G. Yeoh and Ho Bow. The status of the cagA gene does not predict Helicobacter pylori-associated peptic ulcer disease in Singapore.
Microbios. 2000;102(402):113-20.
8. Hua J, Zheng PY and Ho Bow. Species differentiation and identification in the genus of Helicobacter. World J. Gastroenterology 1999;5:7-9.
9. Monteiro MA, Zheng PY, Appelmelk BJ, Perry MB. The lipopolysaccharide of Helicobacter mustelae type strain ATCC 43772 expresses the monofucosyl A type 1histo-blood group epitope. FEMS Microbiol Lett 1997;154:103-109.
10. Hua J, Zheng PY, Teo Keng Fong, Khin Mar Mar and Ho Bow. Helicobacter pylori acquisition of metronidazole resistance by natural transformation in vitro. World J. Gastroenterology 1998;4:385-387.
11. Appelmelk BJ, Martin SL, Monteiro MA, Clayton CA, McColm AA, Zheng PY, Verboom T, Maaskant JJ, van den Eijnden DH, Hokke CH, Perry MB, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CM, Kusters JG. Phase variation in Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide due to changes in the lengths of poly(C) tracts in alpha3-fucosyltransferase genes. Infect Immun 1999;5361-5366.
12. Hua J, Bow Ho, Zheng PY, KG Yeoh. Prevalence of primary Helicobacter pylori resistance to metronidazole and clarithromycin in Singapore. World J Gastroenterol. 2000 Feb;6(1):119-121.
13. Hua J, KG Yeoh, Zheng PY, Han Chong Ng, and Bow Ho. Susceptibility testing of Helicobacter pylori to metronidazole and DNA fingerprinting of resistant strains in Singapore. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 1999;9:328-333.
14. Appelmelk BJ, Shiberu B, Trinks C, Tapsi N, Zheng PY, Verboom T, Maaskant J, Hokke, CH, Schiphorst WE, Blanchard D, Simoons-Smit IM, van den Eijnden DH,Vandenbroucke-Grauls CM. Phase variation in Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide. Infect Immun 1998;66:70-76.
15. Monteiro MA, Chan KH, Rasko DA, Taylor DE, Zheng PY, Appelmelk BJ, Wirth HP, Yang M, Blaser MJ, Hynes SO, Moran AP, Perry MB. Simultaneous expression of type 1 and type 2 Lewis blood group antigens by Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharides. Molecular mimicry between h. pylori lipopolysaccharides and human gastric epithelial cell surface glycoforms. J Biol Chem 1998;273:11533-11543.
16. Hua J, Ho B, Zheng PY, Yeoh Khay-guan, Ng Han Chong, and Lim Seng Gee. Coexistence of Helicobacter pylori spiral and coccoid forms in experimental mice. World J. Gastroenterology 1998;4:485-488.
17. Hua J, Khin MM, Zheng PY, Yeoh Khay-guan, and Ho Bow. Serum IgG response to differentiated antigens of Helicobacter pylori. World J. Gastroenterology 1998;4:249-251.
18. Hua J, K.G. Yeoh, H.C. Ng, Zheng PY, S.G. Lim and B. Ho. Improving the success of culturing Helicobacter pylori from gastric biopsies. Microbios 1998;96:95-101.
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21. 鄭鵬遠, 何文林,段芳齡. 胃癌,消化性潰瘍患者幽門螺桿菌和iceA基因的研究. 胃腸病學及肝病學雜誌 1999;8:110-112.
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24. 鄭鵬遠,李文華,樊曉明,楊光,段芳齡. 鹽酸,膽鹽和尿素對幽門螺桿菌生存的研究。 中華消化雜誌. 1990;6:320-322.
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27. Zheng P.Y. and N.L. Jones. Vacuolating cytotoxin produced by type 1 Helicobacter pylori disrupts phagosome maturation and promotes bacterial survival in macrophages. Digestive Disease Weak (DDW) 2003, Orlando, Folorida, USA 美國。
28. Zheng P.Y. and N.L. Jones. Evade of host immune response by disruption of phagosome maturation by type I Helicobacter pylori strains. Gastroenterology Digestive Disease Weak (DDW),2002 San Francisco, USA 美國。
29. Zheng P.Y., J. Hua, K.G. Yeoh, K.Y. Ho and B. Ho. Increased expression of Lewis antigens but not cagA, iceA, vacA, and babA2 in Helicobacter pylori from peptic ulcer patients in an Asian population. 2000 European Helicobacter pylori conference, Rome, Italy, 義大利。
30. Zheng P.Y. and N.L. Jones. Vacuolating cytotoxin produced by type 1 Helicobacter pylori strains disrupts phagosome maturation and promotes bacterial survival in macrophages. Gastroenterology 2003
31. Zheng P.Y. and N.L. Jones. Evade of host immune response by disruption of phagosome maturation by type I Helicobacter pylori strains. Gastroenterology 2002
32. Zheng P.Y. and N.L. Jones. Inhibition of phagosome-lysosome fusion by type 1 Helicobacter pylori strain. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2002;16 (Suppl):66A.
33. Zheng P.Y., J. Hua, K.G. Yeoh, K.Y. Ho and B. Ho. Increased expression of Lewis antigens but not cagA, iceA, vacA, and babA2 in Helicobacter pylori from peptic ulcer patients in an Asian population. Gut 2000;47(Suppl):A6 (Abst).
34. Zheng P.Y., H.C. Ng, J. Hua, and B. Ho. Lewisb expression in Helicobacter pylori does not interfere with the bacterial adhesion property in vitro. Gut 2000;47 (Suppl):A7 (Abst).
35. Zheng P.Y., Duan FL. Microecology of Campylobacter pylori. J of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.1989 (suppl).



