1985-北京大學物理系 學士學位
1988-年中國科學院物理所 光學碩士學位
1994-中國工程物理研究院 電漿物理博士學位
1. Zheng CY, et al.,“Generation of helical and axial magnetic fields by the relativistic laser pulse in underdense plasma: three-dimensional particle-in –cell simulation”,Chin.Phys.Lett.19, 959(2002);
2. X.T. He, C.Y. Zheng and S.P. Zhu,“Harmonic modulation instability and spatiotemporal chaos”, Phys. Rev. E66, 037201(2002);
3. Zheng CY, et al.,“Spontaneous magnetic field and high harmonics in laser-dense plasma interaction”, J. Plasma Fusion. Res. Series, Vol.6 333 (2004);
4. Zheng CY, et al., “Magnetic field generation and relativistic electron dynamics in circularly polarized intense laser with dense plasmas”, Physics of Plasmas 12, 044505(2005);
5. Zheng C Y, et al., “Simulation of electron beam instabilities in collisionless plasmas”, Journal of Plasma physics, 72, 249 (2006);
6. Wang W. M, and Zheng C Y.,“The evolution of the transverse centroid of asymmetric laser field in plasmas with various density distributions”, Physics of plasmas 13,053112(2006);
7. Z J Liu, S P Zhu, L H Cao, C Y Zheng, "Comparison of the analytical and simulation results of the equilibrium beam profile", Physics of plasmas 14,103111(2007);