

鄧紅文,博士,“長江學者獎勵計畫”特聘教授,博導。1966年出生,1990年畢業於北京大學生物系,同年留學美國,1995年在美國Oregon大學生物系和數學系獲得遺傳學博士學位和統計學碩士學位,師從於國際著名的統計遺傳學權威Micheal Lynch教授,又在美國休斯頓Texas大學人類遺傳中心從事博士後研究工作一年半,1997年起在Creighton大學擔任助理教授,主持一個有八個博士的遺傳學實驗室,2001年3月成為Creighton大學有史以來最年輕的副教授。2003年3月成為Creighton大學有史以來最年輕的教授。



湖南師範大學特聘教授。2001年被教育部批准為“長江學者獎勵計畫”特聘教授,並獲得國家傑出青年科學基金課題。在美留學期間他以複雜性狀與疾病為研究對象,以遺傳與突變為研究的核心問題,從事了進化生物學、分子進化遺傳學、群體及數量遺傳學、生態遺傳學、骨醫學、骨質分子遺傳學、計算和統計遺傳學等跨學科和交叉學科的研究,並取得了傑出成就。2003年分獲第二屆HOMA獎“傑出青年學者獎”和湖南省科技進步二等獎,2004年獲國際骨質疏鬆基金“IOF-Servier 青年學者研究獎”,2004年教育部提名國家科學技術獎自然科學二等獎,共申請國內外專利7項。



2)第一次發現並證實維生素-D的受體基因和雌性激素的受體在一定程度上決定人類骨質密度的自然變化及藥理調控。這項工作發表在Human Genetics及國際骨質研究學刊(Osteoporosis International)上。他為此於1999年4月獲美國骨學研究會第一次有命名的(John Haddad)優秀青年科學家獎;

3)第一次發現並證實人類的手腕骨折有其重要的遺傳原理及機制。這項工作為尋找人類骨折基因打下了堅實的基礎。鄧紅文博士在Nature、Genetics、Human Genetics、J Bone and Mineral Res、 Evolution、Molecular Biology and Evolution、 Heredity、Genetical Research、Genetica和American J Human Genetics等國際權威刊物上共發表了70餘篇論文。其中第一作者和獨著或通訊作者的論文60餘篇,全部文章被SCI收錄,論文總引用達500餘次。






1. Deng,H.-W.,Population Admixture May Appear to mask, change or Rererse Genetic Effects of Genes Underlying Complex Traits. Genetics,2001,159:1319-1323。

2..Tan,Y.,D.and H.-W.Deng, An Amplified Fragment length Polxmorphism Nap of the Silkworm. Genetics 2001,157:1277-1284。

3.Deng,H.-W.,J. Li,The effect of polygenes on transmission disquilibrium test of a QTL in nuclear families with multiple children. Genet Epodemiology.2001,21,243-265.

4. Deng,H.-W.,Biased tests of association:comparison of allele frequencies when departing from Hardy-Weinberg proportions 2000 Am.Jepidemiology,151:335-357.

5. Deng,H.-W.,Determination of BND at hip and spine by genetic and life-style factors. Gemetics Epidemiology,2000:19:160-177.

6. Deng,H.-W.,Characterizing deleterious genomic mutations in partial seltfing/outcrossing populations and in nonequilium Popuations.2000 Genetics 154:1839-1906.(*Deng is the corresponding author).

7. Deng,H.-W.,Pooduct difference of multiplex and singleplex PCR and its practical for human genctic studies.BioTechniques.2000,29:298-308

8. Deng,H.-W.,QTL fine mapping in extreme samples of finite populations for complex traits with familial correlation due to polygenes “Am.J Himan Genet”(2000,67:259-261)

9. Deng,H.-W Association of Estrogen Receptor-alpha(ER)Genotypes with Body Mass Index in Normal Healthy Postmenopausal Caucsisn Women. J Clincical Endocrinology and Mrtabolism.2000,85:2748-2751.

10. Deng, H .-W., J. Li , and J.- Li. Recovery of mutations of different size from a population sample of DNA sequences under variable mutation rates across sites.Moleclar Biology and Evolution,1999,618:1098-1104.

11. H. -W., Deng,V.Haynatzka, Spitze,K.and G.Haynatzki.On the determination of genetic covariances and prediction of evolutionary trajectories based on genetic correlations matrix. Evolution. 1999,53(5):1592-1599.

12. Deng,HW,J.Li,J.L.Li,M.Johnson,M.Davies and RR Recker. Change of bone mass in postmenopausal Caucasian women with and without hormone replacement therapy is associated with Vitamin D receptor and estrogen receptor genotypes. Human Genetics.1998,103:576-585.

13. Li , J.- L ., J. Li and H .- W. Deng . The effects of overdominance on characterizing deleterious genomic mutations in large natural populations. Genetics. 1999,151:895-913.

14. Deng,H.W. Estimation of deleterious-mutation rate and efficts in outcrossing populations. Genetics. 1998,150: 945-956.

15. Deng,H.-W.,J.Li, and J.-L.Li On the experimental designs and data analyses of mutation accumulation experiments.Genetical Research. 1999,73:147-194.

16. Deng,H.-W,J.L.Li,J.Li,M.K.Davies,and R.R. Recker. Heterogeneity of bone mass density across skeletal sites and its clnical implications. J Clinical Densitometry.1998, 1:339-353.

17. Deng, H.-W. Estimating coefficient of (over)dominance from inbreeding data and discriminating dominance and overdominance hypothesis for heterosis. Genetics .1998,148:1333-1340.

18. Deng, H.- W. and Y.- X. Fu. On the three different approaches to estimating deleterious genomic mutation parameters. Genetical Research .1998,71 (3): 223-236.

19.Deng ,H.-W.,D.B. Kimel, T. Conway, K. M.Davies, R. R. Recker High narrow-sense heritability for peak bone mass in humans. J Bone Miner Res.1997, 12:S563.

20.Deng, H.- W. and M. Lynch. Inbreeding depression and the inferred genomic mutation parameters in Daphnia species. Genetics, 1997,147:147-155.

21.Deng, H. - W. Increase of dvelopmental instability upon inbreeding in Daphnia. Heredity,1997,78: 182-189.

22 .Deng, H-W.and Y.-X. Fu. The effects of variable mutation rate across sites on the phylogenetic estimation of population size or mutation rate of DNA sequences. Genetics, 1996,144: 1271-1281.

23.Deng, H.-W. and M. Lynch. Estimation of deleterious- mutation parameters in nature populations. Genetics, 1996, 144:349-360.

24.Deng,H.- W. and M.Lynch. Change of genetic architecture in response to sex. Genetics, 1996,143:203-212.

25.Deng, H. - W. Environmental and genetic control of sexual reproduction in Daphnia. Heredity,1996,76:449-458.

26.Deng,H.-W.Sexual reproduction in Daphnia: its control and genetieconsequences..Ph.D.Thesis. University of Oregon(Advisor-Dr.Michael Lynch). 1995

27.Deng, H.-W. and T. Kibota, The importance of environmental variance and covariance structure in predicting evolutionary response. Evolution.1995, 49: 572-574.

28.Butcher, D. and H.-W.Deng. Hypothetical“Sister Killer”. Nature. 1994, 369: 26.

29.Lynch,M. and H.-W. Deng. Genetic slippage in response to sex.American Naturalist. 1994, 144:242-261.



