

《邪惡掠奪》(Wicked Prey)是2010年出版的英文原版書。故事說的是花在過去的兩年里躲藏的勇敢而成功的搶劫之後,一個大的次強盜回到在明尼阿波利斯,有了機會,它讓一個更大的偷竊。這是一個兩星期前共和黨黨代會大成千上萬的人花錢,投入到一個相對不足Brinks倉庫,保護,只三個或四個武裝警衛。強盜的計畫是讓警察通過處理和報警他們可能暗殺。同時盧卡斯達文波特有問題自己的,他們是一個病態皮條鴨”,責備一個事實,他的《在輪椅里。只有這不是達文波特他正在追求,而是他的無辜的女兒,萊蒂。



邪惡掠奪 邪惡掠奪

英文名:Wicked Prey

作 者/Author:John Sandford(約翰·桑福德) 著

出 版 社/Publisher:Simon & Schuster


出版時間/Publication Date:2010-04-29

頁 數/Pages:368

裝 幀/Format:平裝

紙 張/Paper:膠版紙


所屬分類/Category:圖書 > 英文原版書 > Mystery & Thrillers(神秘與驚悚)

定 價:¥74.50



Having spent the past two years in hiding following a daring and successful heist, a big -time robber is back in Minneapolis, having spotted the opportunity for an even greater steal. It's a couple of weeks before the big Republican party convention: thousands of people spending cash, which is flowing into a relatively inadequate Brinks warehouse, protected by only three or four armed guards. The robber's plan is to distract the cops by manipulating and alerting them to a possible assassination attempt. Lucas Davenport meanwhile has problems of his own, targeted by a psychopathic pimp, who blames Davenport for the fact he's in a wheelchair. Only it's not Davenport he's going after; it's his innocent daughter, Letty.




John Sandford was born John Roswell Camp on February 23, 1944 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Before entering the U.S. Army and serving in Korea, he received a bachelor's degree in American history from the University of Iowa in 1966. After leaving the service, he received a master's degree in journalism from the University of Iowa. During the 1970s, he worked at The Miami Herald, and the St. Paul Pioneer Press. In 1985, he began researching the lives of a farm family caught in the midst of the crisis of American farming. The article, Life on the Land: An American Farm Family, won the Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing and the American Society of Newspaper Editors Award for Non-Deadline Feature Writing. After winning the Pulitzer Prize, he began writing fiction. His works include the Prey series and the Virgil Flowers series. In 2010 he wrote the fourth book in the Virgil Flowers series, Bad Blood. He has also written nonfiction works on plastic surgery and art.



