1992.9-1997.7 清華大學熱能工程系供熱通風與空氣調節工程專業 工學學士;
1994.9-1997.7 清華大學環境工程系環境工程專業 工學輔修學士;
1997.9-2002.7 清華大學建築學院建築技術科學系 工學碩士、博士。
教授 (2012.12-今),清華大學建築學院建築技術科學系;
室內空氣品質(IAQ)-- 建築環境氣溶膠顆粒的運動傳播規律及危害評價;
總計30餘項。包括負責國家自然科學基金3項、十三五重大研發計畫項目課題一項等 。
第十屆室內空氣品質和微氣候國際學術會議(Indoor Air 2005):Atmospheric Environment 雜誌特刊編委;
第十屆室內空氣品質和微氣候國際學術會議(Indoor Air 2005):Indoor Air 雜誌特刊摘要集編委;
第十屆室內空氣品質和微氣候國際學術會議(Indoor Air 2005)論文集編委;
國際期刊 Building Simulation:Associate Editor;
國際期刊 Atmospheric Environment,Special Issue Editor。
《空氣潔淨技術》 32 學時;
《室內空氣流動數值模擬技術》 24 學時(共48學時,合講);
《建築設備》暖通空調部分 16 學時(共32學時,合講);
《室內空氣品質》— 顆粒基礎知識部分 4學時;
《暖通空調技術新進展》— 暖通空調的CFD部分 4學時。
Comparison of indoor aerosol particle concentration and deposition in different ventilated rooms by numerical method. Building and Environment . 2004 ,39(1): 1-8
Numerical study of the transport of droplets or particles generated by respiratory system indoors. Building and Environment. 2005 40(8): 1032-1039
Modeling particle deposition from fully developed turbulent flow in ventilation duct. Atmospheric Environment. 2006, 40(3): 457-466
Particle deposition in indoor environments: analysis of influencing factors. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2007, 147: 439-448
Particle dispersion and deposition in ventilated rooms: testing and evaluation of different Eulerian and Lagrangian models. Building and Environment. 2008, 43(4): 388-397
Modeling of ultrafine particle dispersion in indoor environments with an improved drift flux model. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2009, 40(1): 29-43
Some questions on dispersion of human exhaled droplets in ventilation room: answers from numerical investigation. Indoor Air. 2010, 20(2): 95-111
Review of relationship between indoor and outdoor particles: I/O ratio, infiltration factor and penetration factor. Atmospheric Environment. 2011, 45: 275-288
Indoor Exposure to “Outdoor PM10”: Assessing its Influence on the Relationship between PM10 and Short-term Mortality in U.S. Cities. Epidemiology. 2012. 23(6): 870-878
Assessing the influence of indoor exposure to “outdoor ozone” on the relationship between ozone and short-term mortality in U.S. communities. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2012. 120(2):235-240
Investigating the geographical heterogeneity in the PM10-mortality associations in the China Air Pollution and Health Effects Study (CAPES): a potential role of indoor exposure to PM10 of outdoor origin. Atmospheric Environment. 2013. 75: 217-223
Modeled Exposure Assessment via Inhalation and Dermal Pathways to Airborne Semi volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) in Residences. Environmental Science & Technology. 2014, 48 (10): 5691-5699
Contribution of outdoor-originating particles, indoor-emitted particles and indoor secondary organic aerosols (SOA) to indoor PM2.5 concentration: A model-based estimation. Building and Environment. 2015. 90: 196-205
Fellow of Academy of ISIAQ2016;
Indoor Air 2014: Best Poster Award 2014;
教育部自然科學二等獎:室內可吸入顆粒物動力學問題研究(排名第1/5) 2013;
清華大學基礎研究青年人才支持計畫(221計畫) 2013;
Building and Environment: Best Paper Award 2012;
2010年度清華大學學術新人獎 2011;
Building Simulation: Best Paper Award 2009;
第十屆北京市青年優秀科技論文一等獎 2009;
Scopus青年科學之星獎(Elsevier和中國科學新聞聯合評選) 2009;
教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫(NCET-07-0502) 2007;
2004年度清華大學優秀博士後 2005;
清華大學本科生精品課:潔淨技術 2015;
清華大學SRT計畫優秀指導教師一等獎 2008-2015共8次;
清華大學教學成果獎二等獎(排名第1/1) 2012。