發展了微納流動和傳熱理論,揭示了電化學儲能系統中熱、質、電子及離子耦合傳輸規律,推動了傳熱傳質與電化學的交叉融合,促進了電化學儲能技術的發展,為提高可再生能源利用作出了貢獻。在國際權威學術期刊發表SCI論文305篇,SCI引用10100餘次,h-因子達57,31篇為ESI高被引論文,3篇獲Elsevier高被引論文獎(Most Cited Article Award),出版英文專著4部、英文專著章節5篇,中文專著章節4篇 。入選2014、2015、2016全球高被引科學家和最有影響力科學思想名錄 。受邀在美國機械工程師學會、國際可持續能源技術等重要國際學術會議上作主題/特邀報告67次 。
【1】T.S. Zhao, M. Ni, 2013, Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: From Materials to System Modeling, RSC, ISBN: 978-1-84973-654-1.
【2】Z.X. Liang, T.S. Zhao, 2012, Catalysts for Alcohol-Fuelled Direct Oxidation Fuel Cells, RSC, ISBN: 978-1-84973-405-9.
【3】T.S. Zhao, 2009, Micro Fuel Cells-Principle and Applications, Elsevier, ISBN: 0123747139.
【4】T.S. Zhao, K.D. Kreuer, T. Nguyen, 2007, Advances in Fuel Cells, Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978-0-08-045394-1.
【5】T.S. Zhao, Z.X. Liang, J.B. Xu, 2009, Fuel Cells-Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells Overview, Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, Pages 362-369, Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52093-7.
【6】T.S. Zhao, C. Xu, 2009, Fuel Cells-Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells: Overview Performance and Operational Conditions, Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, Pages 381-389, Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52093-7.
【7】T.S. Zhao, R. Chen, 2009, Fuel Cells-Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells: Experimental Systems, Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, Pages 428-435, Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52093-7.
【8】T.S. Zhao, W.W. Yang, 2009, Fuel Cells-Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells: Modeling, Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, Pages 436-445, Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52093-7.
【9】T.S. Zhao, P. Cheng, 1998, “Heat Transfer in Oscillatory Flows,” Annual Review of Heat Transfer, Volume IX, pp. 359-420, Edited by L.T. Chang.
【1】T.S. Zhao, P. Cheng, 1995, “A numerical solution of laminar forced convection in a heated pipe subjected to a reciprocating flow,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (1995) 3011-3022.
【2】T.S. Zhao, P. Cheng, 1996, “Oscillatory heat transfer in a pipe subjected to a laminar reciprocating flow,” ASME Journal of Heat Transfer 118 (1996) 592-598.
【3】T.S. Zhao, Q.C. Bi, 2001, “Co-current air-water two-phase flow patterns in vertical triangular channels,”International Journal of Multiphase Flow 27 (2001) 765-782.
【4】Z.L. Guo, T.S. Zhao, 2002, “Lattice Boltzmann model for incompressible flows through porous media,” Physical Review E 66 (2002) 036304.
【5】T.S. Zhao, Q. Liao, 2002, “Theoretical analysis of film condensation heat transfer inside vertical mini triangular channels,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 45 (2002) 2829-2842.
【6】 Z.L. Guo, T.S. Zhao, 2003, “Explicit finite-difference lattice Boltzmann method for curvilinear coordinates,” Physical Review E 67 (2003) 066709.
【7】H. Yang, T.S. Zhao, Q. Ye, 2005, “In situ visualization study of CO2 gas bubble behavior in DMFC anode flow fields,” Journal of Power Sources 139 (2005) 79-90.
【8】 R. Chen, T.S. Zhao, 2005, “Mathematical modeling of a passive-feed DMFC with heat transfer effect,” Journal of Power Sources 152 (2005) 122-130.
【9】W.W. Yang, T.S. Zhao, 2007, “A two-dimensional, two-phase mass transport model for liquid-feed DMFCs,” Electrochimica Acta 52 (2007) 6125-6140.
【10】T.S. Zhao, C. Xu, R. Chen, W.W. Yang, 2009, “Mass transport phenomena in direct methanol fuel cells,” Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 35 (2009) 275-292.
【11】 T.S. Zhao, R. Chen, W.W. Yang, C. Xu, 2009, “Small direct methanol fuel cells with passive supply of reactants,” Journal of Power Sources 191 (2009) 185-202.
【12】T.S. Zhao, W.W. Yang, R. Chen, Q.X. Wu, 2010, “Toward operating direct methanol fuel cells with highly concentrated fuel,” Journal of Power Sources 195 (2010) 3451-3462.
【13】L. An, T.S. Zhao, 2011, “An alkaline direct ethanol fuel cell with a cation exchange membrane,” Energy & Environmental Science 4 (2011) 2213-2217.
【14】 S.Y. Shen, T.S. Zhao, J.B. Xu, Y.S. Li, 2011, “High performance of a carbon supported ternary PdIrNi catalyst for ethanol electro-oxidation in anion-exchange membrane direct ethanol fuel cells,” Energy & Environmental Science 4 (2011) 1428-1433.
【15】 L. An, T.S. Zhao, Y.S. Li, Q.X. Wu, 2012, “Charge carriers in alkaline direct oxidation fuel cells,” Energy & Environmental Science 5 (2012) 7536-7538.
【16】 J.B. Xu, P. Gao, T.S. Zhao, 2012, “Non-precious Co3O4 nano-rod electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction in anion-exchange membrane fuel cells,” Energy & Environmental Science 5 (2012) 5333-5339.
【17】X.B. Zhu, T.S. Zhao, Z.H. Wei, P.Tan, L.An, 2015, “A high-rate and long cycle life solid-state lithium-air battery,” Energy & Environmental Science 8 (2015) 3745-3754.
【18】X.B. Zhu, T.S. Zhao, Z.H. Wei, P. Tan, G. Zhao, 2015, “A novel solid-state Li-O2 battery with an integrated electrolyte and cathode structure,” Energy & Environmental Science 8 (2015) 2782-2790.
【19】 L. Zeng, T.S. Zhao, L. An, G. Zhao, X.H. Yan, 2015, “A high-performance sandwiched-porous polybenzimidazole membrane with enhanced alkaline retention for anion exchange membrane fuel cells,” Energy & Environmental Science 8 (2015) 2768-2774.
【20】 Q. Xu, T.S. Zhao, 2015, “Fundamental Models for Flow Batteries,” Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 49 (2015) 40-58.
(1) 2013年國家自然科學二等獎
(2) 2012年國家自然科學二等獎
(3) 入選全球高被引科學家和最有影響力科學思想名錄
(4) 美國機械工程師學會Fellow
(5) 英國皇家化學學會Fellow
(6) 香港裘槎資深研究成就獎
(7) 香港科大工程學傑出研究成就獎
(8) 香港科大高研院資深學人
(10) 教育部長江學者講座教授
(11)Top Cited Article 獎(2008-2009),Electrochimica Acta
(12)Most Cited Article 獎(2005-2009),Electrochemistry Communications
(13)Most Cited Articles 獎(2005-2009),Electrochimica Acta
(19)Everett E. Black學業成就獎
(1)國際期刊《Applied Thermal Engineering》主編
(2)Elsevier系列叢書《Advances in Fuel Cells》主編
(3)RSC系列叢書《RSC Energy & Environment Series》共同主編
(4)國際期刊《Science Bulletin》執行主編
(5)國際期刊《Energy & Environmental Science》編委
(6)國際期刊《Journal of Power Sources》顧問編委
(7)國際期刊《Advanced Materials Technologies》編委
(8)國際期刊《Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics》編委
(9)國際期刊《Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer》編委
(10)國際期刊《Heat Transfer Asian Research》顧問編委
(11)國際期刊《Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering》編委
(12)國際期刊《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》編委
(13)國際期刊《Acta Mechanica Sinica》編委
(14)國際期刊《Heat Transfer Research》副主編