2000-2004 東南大學 能源與環境學院本科生;
2004-2007 浙江大學 能源清潔利用國家重點實驗室博士研究生;
2007-2008 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA) Visiting Scholar;
2008-2009 浙江大學 能源清潔利用國家重點實驗室博士研究生;
2009至今 大連理工大學 能源與動力學院 能源與環境工程專業 副教授。
1. Jiafei Zhao, Kun Xu, Yongchen Song, Weiguo Liu, and Qingping Li, A Review on Research on Replacement of CH4 in Natural Gas Hydrates by Use of CO2,Energies, 2011, 5(2), 399-419 (SCI)2. Jia-Fei Zhao, Chen-Cheng Ye, Yong-Chen Song, Chuan-Xiao Cheng, Yu Liu, Yi Zhang, Da-Yong Wang, Wei-Guo Li, Numerical simulation and analysis of water phase effect on methane hydrate dissociation by depressurization, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, published online (SCI)
3. Jiafei Zhao, Mingjiang Ni, Zhongyang Luo,Tao Wang, Yanmei Zhang, Chunhui Shou, Tingting Wu,Performance Analysis of a-SiPhotovoltaic/Thermal System Using Optimized Direct Absorption Collector,Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2010, Accepted.
4. Jiafei Zhao, Yongchen Song, Wei-Haur Lam,Weiguo Liu, Yu Liu, Yi Zhang, DaYong Wang, Solar Radiation Transfer andPerformance Analysis of an Optimum Photovoltaic/Thermal System, EnergyConversion and Management,2010,52,1343-1353.
5. Jiafei Zhao, Lei Yao, Yongchen Song,Chuanxiao Cheng, Kaihua Xue, Yu Liu, Yi Zhang, In-situ Observations by MagneticResonance Imaging for Formation and Dissociation of Tetrahydrofuran Hydrate inPorous Media, Magnetic Resonance Imaging,2010, in press.
6. Jiafei Zhao, Mingjiang Ni, Chunhui Shou,Zhongyang Luo, Kefa Cen, Optimum optical properties of the working fluid indirect absorption collector, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2010, in press.
7. Jiafei Zhao, Zhongyang Luo, Mingjiang Ni,Kefa Cen, Dependence of nanofluid viscosity on particle size and pH value,Chinese Physics Letters. 2009, Vol.26, No.6, 066202.
8. Jiafei Zhao, Saurabh Pillai, LaurentPilon, Rheology of colloidal gas aphrons made from different surfactants,Cololoids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2009, vol348, 93-99.
9. Jiafei Zhao, Mingjiang Ni, Chunhui Shou,Yanmei Zhang, Zhongyang Luo, Optimal design and performance analysis of a lowconcentrating photovoltaic/thermal system using the direct absorptioncollection concept, Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, IEEE.
10. Jiafei Zhao, Zhongyang Luo, Chunhui Shou,Studies of radiated characteristic of nanofluids and window-type heatcollector, International conference of renewable energy scale-up developmentand the third energy technical forum in far-yangtze river triangle area, 2006,63-68.
11. 趙佳飛,駱仲泱,蔡潔聰,王輝,倪明江,太陽能電熱聯產技術研究綜述,中國電機工程學報,2009,No17,117-121.
12. 趙佳飛,倪明江,王輝,壽春暉,駱仲泱,基於DAC技術的改進型聚光電熱聯用系統,太陽能學報,2010,31,179-185.
13. 趙佳飛,駱仲泱,張艷梅,倪明江,基於PIKAIA遺傳算法的納米多孔薄膜輻射特性反問題研究,中國電機工程學報,2010, 30(23) 73-77.
14. 趙佳飛,駱仲泱,王輝,倪明江,基於遺傳算法的輻射特性反向研究方法,動力工程,2009,vol29,No9,837-840.
15. Yao Lei, Jiafei Zhao, Chuanxiao Cheng, YuLiu, Yongchen Song, Formation and dissociation of tetrahydrofuran hydrate inporous media, International Conference on Ocean Offshore and ArcticEngineering, OMAE 2010.
16. 王輝,駱仲泱,蔡潔聰,王濤,趙佳飛,倪明江,納米流體透射率影響因素的實驗研究,浙江大學學報工學版,錄用.
17. 倪明江,駱仲泱,壽春暉,王濤,趙佳飛,岑可法,太陽能光熱光電綜合利用,上海電力,2009,vol1,1-7.
18. 壽春暉,駱仲泱,王濤,蔡潔聰,趙佳飛,倪明江,岑可法,納米流體在太陽能光電利用中套用的研究,上海電力,2009,vol1,8-12;
19. 郭順松,駱仲泱,王濤,趙佳飛,岑可法,SiO2納米流體粘度研究,矽酸鹽通報,2006,vol25,No5,52-55.
20. 王濤,駱仲泱,壽春暉,趙佳飛,岑可法,新型材料在太陽能熱電聯用中的套用,能源技術,2008,vol29,No6,366-370.
21. Jiafei Zhao, 2009 Reviewer of manuscriptssubmitted for publication and presentation to ASME Heat Transfer Conference,San Francisco July 19-23, 2009;
22. Jiafei Zhao,Yongchen Song, Weihao Lin.Solar radiation transfer and performance analysis of an optimumphotovoltaic/thermal system. Energy Conversion and Management. 2011, 52(2):1343-1353.(SCI、EI)
23. Jiafei Zhao,NiMingjiang,ShouChunhui. Optimum optical properties of the working fluid in a direct absorptioncollector. Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer. 2011, 18(3):239-247. (SCI)
24. Yu Liu, Jiafei Zhao, Changsong Guo.Memory effects of structure I and II gas hydrates. ACTAPhysico-chimica Sinica. 2011, 27(6):1305-1311.(SCI)
25. Jiafei Zhao, Lei Yao, Yongchen Song, Kaihua Xue, Chuanxiao Cheng,YuLiu, Yi Zhang. In-situ Observations by Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Formationand Dissociation of Tetrahydrofuran Hydrate in Porous Media, Magnetic ResonanceImaging,2011,Vol 29(2),281-288. (SCI)
26. Yongchen Song, Feng Yu, Yanghui Li, Weiguo Liu, Jiafei Zhao.Mechanical property of artificial methane hydrate undertriaxial compression. Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry. 2010,19(3):246-250.(SCI)
27. 趙佳飛. 基於DAC技術的改進型聚光電熱聯用系統. 太陽能學報. 2010, 31(2):178-184.(EI)
28. Jiafei Zhao.Optimal design and performance analysis of a low concentrating. Asia-PacificPower and Energy Engineering Conference.2010.6.(EI)
29. Kaihua Xue, Jiafei Zhao, Yongchen Song, Mu hailin, Experimental Study on the growth habit of Hydrate in porous media by using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH 2011), Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, July 17-21, 2011.
1. 沉積層中CO2乳化液強化置換天然氣水合物機理研究,國家青年自然科學基金;2. 基於核磁共振成像技術(MRI)堆積層中天然氣水合物相平衡檢測與數值模擬研究項目,2009.10.23;
3. 10Kw與25Kw碟式聚光太陽能斯特林熱發電系統設計項目,2010.04.06;