
賈繼輝,男,1963年出生,醫學博士,教授,博士生導師。山東大學病原生物學研究所所長,山東省感染與免疫重點實驗室主任,教育部實驗畸形學重點實驗室副主任,中國腫瘤標誌專業委員會常委,山東省微生物學會醫學專業委員會主任。教育部高等學校實驗教學指導委員會委員,醫學八年制國家規劃教材:醫學微生物學編委,中華微生物與免疫學雜誌編委,中國微生態學雜誌編委,中山大學學報(醫學版)常務編委。MOL MICROBIOL 和INFECTIMMUN 等國際期刊的審稿專家。
⒉國家自然科學基金項目:SpoT調控幽門螺桿菌氧應激嚴謹應答分子機制研究(No. 30800037,2009.01-2012.12)
⒊國家自然科學基金項目:Runx3抑制胃癌細胞中Survivin基因表達的分子機制研究(No. 30800406,2009.01-2012.12)
⒋國家自然科學基金項目:FoxM1調控hTERT表達介導胃癌細胞逃逸衰老的機制(No. 30972775,2010.01-2013.12)
⒌ 國家自然科學基金項目:新發現癌基因CIP2A在慢粒發生髮展中作用及其轉錄調控機制(No. 30971151,2010.01-2013.12)
⒍ 國家自然科學基金項目:幽門螺桿菌SpoT基因適應INF-γ表達調控機制研究(No. 81071313,2011.01-2013.12)
⒎ 國家自然科學基金項目:miRNA調控表觀遺傳分子RBP2介導胃癌細胞逃逸衰老的分子機制(No. 81001098,2011.01-2013.12)
⒏ 國家自然科學基金項目:Reptin調節端粒酶活性介導胃癌發生的分子機制(No. 81000868,2011.01-2013.12)
⒐ 國家自然科學基金項目:幽門螺桿菌誘導細胞逃逸衰老和上皮間質轉化促進惡性演變的分子機制(No. 81171536,2012.01-2015.12)
⒑ 國家自然科學基金項目:miRNA在FoxM1介導的AML發生髮展中的作用及其靶向抗白血病效應.(No81170514,2012.01-2015.12)
⒈zengJ(山東大學2009屆博士生曾季平),Ge Z,WangLLIQ,Wang N,Björkholm MJia J*,and Xu D * The histone demethylase RBP2 is over-expressed in gastric cancer and its inhibition triggers senescence of cancer cells.Gastroenterology. 2010;138981-992(賈繼輝共同通訊作者,IF=12. 899 )
2. Zeng J(山東大學2009屆博士生曾季平),Wang L,Li Q,Li W,Björkholm M,Jia J*,Xu D*. FoxM1 is up-regulated in gastric cancer and its inhibition leads to cellular senescence,partially dependent on p27kip1.J Pathol. 2009;218⑷:419-27. (賈繼輝共同通訊作者,IF=7.274)
3. Li W(山東大學2008屆博士生李汶娟),Ge Z.,Liu C.,Liu Z.,Björkholm M.,Jia J*,and Xu D. CIP2A is over-expressed in gastric cancer and its depletion leads to impaired clonogenecity,senescence or differentiation of tumor cells.Clinical Cancer Research,2008,15;14⑿:3722-8.(賈繼輝通訊作者,IF=6.746)
4.Li W(山東大學2008屆博士生李汶娟),Ge Z,Liu C,Liu Z,Björkholm M,Jia J,Xu D.Reptin is required for the transcription of telomerase reverse transcriptase and over-expressed in gastric cance.Mol Cancer. 2010 May 30;9:132. (賈繼輝共同通訊作者,IF= IF=5.362 )
5.Li W(山東大學2008屆博士生李汶娟),Li L.,Liu Z.,Liu C.,Liu Z.,Strååt K,Björkholm M,Jia J*,and Xu D. Expression of the full-length telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) transcript in both malignant and normal gastric tissues.Cancer Letters2008,260,28-36. (賈繼輝通訊作者,IF=4.864)
⒍ Wang CM(山東大學2011屆博士後王春梅),Wang Y,Fan CG,Xu FF,Sun WS,Liu YG,Jia JH*. miR-29c targets TNFAIP3,inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2011,5;411⑶:586-92(賈繼輝通訊作者,IF=2.59)7.Shao C(山東大學2008屆博士生邵春紅),Zhang Q,Sun Y,Liu Z,Zeng J,Zhou Y,Yu X,Jia J*. Helicobacter pylori protein response to humanbilestress.JMedMicrobiol.2008,57,151-158.(賈繼輝通訊作者,IF=2. 272)
8.Shao C(山東大學2008屆博士生邵春紅),Zhang Q,Wei Q,Liu Z,Sun Y,Zeng J,Zhou Y,Jia J*. The changes of proteomes components of Helicobacter pylori in response to acid stress without urea.JMicrobiol2008;46⑶:331-7. (賈繼輝通訊作者,IF=2. 05 )
9. Liu Z(山東大學2007屆博士生劉志方),Chen C,Tang W,Zhang J,Gong Y,Jia J*. Gene-expression profiles in gastric epithelial cells stimulated with spiral and coccoid Helicobacter pylori.JMedMicrobiol2006,55,1009-15.(賈繼輝通訊作者,IF=2. 272 )
10. Qu W(山東大學2009屆博士生曲偉),Zhou Y,Shao C,Sun Y,Zhang Q,Chen C,Jia J*. Helicobacter pylori proteins response to nitric oxide stress.JMicrobiol2009;47⑷:486-89. (賈繼輝通訊作者,IF=2. 05 )
11. Zhao D(山東大學2010屆博士生趙大鵬),Liu Z,Ding J,Li W,Sun Y,Yu H,Zhou Y,Zeng J,Chen C,Jia J*.Helicobacter pylori CagA upregulation of CIP2A is dependent on Src and MEK/ERK pathways.J Med Microbiol.59,2010,259-265.(賈繼輝通訊作者,IF=2.272)
12.Liu S(山東大學2010屆博士生劉爽),Sun Y,Li W,Yu H,Li X,Liu Z,Zeng J,Zhou Y,Chen C,Jia J*.Theantibacterialmode of action of allitridi for its potential use as a therapeutic agent against Helicobacter pylori infection.FEMS Microbiol Lett.2009 Dec 3. [Epub ahead of print](賈繼輝通訊作者,IF=2. 021)
13.Qu W(山東大學2009屆博士生曲偉),Zhou Y,Sun Y,Fang M,Yu H,Li W,Liu Z,Zeng J,Chen C,Gao C,Jia J. Identification of S-nitrosylation of proteins of Helicobacter pylori in response to nitric oxide stress. J Microbiol.2011 Apr;49⑵:251-6. (賈繼輝通訊作者,IF=2. 05 )
14.Zhao Y(山東大學2011屆博士生趙英會),Zhou Y,Sun Y,Yu A,Yu H,Li W,Liu Z,Zeng J,Li X,Chen C,Jia J. Virulence factor cytotoxin-associated gene A in Helicobacter pylori is downregulated by interferon-γin vitro. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol.2011 Feb;61⑴:76-83.(賈繼輝通訊作者,IF=2. 335)
15.Liu J,Wang X,Zhou G,Wang H,Xiang L,Cheng Y,Liu W,Wang Y,Jia J(賈繼輝),Zhao W. Cancerous inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A is overexpressed in cervical cancer and upregulated by human papillomavirus 16 E7 oncoprotein. Gynecol Oncol.2011 May 14. [Epub ahead of print]
16. Strååt K,Liu C,Rahbar A,Zhu Q,Liu L,Wolmer-Solberg N,Lou F,Liu Z,Shen J,Jia J(賈繼輝),Kyo S,Björkholm M,Sjöberg J,Söderberg-Nauclér C,Xu D. Activation of telomerase by human cytomegalovirus.J Natl Cancer Inst.2009 Apr 1;101⑺:488-97. Epub 2009 Mar 24. (IF=15. 678 )
17.Kong L,Yu XP,Bai XH,Zhang WF,Zhang Y,Zhao WM,Jia JH(賈繼輝),Tang W,Zhou YB,Liu CJ.RbAp48 is a critical mediator controlling the transforming activity of human papillomavirus type 16 in cervical cancer.J Biol Chem.2007,7;282(36):26381-91.(IF= 5. 581)