1993年破格晉升為中科院感光化學研究所副研究員,1995年兼任墨西哥聯邦套用化學研究中心研究員A。1996年破格晉升為中科院感光化學研究所研究員。2000-2004年任日本政府特別研究員和前沿研究系統研究員(理化學研究所(RIKEN))。2004年底入選中科院“引進國外傑出人才”計畫(百人計畫),現為中科院理化技術研究所研究員、博士生導師,兼任日本理化學研究所前沿研究系統研究員。長期致力於光化學和材料化學研究,尤其與先進材料有關的納米科學和技術的研究。在國內外核心刊物上發表論文九十餘篇,申請專利18項(11項中國發明專利,5項日本國發明專利,1項美國發明專利,1項歐洲發明專利),其中部分工作被美國材料學會會刊(MRS Bulletin)、日本產經新聞、科學時報、國內外重要網站等報導和評論。曾獲中國科學院優秀青年和中央國家機關優秀青年等稱號、英國皇家化學會和化工學會獎勵、墨西哥聯邦科學技術委員會Fellowship、日本政府STA Fellowship、理化學研究所(RIKEN)前沿研究系統研究獎及若干學術報告獎。
[1]J. He, et al, Ultrafine platinum nanoparticles in zirconia nanofilms: Preparation and thermal stability, Chemical Physics Letters
[2]X. Liu and J. He*,Hierarchically Structured Porous Films of Silica Hollow Spheres via Layer-by-Layer Assembly and Their Superhydrophilic and Antifogging Properties, ChemPhysChem
[3]X. Du and J. He*, Facile size-controllable syntheses of highly monodisperse polys tyrene nano-and microspheres by polyvinylpyrrolidone-med iated emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization, J. Appl. Polym. Sci
[4]H. Chen, J. He*, et al,Self-Assembly of Novel Mesoporous Manganese Oxide Nanostructures and Their Application in Oxidative Decomposition of Formaldehyde,J. Phys. Chem
[5]H. Chen and J. He*,Self-assembly of Birnessite Manganese Dioxide into Monodisperse Honeycomb and Hollow Nanospheres,Chem. Lett
[6]H. Chen, J. He*,Rapid evaporation-induced synthesis of monodisperse budded silica spheres J. Colloid Interface Sci
[7]X. Liu and J. He*,Hierarchically structured superhydrophilic coatings fabricated by self-assembling raspberry- like silica nanospheres, J. Colloid Interface Sci
[8]J. He, et al, Fabrication of Metal-Nanoparticle/Carbon-Fiber Composites having a Microtube-array Morphology, J. Nanoparticle Research
[9]J. He and X. Liu, Biomimetic Synthesis of Hierarchically Porous Materials and Their Stabilization Effects on Metal Nanoparticles, Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology
[10] X. Chen, J. He, et al, “Novel In Situ Fabrication of Chestnut-Like Carbon Nanotube Spheres from Polypropylene and Nickel Formate”, J.Phys. Chem
[11] J. He, et al, “Formation of Silver Nanoparticles and Nanocraters on Silicon Wafers”
[12] C. Li, J. He, et al, “Easy Replication of Pueraria Lobata toward Hierarchically Ordered Porous γ-Al2O3“
[13] S. Onoue, J. He, et al, “An Easy Approach to Fabrication of Silica Nanofibers/Nanotubes via Wrapping Sacrificial Cd(OH)2 Nanostrands”, Chem. Lett.
[14] J. He, et al, “Fabrication of Gold Nanosheet and Nanowire by Oxygen Plasma Induced Fusion of Densely Arrayed Nanoparticles”, Chem. Lett.
[15] J. He, et al, “Are Ceramic Nanofilms a Soft Matter?”
[16] J. He, et al, “Fabrication of Metal-Nanoparticle/Carbon-Fiber Composites having a Microtube-array Morphology”, J.Nanoparticle Research 2006, accepted.
[17] S. Liu, et al, “Facile Fabrication of Porous Titania Microtube Arrays by Replication of Human Hair”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc
[18] J. He, T. Kunitake, “In Situ Fabrication of Metal Nanoparticles in Solid Matrices”, in Nanocrystals Forming Mesoscopic Structures, edited by M-P. Pileni, 2005, Wiley-VCH.
[19] J. He, et al, “Porous and Nonporous Ag Nanostructures Fabricated using Cellulose Fiber as Template”, Chem. Commun.
[20] J. He, et al, “Preparation and Thermal Stability of Gold Nanoparticles in Silk-Templated Porous Filaments of Titania and Zirconia.”, Chem. Mater
[21] J. He, et al, “Facile Fabrication of Composites of Platinum Nanoparticles and Amorphous Carbon Films by Catalyzed Carbonization of Cellulose Fibers”
[22] J. He,et al, “Facile Fabrication of Ag-Pd Bimetallic Nanoparticles in Ultrathin TiO2-Gel Films: Nanoparticle Morphology and Catalytic Activity”, J. Am. Chem.Soc.
[23] J. He, et al, “Facile In Situ Synthesis of Noble Metal Nanoparticles in Porous Cellulose Fibers”, Chem. Mater.
[24] J. He, et al, “Preparation of Porous and Non-porous Silica Nanofilms from Aqueous Sodium Silicate”, Chem. Mater
[25] J. He, et al, “Reversible Conversion of Nanoparticles of Metallic Silver and Silver Oxide in Ultrathin Films: A Chemical Transformation in Nano-space”
[26] J. He, et al, “In-situ Synthesis of Noble Metal Nanoparticles in Ultrathin TiO2-Gel Films by Combination of Ion Exchange and Reductive Processes”, Langmuir
[27] J. He, et al, “A General, Efficient Method of Incorporation of Metal Ions into Ultrathin TiO2 Films”, Chem. Mater
[28] T. Kunitake, I. Ichinose, M. Hashizume, J. He, J. Huang, S. Fujikawa, “Recent Developments in the Surface Sol-Gel Process”, in Nanotechnology Toward the Organic Photonics, edited by H. Sasabe
[29] J. He, et al, “Imprinting of Coordination Geometry in Ultrathin Films via the Surface Sol-Gel Process”, Chem. Lett.
承擔科研項目情況: 三、主要在研項目 1) 中科院理化技術所引進人才項目 2) 中科院院長基金項目 3) 國家自然科學基金面上基金項目 4)中科院“引進國外傑出人才”計畫(百人計畫)項目 5)973重大研究計畫 6)中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目 7)橫向項目