《識骨尋蹤KATHYREICHS》是一本Kathy Reichs編制,由Oversea Publishing House在 2010年出版的書籍。



Kathy Reichs

Kathy Reichs的第一部小說《Déjà Dead》就已經榮登紐約時代周刊的暢銷書榜單,並榮獲1997年Ellis獎的最佳處女作。這讓Kathy Reichs聲名遐邇。她的後續,以Temperance Brennan為主角的小說還包括《Death du Jour》,《Deadly Décisions》, 《Fatal Voyage》,《Grave Secrets》,《Bare Bones》,《Monday Mourning》,《Cross Bones》,《Break No Bones》,《Bones to Ashes》,《Devil Bones》,《206 Bones》,《Spider Bones》,《Flash and Bones》,《Bones Are Forever》。而在《Virals》和《Seizure》里,兩個新人物被創造出來,繼續了Temperance Brennan侄女(侄子?)的歷程。Dr. Reich也是美國Fox TV熱劇《Bones》的製片人。而劇里的故事就是根據她的工作和小說改編的。

Kathy Reichs是一位法醫人類學家,她教授過FBI探員如何觀察和復原人類遺骸,在她蒙特婁的實驗室分離並鑑定支離破碎的屍體,她還把她豐富的工作經驗編入了暢銷法醫小說。她曾經在北卡羅來納州的Office of the Chief Medical Examiner擔任了很多年的顧問,然後在魁北克省的Laboratoire de Sciences Judiciaires et de Médecine Légale擔任顧問。Dr.Reichs曾去過盧安達,並在聯合國特別法庭上作證盧安達的大屠殺。她在瓜地馬拉參與挖掘過萬人坑。她還在JPAC(前身是CILHI參與鑑定二戰、韓國、東南亞戰爭的戰後遺體。Dr.Reichs在911恐怖攻擊之後參與了從雙子塔下挖掘出的遺骸鑑定工作。

Dr.Reichs是美國僅有的82名由American Board of Forensic Anthropology認可法醫人類學家之一。她在American Academy of Forensic Sciences和American Board of Forensic Anthropology擔任董事會委員兼副主席。她現在是加拿大the National Police Services Advisory Council成員。她還是北卡羅來納大學,夏洛特分校人類學系的教授。



The #1 New York Times bestselling author and producer of the Fox television hit, Bones, returns with a spectacular new Tempe Brennan novel.

There are 206 bones in the human body. Forensic anthropologists know them intimately, can read in them stories of brief or long lives and use them to reconstruct every kind of violent end. 206 Bones opens with Tempe regaining consciousness and discovering that she is in some kind of very small, very dark, very cold enclosed space. She is bound, hands to feet. Who wants Tempe dead, or at least out of the way, and why? Tempe begins slowly to reconstruct...

Tempe and Lieutenant Ryan had accompanied the recently discovered remains of a missing heiress from Montreal to the Chicago morgue. Suddenly, Tempe was accused of mishandling the autopsy -- and the case. Someone made an incriminating phone call. Within hours, the one man with information about the call was dead. Back in Montreal, the corpse of a second elderly woman was found in the woods, and then a third.

Seamlessly weaving between Tempe's present-tense terror as she's held captive and her memory of the cases of these murdered women, Reichs conveys the incredible devastation that would occur if a forensic colleague sabotaged work in the lab. The chemistry between Tempe and Ryan intensifies as this complex, riveting tale unfolds. Reichs is writing at the top of her game.





